Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Query Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.DB Namespace : Query Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by Query.

Public Properties

Public PropertyBuildParametersAsValueDetermines whether the query parameters are to be added as values into the query text.  
Public PropertyCachedSqlTextCached text of the query.  
Public PropertyConditionGets the Where condition of the query.  
Public PropertyGroupByItemsThe collection of expressions by which the query results are grouped.  
Public PropertyHasConditionDetermines whether this query has the Where condition.  
Public PropertyHasGroupByItemsIndicates whether the query expressions by which to group are defined in the query.  
Public PropertyHasHavingConditionDetermines whether this query has the Having statement.  
Public PropertyHasJoinsDetermines whether the given query contains any Join statements.  
Public PropertyHasOrderByItemsIndicates whether the query expressions by which to sort are defined.  
Public PropertyHasParametersDetermines whether the query has parameters.  
Public PropertyHasUnionQueriesDetermines whether the given query has queries joined with it by the UNION operator.  
Public PropertyHavingConditionGets the Having statement of the query.  
Public PropertyIsCacheEnabledDetermines whether the query text is being cached.  
Public PropertyIsUnionTypeAllDetermines whether to apply the All parameter for the UNION operator in this query.  
Public PropertyJoinsCollection of Join statements of the given query.  
Public PropertyOrderByItemsThe collection of expressions by which the query results are sorted.  
Public PropertyParametersCollection of the query parameters.  
Public PropertyRowCountNumber of first rows of the result set returned by the query.  
Public PropertyUnionQueriesCollection of queries joined with the given query by the UNION operator.  
Public PropertyUserConnectionUser connection.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAddConditionOverloaded.   
Public MethodAndOverloaded.   
Public MethodBuildSqlTextBuilds the query text, using the passed-in System.Text.StringBuilder instance.  
Public MethodCloneCreates the clone of the current Query instance.  
Public MethodCloseBlockCloses the conditions block.  
Public MethodExecuteOverloaded.   
Public MethodFullOuterJoinOverloaded.   
Public MethodGetSqlTextGets the query text.  
Public MethodGetUsingParametersGets the collection of the query parameters.  
Public MethodGroupByOverloaded.   
Public MethodHavingOverloaded.   
Public MethodInitializeParametersInitializes the query parameters.  
Public MethodInnerJoinOverloaded.   
Public MethodJoinOverloaded.   
Public MethodLeftOuterJoinOverloaded.   
Public MethodOrOverloaded.   
Public MethodOrderByOverloaded.   
Public MethodOrderByAscOverloaded.   
Public MethodOrderByDescOverloaded.   
Public MethodResetCachedSqlTextClears the cached text of the query.  
Public MethodResetParametersClears the collection of the query parameters.  
Public MethodRightOuterJoinOverloaded.   
Public MethodSetParameterValueSets the value of the query parameter.  
Public MethodUnionOverloaded.   
Public MethodUnionAllOverloaded.   
Public MethodWhereOverloaded.   

See Also

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