Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
QueryFunction Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.DB Namespace : QueryFunction Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by QueryFunction.

Public Methods

Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)AddGets the arithmetic addition expression of the passed-in expression functions.  
Public MethodAddUsingParametersAdds the passed-in collection of parameters in the function arguments.  
Public MethodBuildSqlTextGenerates the query text, using the passed-in System.Text.StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.  
Public MethodCloneCreates a copy of the current QueryFunction instance.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DivideGets the expression of dividing the passed-in left expression function by the passed-in right expression function.  
Public MethodGetQueryColumnExpressionGets the query column expression for the current query function.  
Public MethodGetQueryColumnExpressionsGets the collection of the query column expression for the current query function.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)MultiplyGets the expression of multiplying the passed-in expression functions.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)NegateGets the expression that negates the value of the passed-in function.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SubtractGets the expression of subtraction of the passed-in right expression function from the passed-in left expression function.  

Public Operators

public Operator Addition Overloads the operator of adding two expression functions.
public Operator Division Overloads the operator of dividing two expression functions.
public Operator Multiplication Overloads the operator of multiplying two expression functions.
public Operator Subtraction Overloads the operator of subtracting the right expression function from the left expression function.
public Operator Unary Negation Overloads the operator of negating the passed-in expression function.

See Also

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