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Version: 8.1

Package hotfixes


This functionality is available for Creatio 8.1.2 and later.

Use package hotfixes when users cannot work until you deliver a bug-fix package, and regular delivery takes too long.

Package hotfixes let system administrators (users who belong to the “System administrators” role) execute the following actions:

  • Fix critical bugs and problems with functionality detected in the production environment.
  • Minimize risks when detecting security issues and potential vulnerabilities in the production environment.

Creatio logs package unlock and lock actions and saves data to the Audit log.

To make package hotfixes:

  1. Open the Configuration section. Instructions: Open the Configuration section.

  2. Select the package to make a hotfix.

  3. Unlock the package for hotfix. To do this, click in the package workspace → Unlock for hotfix.

    As a result, Creatio executes the following actions:

    • Unlock the package.

    • Change the icon of the unlocked package to .

    • Move the unlocked package to the top of the All packages group.

    • Save data about unlocking the package to the Audit log.

  4. Fix the critical bugs and problems with functionality.


    Out of the box, the package is unlocked for 30 minutes. You can change how long to keep the package unlocked for hotfix in the Duration of package hotfix status (PackageHotfixTimeout code) system setting.

  5. Lock the package after hotfix. To do this, click in the package workspace → Lock after hotfix.

    As a result, Creatio executes the following actions:

    • Lock the package.

    • Change the icon of the locked package to .

    • Display packages in the All packages group alphabetically.

    • Save data about locking the package to the Audit log.

  6. Deliver changes to the development environment. Otherwise, the changes will be lost during the next update of the production environment.

    • If the hotfix changes were implemented in a self-developed package, make identical changes in the development environment and deliver the changes as usual.
    • If the hotfix changes were implemented in the package of another maintainer, contact maintainer support to notify them about problems with the functionality.

    Creatio changes the icon of locked package to in production environment when you deliver the changes as usual.

See also

Delivery management process

Compile an app on a web farm (user documentation)

Update guide