Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Schema Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core Namespace : Schema Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by Schema.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAppManagerProviderThe provider of the application-level schema manager.  
Public PropertyCaptionSchema header.  
Public PropertyCreatedInVersionCreated in the product version.  
Public PropertyDenyExtendingForbid the substitution.  
Public PropertyDescriptionDescription of the schema.  
Public PropertyExtendParent  
Public PropertyHasMethodsA sign that the schema has methods.  
Public PropertyIsAggregated  
Public PropertyIsCoreSchemaFlag if the schema is a system schema.  
Public PropertyIsInitializedDetermines if the schema is initialized.  
Public PropertyItemsSequentiallyNumberedFlag of generation a sequential schema name.  
Public PropertyLocalizableStringsCollection of localizable schema strings.  
Public PropertyManagerItemSchema view.  
Public PropertyMethodsCollection of methods of the schema.  
Public PropertyPackageUIdThe unique identifier of the package.  
Public PropertyReferenceSchemaUIdsA collection of schema identifiers referenced by the schema.  
Public PropertyResourceManagerThe schema resource manager.  
Public PropertySchemaManagerSchema manager.  
Public PropertySchemaManagerItemSchema view.  
Public PropertySchemaManagerProviderThe provider of the configuration level schema manager.  
Public PropertySchemaNamePrefixThe prefix of the name of the object.  
Public PropertyStorageA schema resource storage.  
Public PropertySystemUserConnectionSystem user connection.  
Public PropertyUsingsA collection of namespaces used by the schema.  

Public Methods

Public MethodGenerateItemCaptionGenerates a sequential schema header using the specified index and the class definition of the development time object.  
Public MethodGenerateItemUniqueIndexGenerates a unique index of the element for given prefix.  
Public MethodGetIsNamePrefixValidChecks if the prefix of the object name matches the prefix specified in the "Prefix for object name” system setting .  
Public MethodGetLocalizableValuesOverloaded.   
Public MethodGetMetaItemsFills the passed collection with meta items of the current schema.  
Public MethodGetParentRealUIds  
Public MethodGetResourceManagerNameOverridden.   
Public MethodGetSchemaReferencesGets a collection of references to assemblies that are required to compile the schema.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetShemaResourceManagerName  
Public MethodHandleNameChangingOverridden. Updates the names of all localizable properties of the schema when it is renamed.  
Public MethodInitializeLocalizableValuesOverloaded.   
Public MethodInitializePrimaryInfoInitializes primary properties of the schema.  
Public MethodLoadLocalizableValuesLoads values for localized schema elements.  
Public MethodReInitializeLocalizableValuesPerforms reinitialization of localized schema values from the specified group of the specified resource manager.  
Public MethodRenameLocalizedPropertyUpdates the name of the specified localizable schema property when the schema is renamed.  
Public MethodSetDefInheritanceSets the current schema identifier as the parent for all schema elements that do not have a parent schema identifier.  
Public MethodSetLocalizedPropertyValue  
Public MethodSetUniqueNameAndCaptionForItemOverloaded.   
Public MethodWriteMetaDataOverridden. Records schema metadata using the Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter instance.  

See Also

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