Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.Core.Campaign Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback

Glossary Item Box


ClassBaseCampaignActionHandler Base class for handle campaign and campaign's elements actions in configuration
ClassCampaignComponentSet Represents a set of campaign components that are required to run it.
ClassCampaignConstants Class for store campaign settings constants
ClassCampaignEngine Represents methods to manage campaigns.
ClassCampaignExecutionConfig Contains a list of properties that are used by campaign engine while running.
ClassCampaignLogInfo Represents the execution state of campaign.
ClassCampaignProcessFlowElement Base class for executable campaign elements.
ClassCampaignSchema Represents class for the Campaign diagram.
ClassCampaignSchemaElement Represents class for the element of the Campaign schema.
ClassCampaignSchemaManagerItem Represents class for CampaignSchema manipulating
ClassCampaignValidationInfo Base class that contains information about campaign validation results.


InterfaceICampaignEngine Represents methods to manage campaigns.
InterfaceICampaignExecutionLogger The interface for campaign execution logger.


EnumerationCampaignSchemaElementType Type of campaign schema element.
EnumerationCampaignValidationInfoLevel Levels of validation result info.

See Also

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