Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.Common Namespace
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Glossary Item Box


ClassAdaptiveStringBuilder Provides mutable string of characters with optimized string building mechanism. This class cannot be inherited.
ClassAdaptiveStringBuilderUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the AdaptiveStringBuilder class.
ClassAfterNameChangeEventArgs Provides status data after the name changing event.
ClassAppStartupException Represents the error message on start-up of the System.String application.
ClassArgumentEmptyException The exception that is thrown when an argument of the value type is empty.
ClassArgumentMismatchItemsCountException Represents exception on the mismatch of the umber of elements in the collection of the argument.
ClassArgumentNullOrEmptyException The exception that is thrown when an argument of the string type is empty or null.
ClassArrayUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the arrays
ClassBaseResource Base class for resource view.
ClassBaseSerializableObjectUtilities Provides base methods to serialize and deserialize ISerializableObject instances using DataWriter and DataReader api.
ClassBeforeNameChangeEventArgs Provides status data before the name changing event.
ClassBoolCommandLineParameter The base class for the boolean parameters.
ClassBytesToStringUtilities Provides methods for converting System.Byte tyoe values to System.String type values.
ClassCollectionUtilities Provides utility methods for working with collections.
ClassColorUtilities Provides utility methods for working with color palette.
ClassCommandLine Provides methods of working with command line.
ClassCommandLineParameter The base class of the command line parameter.
ClassCommandLineParameterCollection Provides methods of working with the collection of the command line parameters.
ClassCompilerErrorCollectionUtilities Provides methods of working with collections of errors and warnings of the compiler.
ClassCompositeObjectListUtilities Contains utilities for CompositeObjectList<TObject>.
ClassCompressionUtilities Provides zip (compression) and unzip methods.
ClassDataConverter Base class of the data type converter.
ClassDataReader The base class for the classes that implement sequential reading of the data.
ClassDataTypeMismatchException Provides exception that is created when trying to set a value of an incorrect type into the property.
ClassDataTypeUtilities Provides utility methods for working with data types.
ClassDataWriter The base class for the classes that implement sequential writing of the data.
ClassDataWriterSettings Provides settings for the DataWriter class.
ClassDateTimeFormatInfoUtilities Extends the System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo class.
ClassDateTimeUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the date and time.
ClassDbOperationException Provides the exception for operations in database.
ClassDBUtilities Provides utility methods for working with database objects.
ClassDefaultInstanceFactoryAttribute Used to mark non public constructor which should be used by instance factory created using ReflectionUtilities.GetInstanceFactory<TInstance> method.
ClassDefaultResourceManager Represents a resource manager that provides Null Object behavior for access to culture-specific resources.
ClassDESCryptoServiceProvider Provides DES methods for encrypting.
ClassDictionaryUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with dictionaries.
ClassDSACryptoServiceProvider Provides methods for encrypting text with an open key using the DSA algorithm.
ClassDublicateDataException Represents the exception for duplicate instances of data.
ClassDynamicXml Provides methods of working with an XML document.
ClassEnumCommandLineParameter<TValues> The base class for the command line parameters of the enumeration type.
ClassEnumStrictUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the enumerations.
ClassEnumUtilities Provides utility methods for enumeration types.
ClassFileUtilities Provides methods of working with files.
ClassFormulaUtilities Contains static mathematical functions that are missing in System.Math.
ClassGeneralResourceStorage Provides operations for resource storage.
ClassGraphicUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with image.
ClassGuidUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the System.Guid structure.
ClassImageUrlBuilder Provides methods for generating URL of graphics objects.
ClassInvalidNameException Represents exception for an invalid name.
ClassInvalidObjectStateException Represents the exception that occurs on incorrect object state.
ClassInvalidTypeCastException Represents exception that is created an unacceptable type conversion.
ClassInvalidUserTimeZoneException Provides exception that is created if a user has an incorrect time zone specified.
ClassItemAlreadyExistException Exception class for denoting that the same object exists in collection.
ClassItemNotFoundException Represents an exception for an unfound collection element.
ClassJsonDataReader Provides methods for reading data in the Json format.
ClassJsonDataWriter Provides methods for sequential writing of data in the Json format.
ClassJsonDataWriterSettings Provides methods and properties of the JsonDataWriter settings.
ClassListGraphNodeUtilities Provides methods for graph manipulation.
ClassLocalizableImage Provides methods of working with localized image.
ClassLocalizableString Provides methods of working with localized string.
ClassLocalizableStringConverter Provides methods for converting LocalizableString type to other types and vice versa.
ClassLocalizableValue Base class for the localized value.
ClassLocalizableValue<T> Template for localized values of different types that provides methods for working with them.
ClassLocalizableValueCollection Provides methods of working with the collection of localized values.
ClassMetaPathNullOrEmptyException Provides exception for empty and null objects of the System.String type that represent path to metadata.
ClassMimeTypeDetector MIME type detection. Initializes a new instance of the Terrasoft.Core.MimeTypeDetector class.
ClassMimeTypeResult MIME type detection result.
ClassMismatchItemsCountException Represents exception that is created on the mismatch of the umber of elements in the collection.
ClassNameChangeEventArgs Base class for the status data of the name changing event.
ClassNullOrEmptyException Provides exception for empty and null objects of the System.String type.
ClassObjectIsReadOnlyException Represents the exception for the read-only objects.
ClassObjectList Provides utility methods to create ObjectList<T> instances.
ClassObjectList<T> Generic collection that implements IObjectList interface.
ClassPasswordCryptoProvider Provides methods for passwords hashing.
ClassReflectionUtilities Provides methods for working with information about classes and types during execution.
ClassResourceBuilder Provides methods for building resources.
ClassResourceGroup Provides methods for working with group of resources.
ClassResourceGroupCollection Provides methods for working with collection of resource groups.
ClassResourceItem Base class for resource view.
ClassResourceItemCollection Provides methods for working with collection of resource items.
ClassResourceManagerCollection Provides methods for working with collection of resource managers.
ClassResourcePackage Provides methods for working with resource package.
ClassResultMessage Contains message text and its type.
ClassResultMessageCollection Collection of messages ResultMessage.
ClassServerInfoUtilities Supports all classes in the .NET Framework class hierarchy and provides low-level services to derived classes. This is the ultimate base class of all classes in the .NET Framework; it is the root of the type hierarchy.To browse the .NET Framework source code for this type, see the Reference Source.
ClassSourceControlLockException The locking error exception of the system elements in the version control system.
ClassSourceControlOperationException Represents the exception when working with the version control system.
ClassSourceControlSecurityException Represents the security error exception when working with the version control system.
ClassStreamUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with streams.
ClassStringUtilities Provides methods of working with strings.
ClassStringWriterWithEncoding Implements System.IO.StringWriter for recording data to string taking encoding into account.
ClassTimeZoneInfoUtilities Extends the System.TimeZoneInfo class.
ClassTopologicalSorterLoopsException<T> The exception class (generalized) for transferring information about the dependency cycle between list items.
ClassUnsupportedTypeException Represents an exception for types that are not supported by the current content.
ClassUriUtilities Comprises utility methods for working with the unified resource identifiers (URI).
ClassValidateException Base exception class for validation.
ClassXmlDataReader Provides methods for reading data in the Xml format.
ClassXmlDataWriter Provides methods for sequential writing of data in the XML format.
ClassXmlDataWriterSettings Provides settings for the class. XmlDataWriter
ClassXmlResourceReader Provides methods for reading resource metadata in the XML format.
ClassXmlResourceWriter Provides methods for recording resource metadata in the XML format.


