The following tables list the members exposed by EntitySchemaQuery.
Name | Description | |
EntitySchemaQuery Constructor | Overloaded. |
Name | Description | |
Cache | The query cache. | |
CacheItemName | Name of the cache item. | |
CanReadUncommitedData | Determines whether the query results will include the data for which the transaction is not completed. | |
Caption | Header. | |
ChunkSize | Rows to read from DB in single chunk. | |
Columns | Collection of columns of the current entity schema query. | |
DataValueTypeManager | Manager of the data type values. | |
EntitySchemaManager | Entity schema manager. | |
Filters | Collection of filters of the current entity schema query. | |
HideSecurityValue | The parameter that defines whether the values of the encrypted columns will be hidden. | |
IgnoreDisplayValues | Indicates whether displayed values of columns are used in the query. | |
IsDistinct | Indicates whether to remove duplicates in the resulting data set. | |
IsInherited | Indicates whether the query is inherited. | |
JoinRightState | The parameter that defines conditions for applying permissions when using related tables if the schema is managed by records. | |
Manager | Schema manager. | |
ManagerItem | Manager item. | |
Name | Name. | |
ParentCollection | A collection of queries to which the current request to the object schema belongs. | |
ParentEntitySchema | Parent schema of the query. | |
PrimaryQueryColumn | The column created from the primary column of the root schema. Initialized during the first access. | |
QueryOptimize | Allows using query optimization. | |
RootSchema | The root schema. | |
RowCount | Number of rows that are returned by the query. | |
SchemaAliasPrefix | Gets or sets the prefix, that is used in schemas aliases generation. | |
SkipRowCount | Number of rows to skip in the resulting data set. | |
UseAdminRights | The parameter that defines whether permissions will be taken into account when constructing a data acquisition request. | |
UseLocalization | The parameter that defines whether localized data will be used. | |
UseOffsetFetchPaging | ||
UseRecordDeactivation | Represent parameter which determines disabling data in filtering. |
Name | Description | |
AddAllSchemaColumns | The object schema adds all the columns of the root schema in the column collection of the current query. | |
AddColumn | Overloaded. | |
ClearCache | Clears the cache of the current query. | |
ClearDefCache | Removes the item with the specified name from the query's cache. | |
Clone | Creates the clone of the current EntitySchemaQuery instance. | |
CreateAggregationEntitySchemaExpression | Gets an expression of the aggregating function of the specified type to express a column that is located along a specified path. | |
CreateAggregationFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaAggregationQueryFunction aggregate function with the specified type of column in a specified path in relation to the root schema. | |
CreateCaseNotNullFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCaseNotNullQueryFunction function for the specified array of condition expressions. | |
CreateCaseNotNullQueryFunctionWhenItem | Returns an instance of an expression for the sql construct of the WHEN <Expression_1> IS NOT NULL THEN <Expression_2> form. | |
CreateCastFunction | Returns an instance of the EntitySchemaCastQueryFunction function for the specified column expression by the specified path relative to the root schema and specified target data type. | |
CreateCoalesceFunction | Overloaded. | |
CreateConcatFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaConcatQueryFunction function for the specified array of expressions. | |
CreateCurrentDateFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentDateQueryFunction function that returns the current date. | |
CreateCurrentDateTimeFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentDateTimeQueryFunction function that returns the current date and time. | |
CreateCurrentTimeFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentTimeQueryFunction function that defines the current date and time. | |
CreateCurrentUserAccountFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentUserAccountQueryFunction function that defines the account Id of the current user. | |
CreateCurrentUserContactFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentUserContactQueryFunction function that defines the contact Id of the current user. | |
CreateCurrentUserFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaCurrentUserQueryFunction function that defines the current user. | |
CreateDatePartFunction | Gets an instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns a specified date range for a column value that is located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateDatePartFunctionExpression | Returns an instance EntitySchemaQueryExpression with nested function EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction returns the specified date range for the value of the column located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateDayFunction | Gets an instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns a [Day] date range for a column value that is located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateExistsFilter | For the current entity schema query, gets the comparison filter of the type [exists by the specified condition] and sets the expression of column in a specified path as the value to test for. | |
CreateFilter | Overloaded. | |
CreateFilterWithParameters | Overloaded. | |
CreateHourFunction | Gets an instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns a part of the [Hour] date for a column value that is located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateHourMinuteFunction | Gets an instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns a part of the [Minute] date for a column value that is located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateIsNotNullFilter | For the current entity schema query, gets the comparison filter of the type [is not null in database] and sets the expression of column in a specified path as the value to test for. | |
CreateIsNullFilter | For the current entity schema query, gets the comparison filter of the type [is null in database] and sets the expression of column in a specified path as the validation criteria. | |
CreateIsNullFunction | Gets the instance of the EntitySchemaIsNullQueryFunction function for columns with values to check and substitute in paths specified in relation to the root schema. | |
CreateLengthFunction | Overloaded. | |
CreateMonthFunction | Gets an instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns a part of the [Month] date for a column value that is located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateNotExistsFilter | For the current entity schema query, gets the comparison filter of the type [exists by the specified condition] and sets the expression of column in a specified path as the value to test for. | |
CreateParameterExpression | Overloaded. | |
CreateParameterExpressions | Overloaded. | |
CreateSchemaColumnExpression | Overloaded. | |
CreateSchemaColumnExpressions | Overloaded. | |
CreateSchemaColumnExpressionsWithoutCoalesce | Gets the enumerator of column expressions of the entity schema query by the specified array of paths to columns. If it is a column of the multilookup type, the COALESCE function is not used for its values. | |
CreateSchemaColumnQueryExpression | Overloaded. | |
CreateSubEntitySchemaExpression | Gets the expression of entity schema subquery for the column in the specified path. | |
CreateTrimFunction | Overloaded. | |
CreateUpperFunction | Returns an instance of the EntitySchemaUpperQueryFunction function for the specified column expression by the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateWeekdayFunction | Gets an instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns a part of the [Week day] date for a column value that is located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateWeekFunction | Gets an instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns a part of the [Week] date for a column value that is located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
CreateWindowFunction | Create window function instance for specified function, partition by and order by columns. | |
CreateYearFunction | Gets an instance of the EntitySchemaDatePartQueryFunction function that returns a part of the [Year] date for a column value that is located along the specified path relative to the root schema. | |
GetDataTable | Returns the result of the current query execution to the object schema as a data table in memory using the specified user connection. | |
GetDayOfWeekNumber | Gets the sequence number of the day of week for the specified System.DayOfWeek entity taking into account the local settings. | |
GetEntity | Gets the Entity instance by the specified primary key, using the specified user connection. | |
GetEntityCollection | Overloaded. | |
GetSchema | Gets the entity schema instance of the current EntitySchemaQuery instance. | |
GetSelectQuery | Overloaded. | |
GetSummaryColumns | Overloaded. | |
GetSummaryEntity | Overloaded. | |
GetSummarySelectQuery | Overloaded. | |
GetTypedColumnValue<T> | Gets the typed value of the column with the specified name from the passed-in Entity instance. | |
LoadDataTableData | Overloaded. | |
RemoveColumn | Removes the column with the specified name from the collection of columns of the current query. | |
ResetSchema | Clears the schema of the current EntitySchemaQuery instance. | |
ResetSelectQuery | Clears the select query for the current entity schema query. | |
SetLocalizationCultureId | Sets the localization culture Id. |