Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
ISchemaManager Interface Members
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Terrasoft.Core Namespace : ISchemaManager Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ISchemaManager.

Public Properties

 PropertyAppConnectionSystem connection.  
 PropertyCompileDependenciesList of dependent managers.  
 PropertyItemCaptionCaption of manager item.  
 PropertyItemNameName of manager item.  
 PropertyResourceManagerNameName of resource manager.  

Public Methods

 MethodActualizeItemDescriptorTyped interface of the item of the schema manager.  
 MethodAddSchemaAdds schema with specified parameters to schema manager.  
 MethodCreateDesignSchemaCreates new schema with specified parent schema parentSchemaUId and in specified package packageUId.  
 MethodFillSourceCollectionLoads the source code of the specified schema to the passed-in collection.  
 MethodFindDesignItemSearches for the designed manager item with the specified identifier.  
 MethodGenerateItemUniqueCaptionGenerates the unique header of the manager item, using the specified prefix.  
 MethodGenerateItemUniqueNameGenerates the unique name of the manager item, using the specified prefix.  
 MethodGetDefSchemaUIdGets the identifier of the schema from which all base schemas of the schema manager derive.  
 MethodGetDesignItemGets the designed item with the specified identifier. If no such item is found, an exception is thrown.  
 MethodGetHashReturns the hash for this item.  
 MethodGetProcessSchemaGeneratorReturns the source code generator for schemas of all processes.  
 MethodGetReadableSchemaMetaDataTextGets the metadata text of the specified schema in a format that is easy to read.  
 MethodGetSchemaMetaDataGets metadata of the schema with the specified identifier.  
 MethodGetSchemaSourcesGets the source code of the schema with the specified identifier.  
 MethodInitializeCreates the schema manager, using specified provider and information from configuration file.  
 MethodInitializeItemInitializes the manager item with the specified identifier.  
 MethodInitializeSchemaCreates the schema instance for the type specified in the passed-in manager item. If the type of the schema of the manager item is not found, an exception is thrown.  
 MethodIsInheritedFromReturns flag that indicates if schema is inherited from specified parent schema.  
 MethodRemoveItemByUIdRemoves item with specified identifier from current schema manager.  
 MethodRemoveSchemaRemoves schema with specified id from manager.  
 MethodSaveDesignedItemFolderIdInSessionDataSaves the passed-in identifier of the catalog which contains the designed item schema with the specified identifier to the session data.  
 MethodSaveDesignedItemInSessionDataSerializes and saves the instance of the designed item with the specified identifier to the session data.  
 MethodSaveSchemaSourcesSaves the source code from the passed-in collection.  

Public Events

 EventItemAddedOccurs after adding the item to manager.  
 EventItemAddingOccurs before adding the item to manager.  
 EventItemRemovedOccurs after removing the item from manager.  
 EventItemRemovingOccurs before removing the item from manager.  
 EventItemSavedOccurs after saving the item.  
 EventItemSavingOccurs before saving the item.  

See Also

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