Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
SubProcessProxy Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Process Namespace : SubProcessProxy Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by SubProcessProxy.

Public Properties

Public PropertyActivatedEventElementsOverridden. Gets a collection of the activated events.  
Public PropertyCaptionOverridden. Gets or sets the caption.  
Public PropertyCreatedInSchemaUIdOverridden. Gets or sets unique identifier of the owner process schema where the current element has been created.  
Public PropertyExecutedEventHandlerOverridden. Gets or sets event handler. It is triggered when current process element has been executed.  
Public PropertyExecutionResultOverridden. Gets or sets value that represents execution result of the current process element.  
Public PropertyFlowElementsOverridden. Gets a set of the process elements that were executed or are required to execute.  
Public PropertyInstanceUIdOverridden. Gets string value that represents unique identifier of the current process.  
Public PropertyInternalContextOverridden. Gets or sets instance of the ProcessExecutingContext type.  
Public PropertyIsEmbeddedOverridden. Gets value that determines whether it is embedded process.  
Public PropertyIsExecutedOverridden. Gets or sets value that indicates whether the current process element is executed.  
Public PropertyIsLoggingOverridden. Gets or sets value that indicates whether the current process element is needed to write in Log.  
Public PropertyIsProcessExecutedByServiceOverridden. Gets or sets value that determines whether the current process is started by service.  
Public PropertyIsProcessExecutedBySignalOverridden. Gets or sets value that determines whether the current process is started by signal.  
Public PropertyIsSavedOverridden. Gets or sets value that determines whether it is embedded process.  
Public PropertyIsShownExecutionPageOverridden. Gets or sets value that determines whether it can show execution page.  
Public PropertyLoopCounterOverridden. Gets or sets number of process element repetitions.  
Public PropertyMaxLoopCountOverridden. Gets maximum number of process repetitions.  
Public PropertyMetaPathParameterValuesOverridden. Gets a collection of keys and values, where key is the metapath and value is delegate.  
Public PropertyNameOverridden. Gets or sets the name.  
Public PropertyOwnerOverridden. Gets or sets owner process.  
Public PropertyOwnerUIdOverridden. Gets or sets the unique identifier of owner process instance.  
Public PropertyParameterValueProviderOverridden. Gets the family of algorithms that are used to obtain the values of the process parameters.  
Public PropertyPreviousFlowElementsOverridden. Gets or sets a set of previous elements of the process.  
Public PropertyProcessLaneOverridden. Gets or sets lane of the process.  
Public PropertyProcessSchemaOverridden. Gets the process schema.  
Public PropertyProcessTypeOverridden. Gets or sets the class type of the current process.  
Public PropertyResultOverridden. Gets or sets result of the current process execution.  
Public PropertySchemaOverridden. Gets or sets the schema.  
Public PropertySchemaElementUIdOverridden. Gets or sets unique identifier of the schema element.  
Public PropertySchemaManagerOverridden. Gets instance that implements the Terrasoft.Core.ISchemaManager interface.  
Public PropertySchemaManagerNameOverridden. Gets or sets name of schema manager.  
Public PropertySchemaUIdOverridden. Gets or sets unique identifier of the schema element.  
Public PropertySerializeToDBOverridden. Gets or sets value that indicates whether the current process element is needed to serialize in DB.  
Public PropertySerializeToMemoryOverridden. Gets or sets value that determines whether it is required to serialize the current process in memory.  
Public PropertyStartDateOverridden. Gets or sets date and time of the day when the current process has been started.  
Public PropertyStatusOverridden. Gets or sets the execution state.  
Public PropertyStorageOverridden. Gets or sets instance that provides functionality for storing and retrieving resource managers.  
Public PropertyThrowEventsOverridden. Gets a set of events that are required to trigger.  
Public PropertyTypeOverridden. Gets or sets the name of the current member type.  
Public PropertyUIdOverridden. Gets or sets the unique identifier.  
Public PropertyUserConnectionOverridden. Gets or sets the user connection.  
Public PropertyWaitingUserTasksOverridden. Gets a set of the process elements that are going to show execution page.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCancelExecutingOverridden. Cancels the executing.  
Public MethodCancelExecutionOverridden. Cancels execution of the current process.  
Public MethodCloneShallowOverridden. Creates a shallow copy of the current process.  
Public MethodCompleteExecutingOverridden. Completes executing the current process.  
Public MethodConvertToProcessDataSourceFiltersOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodDeserializeFromString<T>Overridden. Converts the specified string to an object of the specified type.  
Public MethodExecuteOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodExternalExecuteOverridden. Executes external process.  
Public MethodFindFlowElementByNameOverridden. Finds process element by its name.  
Public MethodFindFlowElementBySchemaElementUIdOverridden. Finds the flow element by schema element UId.  
Public MethodFindFlowElementByUIdOverridden. Finds process element by its unique identifier.  
Public MethodGetExecutionDataOverridden. Returns the data required to display the execution page.  
Public MethodGetFlowElementBySchemaElementUIdOverridden. Gets the flow element by schema element UId  
Public MethodGetFlowElementsByShemaElementUIdOverridden. Gets the enumerator of the flow elements founded by their schema element UId.  
Public MethodGetIsReexecutionOverridden. Returns flag that indicates if element has been executed one or more times.  
Public MethodGetLocalizableStringOverridden. Returns string value that depends on the current culture info.  
Public MethodGetParameterValueOverridden. Returns parameter value.  
Public MethodGetParameterValueByMetaPathOverridden. Gets the process parameter value by meta path.  
Public MethodGetParameterValuesOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodGetParentProcessOverridden. Returns instance of the main process.  
Public MethodGetPropertiesDataOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodGetResultAllowedValuesOverridden. Gets the result allowed values.  
Public MethodGetResultParameterAllowedValuesOverridden. Returns allowed values of the result parameter.  
Public MethodGetResultParameterAllValuesOverridden. Returns values of the result parameters.  
Public MethodGetSchemaElementOverridden. Returns owner schema element.  
Public MethodInitializeFlowElementPropertiesOverridden. Method must be implemented in derived classes.  
Public MethodReadPropertiesDataOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodReadPropertiesDataFromDBOverridden. Reads state of the current process from DB.  
Public MethodReadPropertiesDataFromMemoryOverridden. Reads state of the current process from memory.  
Public MethodReadPropertiesDataFromOwnerOverridden. Reads the properties data from owner process data stream.  
Public MethodSerializeToStringOverridden. Serializes the specified value.  
Public MethodThrowEventOverridden. Throws event.  
Public MethodTryGetPerformerOverridden. Attempts to get performer user.  
Public MethodWritePropertiesDataOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodWritePropertiesDataToDBOverridden. Writes state of the current process to DB.  
Public MethodWritePropertiesDataToMemoryOverridden. Writes state of the current process to memory.  
Public MethodWritePropertiesDataToOwnerOverridden. Writes the properties data to owner process data stream.  

See Also

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