InterfaceICompositeObject Represents value which consists of multiple simple values.
InterfaceICompositeObjectList<TObject> Represents list of composite values ICompositeObject which supports serialization.
InterfaceIGraphNode Represents a graph node.
InterfaceIObjectList Represents list of values which support serialization.
InterfaceIResourceManager Provides methods for convenient access to culture-specific resources at run time.
InterfaceIResourceStorage Provides functionality for storing and retrieving resource managers.
InterfaceISerializableObject Represents object which can serialize it's state using provided DataWriter and restore it using provided DataReader.Type should have public parameterless constructor.
InterfaceIServerInfoUtilities Contains methods to obtain server information.


EnumerationAggregationType The type of aggregate function (can have None value).
EnumerationAggregationTypeStrict The type of aggregate function (cannot have None value).
EnumerationArithmeticOperation Arithmetic operation.
EnumerationBitwiseOperation Bitwise operation.
EnumerationCommitResult Pre-commit validation result type.
EnumerationDateTimeValueKind Date and time.
EnumerationLocalizableResourceType Type of localized resource.
EnumerationLogicalOperation Logical operation.
EnumerationLogicalOperationStrict Logical operation (cannot have None value).
EnumerationMessageType The type of message.
EnumerationOrderDirection Sorting order (can have None value).
EnumerationOrderDirectionStrict Sorting order (cannot have None value).
EnumerationParameterDirection The modifier of the parameter. Determines the direction of the parameter value transfer.
EnumerationPreUpdateValidationResult Pre-update validation result type.
EnumerationQueryKind Query kind, that is used to request special executor.
EnumerationResourceItemType The type of resource.
EnumerationSessionEndMethod Method for closing user session.
EnumerationSourceControlSaveType Type of commit operation in the version control system storage.

See Also

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