Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
ISchemaManagerItem Interface Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Send Feedback
Terrasoft.Core Namespace : ISchemaManagerItem Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ISchemaManagerItem.

Public Properties

 PropertyAssemblyAssembly in which the type is declared.  
 PropertyAssemblyRefCountNumber of assemblies referenced by schema item.  
 PropertyChecksumSchema manager item checksum.  
 PropertyDenyExtendingSubstitution prohibition.  
 PropertyDescriptionDescription of schema manager item.  
 PropertyDescriptorSchema manager item descriptor.  
 PropertyExtendParentExtending or substitution indicator.  
 PropertyExtraPropertiesAdditional properties collection.  
 PropertyFolderIdIdentifier of folder.  
 PropertyIsCoreSchemaDetermines if schema is a system one.  
 PropertyIsInstanceInitializedDetermines initialization status of schema manager item instance.  
 PropertyManagerNameManager name.  
 PropertyModifiedOnSchema manager item modification date.  
 PropertyPackageNameName of package in which schema manager item is declared.  
 PropertyPackagePositionPosition of package in which schema manager item is declared.  
 PropertyPackageUIdUnique identifier of package in which schema manager item is declared.  
 PropertyParentUIdIdentifier of parent item.  
 PropertyRealParentItemUIdUnique identifier of parent item of manager with UId of parent schema from creating.  
 PropertyReferenceSchemaUIdsList of schemas referenced by schema manager item.  
 PropertyResourceModifiedOnResource modification date.  
 PropertyTypeNameName of schema item type.  
 PropertyUserConnectionUser connection.  
 PropertyUserIdIdentifier of user.  
 PropertyUserPropertiesUser properties collection.  

Public Methods

 MethodGetHashReturns the hash for this item.  
 MethodInvalidateInvalidates instance.  

See Also

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