Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
QueryCondition Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.DB Namespace : QueryCondition Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by QueryCondition.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorQueryCondition ConstructorOverloaded.   

Public Properties

Public PropertyConditionTypeThe type of the condition.  
Public PropertyHasRightExpressionsDetermines whether at least one expression exists in the right side of the condition.  
Public PropertyIsNotDetermines whether to use the NOT operator before the condition.  
Public PropertyLeftExpressionExpression of the left side of the condition.  
Public PropertyLogicalOperationThe logical operator that associates the given condition with the prior query condition.  
Public PropertyNameThe name of the condition.  
Public PropertyParentQueryThe query that contains the current condition.  
Public PropertyRightExpressionsCollection of expressions of the right side of the condition.  

Public Methods

Public MethodAndOverloaded.   
Public MethodCloneCreates the clone of the current QueryCondition instance.  
Public MethodConsistsWithOverloaded.   
Public MethodEndsWithOverloaded.   
Public MethodExistsOverloaded.   
Public MethodInOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsBetweenOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsEqualOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsGreaterOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsGreaterOrEqualOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsLessOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsLessOrEqualOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsLikeOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsNotEqualOverloaded.   
Public MethodIsNullTo the current condition, adds a check to determine whether the value of the condition expression is null.  
Public MethodNotAdds a negation in the current condition.  
Public MethodOpenBlockOverloaded.   
Public MethodStartsWithOverloaded.   
Public MethodWrapBlockPlaces the current condition in the block.  

See Also

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