Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.Core Namespace
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Glossary Item Box


ClassAppConfigurationException Exception class for application configuration errors.
ClassBaseExtraPropertyCollection<TProperty> Base collection for extra items of the property.
ClassClientUnitSchemaManagerItemDescriptor Descriptor of the schema object manager.
ClassDateTimeProvider Provides methods to work with date and time.
ClassDuplicateBindingException Exception is thrown when there are bindings with several implementations for one service.
ClassEntitySchemaManagerItem The item of the entity schema manager.
ClassFileDesignModeSection FileDesignModeSection serializer
ClassFileSystemEnabledSchemaManager<TSchemaManagerSchema> Base class of manager which works with schemas in file system.
ClassGlobalAppSettings Application settings.
ClassHierarchySchemaInfo Class represents data of the schema hierarchy.
ClassLicData Provides properties of instance manager element.
ClassLicManager Represents class for the license manager.
ClassLicManagerItem License manager item.
ClassLicManagerItemCollection License manager item collection.
ClassManager<TItem,TInstance> Manager.
ClassManagerItem<TInstance> Manager item.
ClassManagerItemCollection<TItem> Collection of the manager items.
ClassMetaDataTextDataValueType Type for storing text in metadata (not in resource storage).
ClassPerformanceLogger The performance logger class.
ClassPersistentStoreDBProvider Database provider of persistent data storage.
ClassProcessEngineConstants The class for the process engine constants.
ClassProcessEngineUtilities The utility class for the process engine.
ClassProcessParameterValidateException The class for process parameter value validation exception.
ClassProcessParameterValueException Provides the exception for Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessParameterValueProvider.
ClassProcessRunBySignalException Exception is thrown while process was run by signal.
ClassProcessSchemaIsNotEnabledException Exception is thrown when process schema was not enabled.
ClassProcessSchemaIsNotPublishedException Exception is thrown when trying to use not published compiled process.
ClassProcessSchemaNotValidException Exception is thrown when process schema is not valid.
ClassSchema Base class of the schema.
ClassSchemaColumnsInfoDataReader Provides methods for getting information about entity schema columns.
ClassSchemaManager<TSchemaManagerSchema> Base class of schema manager.
ClassSchemaManagerItem<TSchemaManagerSchema> Schema manager item.
ClassSchemaManagerItemActionEventArgs Base class for classes that contain state data for the schema manager events.
ClassSchemaManagerItemAfterAddEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event after adding a manager item.
ClassSchemaManagerItemAfterRemoveEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event after deleting a manager item.
ClassSchemaManagerItemAfterSaveEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event after saving a manager item.
ClassSchemaManagerItemBeforeAddEventArgs Provides data about status for event before adding a manager item.
ClassSchemaManagerItemBeforeRemoveEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event before deleting of a manager item.
ClassSchemaManagerItemBeforeSaveEventArgs Provides data about the status for the event before saving of a manager item.
ClassSchemaManagerItemCollection<TSchemaManagerSchema> Manager items collection.
ClassSchemaManagerItemDescriptor Descriptor of the schema manager.
ClassSchemaManagerItemInfo Schema manager item info class.
ClassSerializableObjectUtilities Privides methods to serialize and deserialize Terrasoft.Common.ISerializableObject instances using Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter and Terrasoft.Common.DataReader api.
ClassSetSchemaPropertyException Exception thrown when setting a property value of the schema fails.
ClassSysSettingRuleUtilities Used by system settings rules.
ClassSysUserPropertyHelper SysUserProperty helper class.
ClassTimeZoneUtilities Represents methods to work with time zones.
ClassTryDistributedLockException Exception is thrown when can not get distributed lock object.
ClassUserProperty The class for the user properties.
ClassUserPropertyCollection The collection of the UserProperty items.
ClassValidateExpressionException Exception class for expression validation.


InterfaceIAppInfo Provides properties with information about application.
InterfaceIDateTimeProvider Provides methods to work with date and time.
InterfaceIDistributedLock Provides synchronization mechanism between nodes in a distributed environment.
InterfaceIHaveUserConnection Indicates that current instance has UserConnection setter.
InterfaceILicManager Defines methods and properties for the license manager.
InterfaceIManager Provides methods and properties of the manager.
InterfaceIManager<TItem,TInstance> Parameterized interface of the IManager class.
InterfaceIManagerItem Provides properties of manager item.
InterfaceIManagerItem<TInstance> Provides properties of the manager item of the specified type.
InterfaceIManagerItemCollection<TItem> Collection of the manager items.
InterfaceIManagerItemInstance Provides properties of manager item instance.
InterfaceIMetaDataSerializer The interface of the metadata schema serializer.
InterfaceISchemaColumnsInfoDataReader Provides functionality to getting information about schema columns.
InterfaceISchemaManager Interface of the schema manager.
InterfaceISchemaManagerItem Interface of schema manager item.
InterfaceISchemaManagerItem<TSchemaManagerSchema> Typed interface of the item.
InterfaceISchemaManagerSchema<TSchemaManagerSchema> Typed interface of schemas if the schema manager.
InterfaceISchemaMethod Method schema interface
InterfaceISysUserPropertyHelper SysUserProperty helper interface.


StructureSysSettingRule System setting rule.


EnumerationSysSettingRuleOperation Operation of the system setting rule.
EnumerationSysSettingRuleType System setting rule type.

See Also

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