Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
FlowElement Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Process Namespace : FlowElement Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by FlowElement.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorFlowElement ConstructorInitializes the FlowElement instance using the FlowSchema process schema and the BPMN name of the business process item.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyBpmnElementNameGets the BPMN name of the business process item.  
Public PropertyFlowSchemaReturns an instance of the FlowSchema business process schema.  
Public PropertyFlowServiceThe messaging service FlowService.  
Public PropertyIsUsedInEventSubProcessA flag that is used in the event subprocess.  
Public PropertyNameGets and sets the name of the business process item.  
Public PropertyParameterPathesList of ways to values of process parameters.  
Public PropertyParameterStoreThe storage of the parameters of the IProcessParameterStore business process.  
Public PropertyUIdGets and sets the ID of the business process item.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAcceptProcess the element of the business process.  
Public MethodCloneCreates a copy of an instance of a business process item.  
Public MethodEqualsDetermines whether the given FlowElement instance and the specified System.Object instance have the same values.  
Public MethodGetHashCodeReturns a hash code for an entity.  
Public MethodReadPropertiesReads the properties of the business process with the Terrasoft.Common.DataReader specified instance.  
Public MethodWritePropertiesWrites the properties of the business process with the Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter specified instance.  

Public Events

Public EventVisitedAn event that occurs when an item has been processed.  

See Also

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