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Version: 8.2

Send email from an existing account using business process

Level: advanced

Before you implement the example, add the email provider. Instructions: Set up the Microsoft Exchange and Microsoft 365 services (user documentation).

To implement the example:

  1. Create a business process. Read more >>>
  2. Implement a separate page to fill out the email parameters. Read more >>>
  3. Set up the email template. Read more >>>
  4. Set up the business process parameters. Read more >>>
  5. Set up the business process methods. Read more >>>

Create a "Send emails from existing account" business process that generates a "Fill out parameters to send email" page. The page sends an email that has the following parameters using an existing account:

  • Sender mailbox that contains the mailbox of email sender
  • Recipient (many recipients separated by semicolon ";")* that contains the list of the recipient mailboxes.
  • Subject* that contains the email subject.
  • Body* that contains the email body.

1. Create a business process

  1. Open the Configuration section. Instructions: Open the Configuration section.

  2. Create a package. Instructions: Create a user-made package using Configuration section.

    For this example, create the sdkSendEmailFromExistingAccount package.

  3. Add the package properties.

    1. Open the package properties. To do this, click Properties. This opens the Dependencies tab on the Package properties page.
    2. Click Add in the Depends on Packages block. This opens the Select package window.
    3. Select the checkbox for the CrtBaseConsts package. The CrtBaseConsts package includes the IntegrationApi.dll external assembly.
    4. Click Select.
    5. Apply the changes.
  4. Change the current package. Instructions: Change the current package.

    For this example, change the current package to sdkSendEmailFromExistingAccount user-made package.

  5. Create the business process schema. To do this, click AddBusiness process.

  6. Open the Settings tab.

  7. Fill out the schema properties.

    For this example, use the following schema properties.


    Property value


    Send emails from existing account



  8. Save the changes.

As a result:

  • The "Send emails from existing account" business process will be created.
  • Creatio will add the "Send emails from existing account" business process to the Process library section.

2. Implement a separate page to fill out the email parameters

  1. Add an auto-generated page.

    1. Click → place the Auto-generated page element between the Simple and Terminate page elements in the working area of the Process Designer.

    2. Fill out the element properties.


      Property value


      Fill out the email parameters

      Page title

      Fill out parameters to send email

      Creatio populates the Contact property using the "[#System variable.Current user contact#]" value.

  2. Add a button.

    For this example, add a button that sends the email. To do this:

    1. Go to the Buttons block.

    2. Click and fill out the button properties.


      Property value







    3. Save the changes.

    As a result, the Buttons property block of the "Fill out the email parameters" auto-generated page will be as follows.

  3. Add the email parameters.

    For this example, add the following parameters:

    • parameter that contains the mailbox of email sender
    • parameter that contains the list of the recipient mailboxes
    • parameter that contains the email subject
    • parameter that contains the email body

    To do this:

    1. Go to the Page Items block.

    2. Click and select a parameter of the needed type.

    3. Fill out the parameter properties.


      Element type


      Property value

      Parameter that contains the mailbox of email sender

      Selection field


      Sender mailbox



      Data source

      Mailbox synchronization settings


      Drop down list

      Parameter that contains the list of the recipient mailboxes

      Text field


      Recipient (many recipients separated by semicolon ";")




      Select the checkbox

      Parameter that contains the email subject

      Text field






      Select the checkbox

      Parameter that contains the email body

      Text field






      Select the checkbox

    As a result, the Page Items property block of the "Fill out the email parameters" auto-generated page will be as follows.

3. Implement sending emails

  1. Add a Script task element. To do this, click → place the Script task element between the Auto-generated page user action and Terminate page element in the working area of the Process Designer.

  2. Fill out the element properties.


    Property value


    Send email

  3. Implement the logic of working with process parameters. To do this, go to the element setup area and add the source code.

    Send email script task
    // IMPORTANT: When implementing
    // long-running operations,
    // it is crucial to enable timely and
    // responsive cancellation. To achieve
    // this, ensure that your code
    // is designed to respond appropriately
    // to cancellation requests using
    // the context.CancellationToken
    // mechanism. For more detailed
    // information and examples,
    // please, refer to our documentation.

    /* ID of selected mailbox. */
    var mailBoxSettingId = Get<Guid>("SenderMailbox");

    /* Create an instance of the "EmailClientFactory." */
    var emailClientFactory = ClassFactory.Get<IEmailClientFactory>(
    new ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection));

    /* Create an instance of the "IEmailSender." */
    var emailSender = ClassFactory.Get<IEmailSender>(
    new ConstructorArgument("emailClientFactory", emailClientFactory),
    new ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection));

    var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("MailboxSyncSettings").CreateEntity(UserConnection);
    if (entity.FetchFromDB("Id", mailBoxSettingId, new List<string> { "SenderEmailAddress" })) {

    /* Receive the sender mailbox from selected mailbox. */
    var senderEmailAddress = entity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("SenderEmailAddress");

    /* Fill out the email parameters. */
    var message = new Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailMessage {

    /* Mailbox of email sender. */
    From = senderEmailAddress,

    /* List of the recipient mailboxes. */
    To = Get<string>("Recipient").Split(';').ToList<string>(),

    /* List of the recipient mailboxes to send copy of the email. Optional.
    Cc = List<string>{ "", ""},

    List of the recipient mailboxes to send blind copy of the email. Optional.
    Bcc = List<string>{ "", ""},*/

    /* Email subject. */
    Subject = Get<string>("Subject"),

    /* Email body. */
    Body = Get<string>("Body"),

    /* Email priority. The value from the "Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailPriority" enumeration. */
    Priority = Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailPriority.Normal

    /* If needed, attach file to the email. */

    /* Create an attachment. */
    var attachment = new Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailAttachment {

    /* Attachment ID. */
    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

    /* Attachment title. For example, "Some file.txt." */
    Name = "Some file.txt",

    /* Attachment data. For example, "Some data." */
    Data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Some data")

    /* Attach file to the email. */

    /* Send the email. */

    return true;

4. Set up the business process parameters

  1. Open the properties of the business process schema. To do this, click an arbitrary place in the working area of the Process Designer.

