Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
BaseCampaignActionHandler Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Campaign Namespace : BaseCampaignActionHandler Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by BaseCampaignActionHandler.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorBaseCampaignActionHandler ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the BaseCampaignActionHandler class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertySchemaGets instance of the CampaignSchema class.  
Public PropertyUserConnectionGets instance of the UserConnection class  

Public Methods

Public MethodOnAfterDeleteLaunches methods from the Configuration ActionHandler class after delete.  
Public MethodOnAfterSaveLaunches for apply methods from the Configuration ActionHandler class.  
Public MethodOnBeforeDeleteLaunches methods from the Configuration ActionHandler class before delete.  
Public MethodOnBeforeSaveLaunches methods from the Configuration ActionHandler class before saving.  
Public MethodOnCompletedExecutes methods after campaign completion.  
Public MethodOnLaunchExecutes methods before campaign start.  

See Also

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