Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.Core.Entities Namespace
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Glossary Item Box


ClassEntity Provides instance of entity.
ClassEntityColumnValue The value of the entity column.
ClassEntityColumnValueCollection Collection of values of the entity columns.
ClassEntitySchema Represents the schema of the entity.
ClassEntitySchemaAggregationQueryFunction The aggregate function of the expression.
ClassEntitySchemaBaseCurrentDateQueryFunction Base class of the expression function for the base date.
ClassEntitySchemaBaseCurrentDateTimeQueryFunction Base class of the expression function for the base date and time.
ClassEntitySchemaCaseNotNullQueryFunction Function that returns one value from the set of possible values depending on the specified conditions.
ClassEntitySchemaCaseNotNullQueryFunctionWhenItem Class that describes the condition expression of the CASE SQL operator.
ClassEntitySchemaCaseNotNullQueryFunctionWhenItems Collection of condition expressions of the CASE SQL operator.
ClassEntitySchemaCastQueryFunction Function of casting the argument expression to the specified data type.
ClassEntitySchemaCoalesceQueryFunction Function that returns the first expression that is other than null from the list of arguments.
ClassEntitySchemaColumn Represents a schema column.
ClassEntitySchemaColumnCollection Provides methods of working with the collection of schema columns.
ClassEntitySchemaColumnDef Represents the default value for the schema column.
ClassEntitySchemaConcatQueryFunction Function for generating a string that is a result of combining string values of the function arguments.
ClassEntitySchemaCurrentDateQueryFunction The function of the current date expression.
ClassEntitySchemaCurrentDateTimeQueryFunction The function of the current date and time expression.
ClassEntitySchemaCurrentTimeQueryFunction The function of the current time expression.
ClassEntitySchemaCurrentUserAccountQueryFunction The expression function of the current user's account.
ClassEntitySchemaCurrentUserContactQueryFunction The expression function of the current user's contact
ClassEntitySchemaCurrentUserQueryFunction The function of the current user expression.
ClassEntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction Represents query function for part of date.
ClassEntitySchemaDateToCurrentYearQueryFunction Represents a function that converts the date expression into the same date in the current year.
ClassEntitySchemaIndex Schema index.
ClassEntitySchemaIndexCollection Collection of schema indexes.
ClassEntitySchemaIndexColumn The index column.
ClassEntitySchemaIndexColumnCollection Collection of index columns.
ClassEntitySchemaIsNullQueryFunction Function for replacing the null value with the placeholder expression.
ClassEntitySchemaLengthQueryFunction Function for returning the length of expression.
ClassEntitySchemaManagerItemDescriptor Descriptor of the schema object manager.
ClassEntitySchemaOppositeReferenceInfo A schema relationship.
ClassEntitySchemaOppositeReferenceInfoCollection Collection of schema relationships.
ClassEntitySchemaOppositeReferenceInfoCollectionComparer Provides methods of comparing schema relationships.
ClassEntitySchemaQuery Represents the entity schema query. It is a high-level class that enables to build complex queries using only paths to columns of the table entity (schema) against the root table.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryCollection Collection of queries against the entity schema.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryColumn Column of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryColumnCollection Collection of columns of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpression Expression of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollection Collection of expressions of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollectionBeforeEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event before changing the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollectionBeforeItemChangedEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event before changing the collection element of expressions of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollectionEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event of changing the collection of expressions of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpressionCollectionItemChangedEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event of changing the collection element of expressions of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpressionTypeBeforeChangedEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event before changing the type of expression of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpressionTypeChangedEventArgs Provides data about the state for the event of changing the type of expression of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryExpressionUtilities Provides utility methods for working with expressions of queries against the entity schemas.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryFilter Represents the filter of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryFilterCollection Collection of filters of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryFunction The base class of expression of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryLoadingEventArgs Provides data for the event that occurs when loading the query data.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryOptions Class of settings of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryPropertyBeforeChangedEventArgs<T> Provides data about the state for the event before changing the property of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryPropertyChangedEventArgs<T> Provides data about the state for the event of changing the property of the entity schema query.
ClassEntitySchemaQueryState Represents EntitySchemaQuery properties that could be changed in GetEntityCollectionByChunks.
ClassEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentHalfYearQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current half-year start date.
ClassEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentHourQueryFunction Represents function for current hour start expression.
ClassEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentMonthQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current month start date.
ClassEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentQuarterQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current quarter start date.
ClassEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentWeekQueryFunction The function of the expression of the current week start date.
ClassEntitySchemaStartOfCurrentYearQueryFunction Function of the expression of the current year start date.
ClassEntitySchemaSystemValueQueryFunction Function that returns the expression of the system value.
ClassEntitySchemaTrimQueryFunction Function for removing leading and trailing spaces from an expression.
ClassEntitySchemaUpperQueryFunction The function for converting characters of the argument expression to uppercase.
ClassEntityValidationMessage Entity validation message.
ClassEntityValidationMessageCollection Collection of the entity validation messages.
ClassIsDBViewAttribute The attribute requires implementing the schema as a view at the database level.
ClassIsVirtualAttribute Determines the schema virtuality attribute.
ClassSystemEntity System entity.
ClassSystemEntitySchemaManager System entities schema manager.


InterfaceIEntitySchemaQueryFilterItem The interface of the query filter element to the object schema.


EnumerationEntitySchemaColumnDefSource Sources of default values.
EnumerationEntitySchemaColumnDefSourceSystemValueSource Sources of default system values.
EnumerationEntitySchemaColumnRequirementType Verification level for values of the required columns.
EnumerationEntitySchemaColumnUsageType The usage type for a column.
EnumerationEntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunctionInterval Datepart.
EnumerationEntitySchemaKind Schema type.
EnumerationEntitySchemaQueryExpressionType Expression type of the entity schema query.
EnumerationEntitySchemaQueryMacrosType Type of entity schema request macros.
EnumerationFilterAggregationType The aggregate function type in the filter.
EnumerationFilterComparisonType The comparison type in the filter.

See Also

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