Set up autofill of landing page fields
The feedback forms on your landing page normally contain fields that can be filled with the information available in the Contacts section (for example, name, email, phone, etc.). The data received in this way are recorded in Creatio and used to form the client base.
If the landing page is aimed at existing customers, you can set up auto-filling of the landing page fields with information from the corresponding contact profiles. If an existing customer opens the landing page form via a link from a personalized email, the form fields will already be populated with the corresponding information. This will simplify the web form submission for the customers and ensure that the data contains no errors, as well as that no duplicate contact records are created in the system.
Set up the landing page first before setting up auto-filling of its web form fields. These settings are covered in the "Connect a landing page to Creatio" article.
How autofill works for landing page fields
The autofill feature will work only if the corresponding information is available in the contact’s profile. To set up the autofill for landing page fields, edit the email template and add a macro for each field to the landing page link. The macros will be replaced with the contact’s information, which will be passed to the webform when the contact clicks the link.
The web form fields can be filled in with information from the Contact object, as well as from the connected objects. For example, this can be the contact’s name, as well as the connected account’s phone.
Set up autofill of landing page fields
You can map the recipient’s personalized data (such as name, email address, etc.) to landing page fields by adding macros to the landing page link in the email template.
Pass the Creatio contact name and email address to the landing form.
Go to the Email section and add a new email. Fill out the email page and select a template (or create a new one). The procedure for creating bulk emails is covered in the "Create a bulk email" and "Create a trigger email" articles.
Open the template for editing.
In the edit mode, select the element where you wish to add a link to your landing page and click the
button on the toolbar.
In the opened window, specify the landing page URL. At the end of the URL, add parameters for autofill of the landing page fields:
?Name= [#Recipient.Name#] &Email= [#Contact.Email#]
In this example, "Name" and "Email" are web form field names that contain the contact’s name and email address. The [#Recipient.Name#] and [#Contact.Email#] values are macros that will add the contact’s name and email address to the personalized email. Basic instructions on working with macros are available in the "Personalize email content with macros" article.
noteThe names of the web form fields are located in the "fields" block of the landing page HTML code. The macros that correspond to the web form fields can be obtained by opening a template for editing in the Content Designer and clicking the
Click OK. A link to the landing page form will be generated by the template element.
Save changes and save the email record.
As a result, when a contact clicks the link to the landing page in the email, the "Name" and "Email" fields of that page will contain the contact’s name and email from Creatio.