  2. Open the Parameters tab.

  3. Add the business process parameters.

    For this example, add the following parameters:

    • parameter that contains the mailbox of email sender
    • parameter that contains the list of the recipient mailboxes
    • parameter that contains the email subject
    • parameter that contains the email body

    To do this:

    1. Click Add parameter and select a parameter of the needed type.

    2. Fill out the parameter properties.


      Element type


      Property value

      Parameter that contains the mailbox of email sender

      Other → Unique identifier


      Sender mailbox




      Click Process parameterSender mailboxSelect. This populates the property using the "[#Fill out the email parameters.Sender mailbox#]" value.

      Parameter that contains the list of the recipient mailboxes







      Click Process parameterRecipient (many recipients separated by semicolon ";")Select. This populates the property using the "[#Fill out the email parameters.Recipient (many recipients separated by semicolon ";")#]" value.

      Parameter that contains the email subject







      Click Process parameterSubjectSelect. This populates the property using the "[#Fill out the email parameters.Subject#]" value.

      Parameter that contains the email body







      Click Process parameterBodySelect. This populates the property using the "[#Fill out the email parameters.Body#]" value.

As a result, the Parameters tab of the "Send emails from existing account" business process will be as follows.

5. Set up the business process methods

  1. Open the properties of the business process. To do this, click an arbitrary place in the working area of the Process Designer.

  2. Open the Methods tab.

  3. Add the business process methods.

    1. Click and fill out the method properties.


      Property value



    2. Click Save.

    3. Add the following methods similarly.

      • Terrasoft.Mail.Sender
      • Terrasoft.Core.Factories
      • Terrasoft.Core
      • Terrasoft.Mail
      • IntegrationApi
      • System.Linq
  4. Publish the changes.

As a result:

  • The Methods tab of the "Send emails from existing account" business process will be as follows.

  • The diagram of the "Send emails from existing account" business process will be as follows.

View the result

  1. Open the Process library section. To do this, click ProcessesProcess library.
  2. Select the "Send emails from existing account" business process in the section list.
  3. Run the business process. To do this, click Run.
  4. Open the Process log section. To do this, click Process log.
  5. Open the "Send emails from existing account" business process.
  6. Open the "Fill out parameters to send email" page. To do this, go to the Process elements expanded list → Fill out parameters to send email → click Run item.

As a result:

  • Creatio will run a "Send emails from existing account" business process.

  • The "Send emails from existing account" business process will generate a "Fill out parameters to send email" page.

  • The "Fill out parameters to send email" page will include the parameters to send the email using an existing account. View the result >>>

To send an email, fill out the parameters and click Continue.

Source code

Send email script task
// IMPORTANT: When implementing
// long-running operations,
// it is crucial to enable timely and
// responsive cancellation. To achieve
// this, ensure that your code
// is designed to respond appropriately
// to cancellation requests using
// the context.CancellationToken
// mechanism. For more detailed
// information and examples,
// please, refer to our documentation.

/* ID of selected mailbox. */
var mailBoxSettingId = Get<Guid>("SenderMailbox");

/* Create an instance of the "EmailClientFactory." */
var emailClientFactory = ClassFactory.Get<IEmailClientFactory>(
new ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection));

/* Create an instance of the "IEmailSender." */
var emailSender = ClassFactory.Get<IEmailSender>(
new ConstructorArgument("emailClientFactory", emailClientFactory),
new ConstructorArgument("userConnection", UserConnection));

var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("MailboxSyncSettings").CreateEntity(UserConnection);
if (entity.FetchFromDB("Id", mailBoxSettingId, new List<string> { "SenderEmailAddress" })) {

/* Receive the sender mailbox from selected mailbox. */
var senderEmailAddress = entity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("SenderEmailAddress");

/* Fill out the email parameters. */
var message = new Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailMessage {

/* Mailbox of email sender. */
From = senderEmailAddress,

/* List of the recipient mailboxes. */
To = Get<string>("Recipient").Split(';').ToList<string>(),

/* List of the recipient mailboxes to send copy of the email. Optional.
Cc = List<string>{ "", ""},

List of the recipient mailboxes to send blind copy of the email. Optional.
Bcc = List<string>{ "", ""},*/

/* Email subject. */
Subject = Get<string>("Subject"),

/* Email body. */
Body = Get<string>("Body"),

/* Email priority. The value from the "Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailPriority" enumeration. */
Priority = Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailPriority.Normal

/* If needed, attach file to the email. */

/* Create an attachment. */
var attachment = new Terrasoft.Mail.Sender.EmailAttachment {

/* Attachment ID. */
Id = Guid.NewGuid(),

/* Attachment title. For example, "Some file.txt." */
Name = "Some file.txt",

/* Attachment data. For example, "Some data." */
Data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Some data")

/* Attach file to the email. */

/* Send the email. */

return true;


Package with example implementation