Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
EntitySchemaQueryColumn Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Entities Namespace : EntitySchemaQueryColumn Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by EntitySchemaQueryColumn.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorEntitySchemaQueryColumn ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

Public PropertyCaptionThe caption of the column.  
Public PropertyDisplayExpressionExpression of the column value to display.  
Public PropertyDisplayValueQueryAliasAlias of the value to display in the SQL query.  
Public PropertyIsAggregatedIndicates whether the aggregate function is applied to the column.  
Public PropertyIsAlwaysSelectIndicates whether the column will be always present in the resulting SQL query.  
Public PropertyIsLookupIndicates whether the column is a lookup.  
Public PropertyIsSelectingIndicates whether to use the column for building the resulting SQL query.  
Public PropertyIsVisibleIndicates whether the column will be present in the resulting data set of the query.  
Public PropertyOrderDirectionThe sorting order.  
Public PropertyOrderPositionThe sort position.  
Public PropertyParentQueryQuery against the schema of the entity that contains the column.  
Public PropertyPathPath to column.  
Public PropertyPrimaryImageExpression  
Public PropertySourceSchemaUIdExpressionExpression for the unique identifier of the source schema.  
Public PropertySummaryTypeThe aggregate function type for the column.  
Public PropertyUseDisplayValueIndicates whether to use the displayed value for the column.  
Public PropertyValueExpressionExpression of the stored column value.  
Public PropertyValueQueryAliasAlias of the stored value in the SQL query.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloneOverridden. Gets the System.Object instance that is a clone of the current column of the entity schema query.  
Public MethodCreateSummaryQueryColumnExpressionCreates the expression of the aggregate function for the specified column expression.  
Public MethodGetResultDataDisplayValueTypeGets the data type of the column value to display, using the passed-in data type manager.  
Public MethodGetResultDataValueTypeGets the data type of the stored column value, using the passed-in data type manager.  
Public MethodGetResultSummaryDataValueTypeGets the data type of the column value total, using the passed-in data type manager.  
Public MethodOrderByAscOverloaded.   
Public MethodOrderByDescOverloaded.   
Public MethodSetForcedQueryColumnValueAliasSpecifies alias for query column value.  
Public MethodSetForcedQueryDisplayColumnValueAliasSpecifies alias for query column display value.  
Public MethodWriteMetaDataOverridden. Serializes the current query column to the object schema using the Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter passed instance.  

See Also

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