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Version: 8.0

FlexContainer component

Level: beginner

FlexContainer is a component that lets you lay out its children elements vertically or horizontally. The elements may have variable sizes depending on their content. Built on top of CSS Flexible Box.

The FlexContainer component lets you run the following actions on layout elements:

  • Specify the element direction.
  • Align elements.
  • Distribute the space between elements.

Learn more about Flexible Box in the following article: Basic concepts of flexbox.


@Input direction

Specifies the orientation and direction of the flex container’s main axis to which flex elements align.

Available values


The children of the flex container align horizontally.


The children of the flex container align vertically.


The children of the flex container align horizontally in reverse.


The children of the flex container align vertically in reverse.

@Input justifyContent

Space distribution along the main axis. Defines how the browser distributes space between and around elements along the main axis of the flex container.

Available values


Pack elements from the start of the main flex container axis.


Pack elements from the end of the main flex container axis.


Pack elements around the center of the main flex container axis.


The blocks of the flex container are distributed evenly. The first element is flush from the start of the main axis, the other is flush from the end.

@Input alignItems

Space distribution along the cross axis. Defines how the browser distributes space between and around elements along the cross axis of the flex container.

Available values


Pack elements from the start of the flex container’s cross axis.


Pack elements from the end of the flex container’s cross axis.


Pack elements around the center of the main flex container axis.

@Input gap

Defines the column and row spacing between the elements in the flex container. This is a shorthand for the row-gap (vertical gap) and column-gap (horizontal gap) properties.

View the resulting settings for row-gap and column-gap below.

Resulting settings for row-gap and column-gap
.container {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
column-gap: 50px;
row-gap: 20px;
justify-content: center;

View the resulting layout in the figure below.

@Input padding

Defines the container padding settings. This setting can apply a single value to all sides or provide a specific value for each side. The property can accept numbers, strings, and the available values listed below.

Available values


Zero padding.


Small padding.


Medium padding.


Large padding.

View the example settings for the padding property below.

Example settings for the padding property
"padding": {
"top": "6px",
"right": 6,
"bottom": "small",
"left": "large"
@Input border-radius

Defines the corner rounding in the container. This setting can apply a single value to all corners or provide a specific value for each corner. The property can accept numbers, strings, and the available values listed below.

Available values


No rounding.


Small corner radius.


Medium corner radius.


Large corner radius.

View the example settings for the border-radius property below.

Example settings for the border-radius property
"borderRadius": "medium"
@Input color

Defines the container color. This setting accepts a color code.

View the example settings for the color property below.

Example settings for the color property
"color": "#FDAB06"

Use example

An example of using the FlexContainer component in the Freedom UI page schema is available below.

Example of using the FlexContainer component in the Freedom UI page schema
"name": "FlexContainer",
"values": {
"layoutConfig": {...},
"type": "crt.FlexContainer",
"direction": "column",
"justifyContent": "start",
"alignItems": "stretch",
"wrap": "nowrap",
"gap": "small",
"items": []
"operation": "insert",
"name": "Button",
"values": {
"type": "crt.Button",
"caption": "#ResourceString(Button_caption)#",
"color": "primary",
"parentName": "FlexContainer",
"propertyName": "Items",
"index": 0