Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
EntitySchemaColumn Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Entities Namespace : EntitySchemaColumn Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by EntitySchemaColumn.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorEntitySchemaColumn ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

Public PropertyCaptionOverridden. The caption of the column.  
Public PropertyColumnValueNameThe column name generated based on the value the column contains.  
Public PropertyCreatedInSchemaUIdOverridden.   
Public PropertyDataValueTypeOverridden. The type of the column data.  
Public PropertyDefValueThe column value by default.  
Public PropertyDescriptionOverridden. The description of the column.  
Public PropertyDisplayColumnValueNameGenerates a string with the display column value based on the value the column contains.  
Public PropertyDisplayValueTypeThe data type of the display value of the column, which corresponds to the system type of the .NET framework.  
Public PropertyHasConstDefValueDetermines whether the default constant value is specified for the given column.  
Public PropertyHasDefValueDetermines whether the default value is specified for the given column.  
Public PropertyHasReferenceSchemaListIndicates whether the given column references other schemas.  
Public PropertyIndexThe index of the column.  
Public PropertyIsCascadeFor the column of the lookup type determines whether it is has the cascade delete relationship with the record from the lookup.  
Public PropertyIsDBReadOnlyIndicates whether the value of the given column will be written to the database table.  
Public PropertyIsDBRequirementIndicates whether the column is required at the database level.  
Public PropertyIsIndexedIndicates whether the column is indexed.  
Public PropertyIsLocalizableIndicates whether the localized value for the column us used.  
Public PropertyIsMultiLineTextIndicates whether the MemoEdit control is used for the column.  
Public PropertyIsSimpleLookupIndicates whether the ComboBoxEdit control is used for the column.  
Public PropertyIsSystem  
Public PropertyIsTrackChangesInDBIndicates whether the column is logged.  
Public PropertyIsValueCloneableIndicates whether the column is cloneable.  
Public PropertyIsVirtualIndicates whether the column is virtual.  
Public PropertyIsWeakReferenceSpecifies that for a column with a lookup type, the link to the directory is weak at the database level, that means, there is no foreign key to verify integrity.  
Public PropertyNameOverridden. Column name.  
Public PropertyNamePrefixOverridden.   
Public PropertyParentCollectionCollection of columns of the schema that owns the current column.  
Public PropertyPrimaryImageColumnValueName  
Public PropertyReferenceEnumType  
Public PropertyReferenceSchemaOverridden. The schema that the current column of the lookup type references.  
Public PropertyReferenceSchemaListThe list of references to schemas that the given column references.  
Public PropertyReferenceSchemaUIdOverridden. The unique identifier that the current column of the lookup type references.  
Public PropertyReferenceValueListSchemaOverridden. The virtual data set that the current column with the fixed list of values references.  
Public PropertyReferenceValueListSchemaUIdOverridden. Unique identifier of the virtual data set which the current column with the fixed list of values references.  
Public PropertyRequirementTypeThe column required level.  
Public PropertySourceSchemaUIdColumnValueName  
Public PropertyUIdOverridden. Column unique identifier.  
Public PropertyUsageTypeThe usage type for a column.  
Public PropertyValueTypeData type of the column value, which corresponds to the system type of the .NET framework.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloneOverridden. Returns a column that is a clone of the given column.  
Public MethodHandleNameChangingOverridden.   
Public MethodSetNameSets the specified name for the given column.  
Public MethodWriteMetaDataOverridden. Records schema metadata using the Terrasoft.Common.DataWriter instance.  

See Also

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