Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
IProcessParameterStore Interface Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Process Namespace : IProcessParameterStore Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by IProcessParameterStore.

Public Methods

 MethodContainsParameterPathDetermines whether a parameter path is in the repository.  
 MethodFindParameterInfoFinds for process parameter data.  
 MethodFindParameterValueExtracts the value of any type by generated key. The key is generated based on the value of the processUId Id and the value of the parameterPath parameter.  
 MethodGetParameterInfoReturns the data of the process parameter. If no data is found, an exception is thrown.  
 MethodGetParameterInfoPathesReturns the set of paths by which you can retrieve data of the process parameter.  
 MethodGetParametersMapInfoReturns the process parameters association table.  
 MethodGetParameterValueExtracts the value of any type by generated key. The key is generated based on the value of the processUId Id and the value of the parameterPath parameter.  
 MethodGetProcessParameterPathesReturns the set of paths by which you can retrieve the values of the process parameters.  
 MethodRemoveParametersInfoDeletes all parameter data of the specified process.  
 MethodRemoveParameterValuesDeletes all parameter values of the specified process.  
 MethodSaveParameterInfoSaves the parameter data of the specified process.  
 MethodSaveParametersInfoSaves data for the parameters of the specified process.  

See Also

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