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Version: 8.0

IMLPredictionSaver class

Level: advanced

The utility class that assists to save the prediction results in the Creatio object.


SaveEntityPredictedValues(Guid schemaUId, Guid entityId, Dictionary<MLModelConfig, List<ClassificationResult>> predictedValues,
Func<Entity, string, ClassificationResult, bool> onSetEntityValue)

Saves the MLEntityPredictor.ClassifyEntityValues classification results in the Creatio object. By default, it saves only the result, whose Significance equals to *High . You can still override this behavior using the passed onSetEntityValue delegate. If the delegate returns false, the value will not be recorded in the Creatio object.

Properties of the ClassificationResult type


Field value.


The probability of a given value in the [0:1] range. The sum of the probabilities for one list of results is close to 1 (values ​​of about 0 can be omitted).


The level of importance of this prediction.

Significance enumeration


This field value has a distinct advantage over other values ​​from the list. Only one element in the prediction list can have this level.


The value of the field is close to several other high values ​​in the list. For example, two values ​​in the list have a probability of 0.41 and 0.39, and all the others are significantly smaller.


Irrelevant values ​​with low probabilities.