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Version: 8.1

ProcessEngineService.svc web service

Level: advanced
/* Request string. */ 
GET Creatio_application_address/0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/[processSchemaName/]methodName[?ResultParameterName=resultParameterName&inputParameter=inputParameterValue][/processElementUID]

/* Request headers. */
ForceUseSession: true
BPMCSRF: authentication_cookie_value

Request string

GET required

Method of the request to run business processes.

Creatio_application_address required

Creatio instance URL.

ServiceModel required

The path to the service that runs business processes. Unmodifiable part of the request.

ProcessEngineService.svc required

The address of the web service that runs business processes. Unmodifiable part of the request.

methodName required

The method of the web service that runs business processes.

Primary methods:

  • Execute(). Runs a business process. Lets you pass a set of incoming parameters and return the outcome of the web service execution.
  • ExecProcElByUId(). Executes a specific business process element. You can only execute an element of the running process. If Creatio has already executed the process element by the time the method is called, the element is not executed again.
ProcessSchemaName optional

Applicable for the Execute() method.

The name of the business process schema. You can find the name of the business process schema in the Configuration section.

ResultParameterName optional

Applicable for the Execute() method.

The variable of the process parameter code. Unmodifiable part of the request.

resultParameterName optional

Applicable for the Execute() method.

The code of the process parameter that stores the outcome of the process execution. If you omit this parameter, the web service runs the business process without waiting for the outcome of the process execution. If the process lacks the parameter code, the web service returns null.

inputParameter optional

Applicable for the Execute() method.

The variable of the incoming process parameter code. If you pass multiple incoming parameters, combine them using the & character.

inputParameterValue optional

Applicable for the Execute() method.

The values of the incoming process parameters.

ProcessElementUID optional

Applicable for the ExecProcElByUId() method.

The ID of the process element to run.

Request headers

ForceUseSession true required

Forced use of an existing session.

BPMCSRF authentication_cookie_value required

The authentication cookie.

Response body


The object collection.


The collection object instances.


The name of the Id field.

object1_id, object2_id, ...

The IDs of the collection object instances.

object1 field1, object1 field2, ..., object2 field1, object2 field2, ...

The names of the field1, field2, ... fields in the object1, object2, ... collection object instances.

object1 field_value1, object1 field_value2, ..., object2 field_value1, object2 field_value2, ...

The values of the field1, field2, ... fields in the object1, object2, ... collection object instances. Available only for GET and POST requests.