Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
BaseProcessSchema Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Process Namespace : BaseProcessSchema Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by BaseProcessSchema.

Public Properties

Public PropertyBpmnElementNameReturns the name of the business process element BPMN.  
Public PropertyEntitySchemaUIdGets entity schema identifier.  
Public PropertyIsActiveVersionGets the value indicating whether this schema is active.  
Public PropertyIsDeliveredGets the value indicating whether this schema is delivered.  
Public PropertyIsInterpretableGets or sets flag that indicates whether the process can be interpreted.  
Public PropertyIsLogging  
Public PropertyIsTracingProcess is in tracing mode.  
Public PropertyIsValidFlag defines whether the current schema is valid.  
Public PropertyManagerOverridden. Gets instance that implements the Terrasoft.Core.IManager interface.  
Public PropertyMappings  
Public PropertyMaxLoopCount  
Public PropertyNotificationCaptionGet schema parameter that represents the caption of process notification.  
Public PropertyParentSchemaUIdGets or sets UId of the parent schema.  
Public PropertySerializeToDBGets or sets flag that indicates whether the process needs to be serialized to DB.  
Public PropertySerializeToMemory  
Public PropertyVersionGets or sets the version of the current schema.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCreateProcessCreates new process instance for current schema.  
Public MethodForceGetParametersForcibly gets process parameters.  
Public MethodGetLocalizableValuesOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodInitializeLocalizableValuesOverloaded. Overridden.   
Public MethodLoadLocalizableValuesOverridden. Loads localized schema values.  
Public MethodSynchronizeParametersSynchronizes elements parameters.  
Public MethodWriteMetaDataOverridden. Writes meta data values.  

See Also

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