Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
FlowEngineStateService Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Process Namespace : FlowEngineStateService Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by FlowEngineStateService.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorFlowEngineStateService ConstructorCreates a new instance of the FlowEngineStateService type.  

Public Methods

Public MethodContainsParameterPath  
Public MethodFindFlowSchemaFinds the flow schema according to the specified identifier.  
Public MethodFindFlowVisitorFinds the process visitor for the specified process unique identifier.  
Public MethodFindParameterInfoFinds for process parameter data.  
Public MethodFindParameterValue  
Public MethodFindProcessComponentSetFinds for a set of process components by a given identifier.  
Public MethodGetFlowSchemaReturns flow schema by a given identifier. If a schema is not found, an exception is thrown.  
Public MethodGetParameterInfoReturns the data of the process parameter. If no data is found, an exception is thrown.  
Public MethodGetParameterInfoPathesReturns the set of paths by which you can retrieve data of the process parameter.  
Public MethodGetParametersMapInfoReturns the process parameters association table.  
Public MethodGetParameterValue  
Public MethodGetProcessComponentSetFinds for a set of process components by a given identifier. If the component set is not found, an exception is thrown.  
Public MethodGetProcessParameterPathesReturns the set of paths by which you can retrieve the values of the process parameters.  
Public MethodRemoveFlowSchemaRemoves a flow schema from the repository.  
Public MethodRemoveFlowVisitorRemoves a visitor from the repository.  
Public MethodRemoveParametersInfoDeletes all parameter data of the specified process.  
Public MethodRemoveParameterValues  
Public MethodRemoveProcessComponentSetRemoves a set of process components from the repository.  
Public MethodSaveFlowSchemaSaves a flow schema in the repository.  
Public MethodSaveFlowVisitorSaves a visitor in the repository.  
Public MethodSaveParameterInfoSaves the parameter data of the specified process.  
Public MethodSaveParametersInfoSaves data for the parameters of the specified process.  
Public MethodSaveProcessComponentSetSaves a set of process components in the repository.  
Public MethodSetParameterValueOverloaded.   
Public MethodTryGetParameterValueOverloaded.   

See Also

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