Set up Just-In-Time User Provisioning via OneLogin
You can enable JIT UP (Just-In-Time User Provisioning) when setting up the identity provider integration. Read more: Single Sign-On via ADFS, Single Sign-On via OneLogin.
To specify contact fields that should be populated with data from the identity provider, configure the mapping of the SAML Assertion fields with Creatio columns. This is done in the SAML Assertion of the identity provider and in the SAML field name converters to contact field name lookup.
To set up mapping, you will need a configured account in the identity provider (Fig. 2) with the data required for Creatio.

To set up field population parameters:
Ensure that all required field values are transferred to Creatio. For example, to fill the profile of John Best with data from the Company, Department, Email, First Name, Last Name, and Phone fields (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Application parameters in the OneLogin identity provider noteUse the SAML Decoder Google Chrome extension to verify the parameters.
Verify that correct rules to receive values and update the columns for each required field are specified on the Creatio side. Rules are configured in the SAML field name converters to contact field name lookup. Specify a column in the Creatio for each field received from the identity provider. For example, to fill the Department, Account, Phone, Email, Given name, and Surname columns in Creatio, specify them next to the corresponding SAML attributes (Fig. 4).
noteSpecify column names in the Creatio database as contact columns.
Fig. 4 The SAML field name converters to contact field name lookup configuration -
A field that is missing in the identity provider data can be populated with the value specified in the Column default value field of the SAML field name converters to contact field name lookup. For example, the OneLogin identity provider does not contain the Type field and does not pass it when the user logs on. To populate this field in Creatio, create a rule in the lookup and specify the "Employee" value as default (Fig. 4). In this case, all created contacts will have the "Employee" value in the Type field.
You can add custom parameters to the OneLogin identity provider and specify macros for them. Learn more about how to work with macros in OneLogin documentation.