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Version: 8.1

Bind an existing package to SVN

Level: intermediate

You can bind a package from the file system to the repository only in Creatio on-site. After binding a package to SVN, you can install the package into the file system using the out-of-the-box Creatio tools.


Bind an existing sdkUnboundPackage custom package to the SVN repository.

The package location in the SVN repository is .../SDKPackages/sdkUnboundPackage.

1. Download the package to the file system

To download the package to the file system:

  1. Configure Creatio to work in the file system. Learn more in a separate article: External IDEs.

  2. Select Download packages to file system in the File system development mode group of the action menu.

As a result, all packages will be downloaded along the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg path to the directory whose name matches the package name.

2. Create directories for the package in the SVN repository

To create directories for the package in the SVN repository, use an SVN client, for example, TortoiseSvn.

To create directories for the package in the SVN repository:

  1. Open the repository specified in the package properties.

  2. Create a directory whose name matches the package name in Creatio in the repository. In this example, this is sdkUnboundPackage.

  3. Create branches and tags subdirectories in the created directory.

  4. Create a directory whose name matches the package version number (7.18.0) in the branches directory.

3. Create a working copy of the versioned package branch

To create a working copy of the versioned package branch:

  1. Export (the SVN Checkout... command) the directory created on the previous step from the repository to the package directory in the file system. In this example, this is the 7.18.0 directory.

  2. Confirm the export to an existing directory.

As a result, the ...\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\sdkUnboundPackage package directory in the file system will be bound to the branch of the 7.18.0 package version in the repository.

4. Commit the package directory to the repository

To commit the package directory to the repository:

  1. Add the contents of the ...\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration\Pkg\sdkTestPackage directory to the repository.

  2. Commit the directory to the repository.