Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
ClientUnitSchemaManagerItemDescriptor Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Send Feedback
Terrasoft.Core Namespace : ClientUnitSchemaManagerItemDescriptor Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ClientUnitSchemaManagerItemDescriptor.

Public Constructors

Public Properties

Public PropertyBodyHashHash of the source code and CSS styles.  
Public PropertyDependencies  
Public PropertyHasCssA flag that the schema contains CSS styles.  
Public PropertyLocalizableStringsHashA hash of localizable schema lines.  
Public PropertyMessages  
Public PropertySchemaTypeSchema type.  

Public Methods

Public MethodReadMetaDataOverridden. Deserializes the descriptor.  
Public MethodWriteMetaDataOverridden. Serializes the descriptor.  

See Also

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