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Version: 8.1

InsertSelect class

Level: advanced

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.InsertSelect class builds queries to add records to Creatio database tables. The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select class instance serves as a data source. As a result of creating and configuring an instance of Terrasoft.Core.DB.InsertSelect, Creatio will build an INSERT INTO SELECT SQL query.


When working with the InsertSelect class, Creatio does not apply the default access permissions to the added records. Moreover, Creatio does not apply any permissions to such records, including object operation permissions, record permissions, column permissions. The class uses the user connection only to access the database table.


As a result of an InsertSelect query, Creatio will add all records returned in the Select subquery to the database.


InsertSelect(UserConnection userConnection)

Creates a class instance with the specified UserConnection.

InsertSelect(InsertSelect source)

Creates a class instance that is a clone of the instance passed as the argument.


UserConnection Terrasoft.Core.UserConnection

The user connection that the query uses.

Source Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQuerySource

The data source.

Parameters Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryParameterCollection

The query parameter collection.

HasParameters bool

Whether the query has parameters.

BuildParametersAsValue bool

Whether to add the query parameters to the query text as values.

Columns Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQueryColumnValueCollection

The collection of query column values.

Select Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select instance that the query uses.


void ResetCachedSqlText();

Clears the cached query text.

QueryParameterCollection GetUsingParameters()

Returns the parameter collection that the query uses.

void ResetParameters();

Clears the query parameter collection.

void SetParameterValue(string name, object value)

Sets the value of the query parameter



The parameter name.


The value.

void InitializeParameters();

Initializes the query parameter collection.

int Execute()

Executes the query. Returns the number of records that the query involved.

int Execute(DBExecutor dbExecutor)

Executes the query using the DBExecutor instance. Returns the number of records that the query involved.

InsertSelect Into(string schemaName)
InsertSelect Into(ModifyQuerySource source)

Adds the data source to the current query.



The schema name.


The data source.

InsertSelect Set(IEnumerable<string> sourceColumnAliases)
InsertSelect Set(params string[] sourceColumnAliases)
InsertSelect Set(IEnumerable<ModifyQueryColumn> columns)
InsertSelect Set(params ModifyQueryColumn[] columns)

Adds a set of columns to the current query. The subquery assigns values to the columns. Returns the current InsertSelect instance.



A method parameter collection or array, which contains the column aliases.


A method parameter collection or array, which contains the column instances.

InsertSelect FromSelect(Select subSelect)
InsertSelect FromSelect(Query subSelectQuery)

Adds the SELECT clause to the current query.



The select subquery.


The subquery.