Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
DataReader Class Members
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Terrasoft.Common Namespace : DataReader Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by DataReader.

Public Properties

Public PropertyCurrentNameGets the name of the property that are located at the current dataset position.  
Public PropertyCurrentValueGets the current value of the property that are located at the current dataset position.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCloseCloses the current DataReader instance.  
Public MethodDisposeDeletes, releases and resets resources. Cancels the Finalize() call for this instance.  
Public MethodGetBoolValueGets the System.Boolean instance that corresponds to the property/attribute value located at the current dataset position.  
Public MethodGetDateTimeValueGets the System.DateTime instance that corresponds to the property/attribute value located at the current dataset position.  
Public MethodGetDoubleValueGets the System.Double instance that corresponds to the property/attribute value located at the current dataset position.  
Public MethodGetEnumValue<TValue>Gets the enumeration member that corresponds to the property/attribute value located at the current dataset position.  
Public MethodGetGuidValueGets the System.Guid instance that corresponds to the property/attribute value located at the current dataset position.  
Public MethodGetIntValueGets the System.Int32 instance that corresponds to the property/attribute value,  
Public MethodGetLocalizableStringValueGets the LocalizableString instance that corresponds to the property/attribute value located at the current dataset position.  
Public MethodGetSerialazebleObjectValueGets the value of the serialized property/attribute in the current dataset position, coerced to the specified type.  
Public MethodGetSerializableObjectValueOverloaded.   
Public MethodGetStreamValueOverloaded.   
Public MethodGetStringValueGets the string presentation of the property/attribute value that are located at the current dataset position.  
Public MethodGetValueOverloaded.   
Public MethodHasValueIndicates that there is a value to read in the current position of the data set.  
Public MethodReadMoves the current position in the data set to the next property/attribute of the current nesting level.  
Public MethodReadIntoMoves the current position in the data set to one nesting level down.  
Public MethodReadNextCollectionItemMoves the current position in the collection ro the next element.  
Public MethodReadOutMoves the current position in the data set to one nesting level up.  

See Also

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