Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.Core.Process Namespace (Terrasoft.Core)
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Glossary Item Box


ClassActualizeFormulaResultInfo The result information after formula parameter validation.
ClassBaseFlowSchemaGenerator<T> Base class for the flow schema generator.
ClassBaseProcessSchema Represents base class for the process diagram.
ClassBaseProcessSchemaElement Represents base class for the process diagram elements.
ClassBaseProcessSchemaFactoryMetaItemCollection<T> Represents collection of items of the meta data.
ClassBaseProcessSchemaItem Represents base class for the process items.
ClassBaseProcessSchemaManager<TBaseProcessSchema> Represents base class for the process manager.
ClassBaseProcessSchemaManagerItem<TBaseProcessSchema> The base class for the process schema manager item.
ClassBpmnElementVocabulary The types of the flow elements.
ClassConditionalSequenceFlow Represents the connection of business process elements with a condition.
ClassDynamicProcessSchemaParameter Dynamic process parameter class.
ClassEmptyProcessNotifier Provides empty methods to set up notification events.
ClassEntityUsedByProcessException Exception is thrown while entity used by the process.
ClassFlowCancellationToken Represents a "virtual" element, that is placed after each intermediate signal in case of ExclusiveEventBasedGateway existance.
ClassFlowConditionalGateway The base class for BPMN elements that contain conditional flows.
ClassFlowElement Represents the element of the business process.
ClassFlowEngine Represents a class that initiates the start of the business process and initializes all the necessary components for its execution.
ClassFlowEngineStateService Manages the data of processes previously running in the system.
ClassFlowExclusiveGateway Represents the "Exclusive OR" element of the business process.
ClassFlowInclusiveGateway Represents the "Inclusive OR" element of the business process.
ClassFlowIntermediateCatchMessage Represents the "Wait for message” element of the business process.
ClassFlowIntermediateMessageEvent Represents the base class of business process elements that generate and process messages.
ClassFlowIntermediateThrowMessage Represents the "Throw message" element of the business process.
ClassFlowParallelGateway Represents the “AND” element of the business process.
ClassFlowSchema Business process schema.
ClassFlowSchemaGenerator The generator for the business process schema.
ClassFlowSchemaGeneratorResult Represents data of the flow schema generation results.
ClassFlowService The BPMN diagram handler and the executor of business process elements.
ClassFlowStartMessage Represents the "Start message" element of the business process.
ClassFlowVisitor Responsible for the transition between the elements of the process.
ClassLocalizableParameterValue Class represents partially localizable value of the process parameter.
ClassLocalizableParameterValues Dictionary of partially localizable values of process parameters.
ClassLocalizableParameterValuesJsonConverter Class represents Json converter of the dictionary of the partially localizable values of process parameters.
ClassLocalizableParameterValuesList List of partially localizable values of process parameters.
ClassMessageQueueManager A queue class that implements the IMessageQueueManager interface.
ClassProcessBasedSchema Base class of the schema that contains an embedded process.
ClassProcessComponentSet Represents a set of process components that are required to run it.
ClassProcessComponentSetStrategy Defines behavior of ProcessComponentSet instance.
ClassProcessConvertorUtilities Class provides utility methods for converting.
ClassProcessDescriptor Represents the status of process.
ClassProcessElementNotification Represents data of the process element notification event.
ClassProcessFormulaScriptTask Flow element for formula.
ClassProcessModel Provides access to the values of process instance parameters and methods of business process elements with user's scripts.
ClassProcessNotifier Provides methods to set up notification events.
ClassProcessParameterInfo Provides the data for the parameter of the business process.
ClassProcessParameterMapInfo Represents the binding information of the parameter value to the business process parameter.
ClassProcessParameterMemoryStore In memory store for process parameter values.
ClassProcessParameterValueProvider Class represents methods for evaluating and validating parameter values.
ClassProcessSchemaManagerItem Process schema manager item.
ClassProcessSchemaNestedParameterCollection Represent collection on nested parameters.
ClassProcessSchemaParametrizedFlowNode Represents the “process schema parametrized flow node” class.
ClassProcessSchemaStartTimerEvent Represents process schema start timer event element.
ClassProcessSchemaWebService Represents class for the web service element of the business process diagram.
ClassProcessServiceProvider Represents a class that is responsible for initializing components that are needed to execute processes.
ClassProcessValidationResult Represents the results of the analysis on the possibility of interpreting the process diagram.
ClassProcessWebService Represents a process web service.
ClassQueueEmulator Represents a class that imitates the work of a queue.
ClassQueueEmulatorItem Represents a class that implements the ability to communicate with a simulated queue.
ClassScriptEngine A class that implements the creation of a session to execute expressions.
ClassSequenceFlow Represents the connection of business process elements.
ClassSubProcessProxy Base class for sub process elements in compiled process.
ClassTaskService Represents a service for executing process components that require access to data and interaction with the user.
ClassTaskServiceQueueItem Represents a queue element for communicating with the service of business process task execution.
ClassTaskServiceSettings Represents the settings that are required to create the TaskService instance.
ClassTimerEventInfo Describes timer event info.


InterfaceIBaseProcessSchemaElements The interface for the process schema base elements.
InterfaceIBaseProcessSchemaManager The interface for the process schema manager base class.
InterfaceIBaseProcessSchemaManagerItem Represents manager item of the base process schema.
InterfaceIProcessDataContractFilterConverter Represents interface for DataContract filter converter.
InterfaceIProcessDataSourceFiltersConverter The interface for the data sources converter in process elements.
InterfaceIProcessElementMetaInfo Represents meta info of the process element.
InterfaceIProcessMetaDataSynchronizer Synchronizer for process meta data.
InterfaceIProcessModel Provides access to process instance methods.
InterfaceIProcessNotifier Provides methods to set up notification events.
InterfaceIProcessParametersMetaInfo Represents meta info of the process parameters.
InterfaceIProcessParameterStore The interface for storing the process parameters data.
InterfaceIProcessValidationResult Represents validation info about the process schema.
InterfaceIScriptSession The interface of the script class.
InterfaceIWebServiceUserTask Provides the functionality of the web service user task.


DelegateExpressionConverter Defines the method signature for the expression conversion.
DelegateProcessValidationRule Process schema validation delegate.


EnumerationConditionEvalStrategy The strategy for calculating a set of conditional flows for Gateway elements.
EnumerationExecutionMode Modes of execution of the business process schema.
EnumerationLocalizableParameterValuesJsonConverterBehavior Behavior of Json converter Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConverter for dictionary with partially localizable values of process parameters.
EnumerationStartTimerEventExpresionType Type of expression.
EnumerationTaskServiceQueueItemType Message types for the TaskService.
EnumerationTimerMisfireInstructionType Type of misfire instruction.

See Also

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