| Name | Description |
| AddColumn | Overloaded. |
| AddLookupColumn | Overloaded. |
| AddSystemLookupColumn | Adds a new column of the lookup type with using the column name and name of the system lookup schema. |
| AssignParentSchema | Sets the specified schema as parent. |
| Clone | Overridden. Gets the System.Object instance that is a clone of the current schema. |
| CloneShallow | Gets the EntitySchema instance that is a clone of the current schema without columns. |
| CreateColumnMap | |
| CreateEntity | Creates the instance of the entity described by the schema. |
| CreateEventsProcess | Overridden. |
| CreateGeneralSelect | Returns a query to retrieve all columns of the current schema, using the specified user connection. The display columns of lookups are not included in this query. |
| CreateSelect | Overloaded. |
| CreateTrackChangesInsertSelect | Returns the request to save a record to the change log if the it is kept for the schema. |
| FindPrimaryDisplayColumnName | Determines whether the current schema contains a primary display column. |
| FindSchemaColumnByMetaPath | Converts the specified meta path to column into actual path, while accounting for type of inheritance, and returns the matched column to it. |
| FindSchemaColumnByPath | Converts the specified path to column into actual path, while accounting for type of inheritance, and returns the matched column to it. |
| FindSchemaColumnPathByMetaPath | By the specified meta path to the schema column, generates the string of actual path that is built based on the type of inheritance. |
| GetDBPrimaryColumn | Returns the primary column for the current schema. If the column is not found, the exception is thrown. |
| GetDBPrimaryColumnName | Name of the primary column of the given schema in the database table. |
| GetEntitySchemaByKind | Gets the schema instance matching the specified type of the system schema. |
| GetFirstSchemaColumnNameByPath | |
| GetInactiveColumn | Returns RecordDisabled column instance. |
| GetKindSuffix | Gets the suffix associated with the type of the current schema that is used for generating unique names of database system entities. |
| GetLocalizableValues | Overloaded. Overridden. |
| GetLocalizationSchema | Returns localization schema for current schema. |
| GetMetaItems | Overridden. Fills the passed collection with all the meta-elements of the current schema. Terrasoft.Core.MetaItem. |
| GetMultiLookupPathParts | From the specified path to lookup column of the schema, generates the array of actual path strings that are built, while accounting for inheritance. |
| GetPrimaryColumnName | Returns the name of the primary column of the given schema at the database level. |
| GetPrimaryDisplayColumn | Returns the primary display column. |
| GetPrimaryDisplayColumnName | Returns the primary display column. If the same column is not specified for the schema, the exception is thrown. |
| GetResourceManagerName | Overridden. |
| GetSchemaColumnByMetaPath | Converts the specified meta path to column into actual path, while accounting for type of inheritance, and returns the matched column to it. If the column is not found, the exception is thrown. |
| GetSchemaColumnByPath | Converts the specified path to column into actual path, while accounting for type of inheritance, and returns the matched column to it. If the column is not found, the exception is thrown. |
| GetSchemaColumnFullCaptionByPath | From the specified path to column generates the full caption of column, using the specified delimiter. |
| GetSchemaColumnMetaPathByPath | From the specified actual path to column generates the string of meta path to this column. |
| GetSchemaColumnPathByMetaPath | By the specified meta path to the schema column, generates the string of actual path that is built based on the type of inheritance. |
| GetSchemaColumnReversePathByPath | From the specified path to column generates the actual path string with inverse associations. |
| GetTrackChangesInDBSchema | Returns schema for logging the current schema. |
| GetTrackChangesInDBSchemaName | Returns the schema name for logging. |
| InitializeCreatedInSchemaUId | Overridden. For the inherited columns of the given schema sets the unique identifier of the schema in which these columns have been created. |
| InitializeLocalizableValues | Overloaded. |
| InitializeModifiedInSchemaUId | Overridden. For the inherited columns of the given schema sets the unique identifier of the schema in which these columns have been modified. |
| InitializePrimaryInfo | Overridden. Initializes primary properties of the given schema. |
| InitializeRuntimeGeneratedColumns | |
| ReadMetaData | Overridden. Reads the schema from metadata, using the specified Terrasoft.Common.DataReader instance. |
| ReInitializeLocalizableValues | Overridden. Performs reinitialization of localizable values from specified group resourceGroupName in resourceManagerName resource manager. |
| SetDefInheritance | Overridden. Sets the current schema identifier as the parent for all schema elements that do not have a parent schema identifier. |
| ValidateNames | Checks current schema and its elements validity. |
| WriteMetaData | Overridden. Records schema metadata using the Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter instance. |