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Version: 8.0

config object property

Level: advanced

Base business rule

The base business rule is an abstract class, i.e., all business rules should be its inheritors.

The properties of the config configuration object that can be used by the inheritors of the business rule.

Configuration object properties


The type of rule. The value must be included into the Terrasoft.RuleTypes enumeration.


The column array that triggers the rule.


A text message displayed under the control element connected with the column in case business rule is not executed. It is necessary for rules that inform a user of warnings.


A unique name of a business rule. It is necessary if you need to delete a rule by the Terrasoft.sdk methods.


A position of a business rule that defines its order priority in the current queue.


An event array, defining the time of running business rules. It should contain values included into the Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents enumeration.

Available values (Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents)


the rule is executed before saving the data


the rule is executed when the data is modified (while editing)


the rule is executed when the edit page is opened

Is required business rule (Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Requirement)

Defines whether an edit page field is required.

Configuration object properties


Should contain the Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Requirement value for this rule.


Verification type. The value must be included into the Terrasoft.RequirementTypes enumeration. The rule can verify one or all the columns from triggeredByColumns.


The column array that triggers the rule. If the verification type equals Terrasoft.RequirementTypes.Simple, one column in the array should be specified.

Available values (Terrasoft.RequirementTypes)


value verification in one column


one of the columns specified in the triggeredByColumns should be populated

Use case
Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Contact", {
ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Requirement,
requireType : Terrasoft.RequirementTypes.OneOf,
events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Save],
triggeredByColumns: ["HomeNumber", "BusinessNumber"],
columnNames: ["HomeNumber", "BusinessNumber"]

Visibility business rule (Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Visibility)

You can hide and display fields per condition using this rule.

Configuration object properties


Should contain the Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Visibility value for this rule.


The column array that triggers the rule.


An event array, defining the time of running business rules. It should contain values included into the Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents enumeration.


Condition array of business rule execution. Usually, these are specific column values.


Column name array that the business rule is applied to.

Use case
Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Account", {
ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Visibility,
conditionalColumns: [
{name: "Type", value: Terrasoft.Configuration.Consts.AccountTypePharmacy}
triggeredByColumns: ["Type"],
dependentColumnNames: ["IsRx", "IsOTC"]

The fields connected with the IsRx and IsOTC columns are displayed if the Type column contains the value defined by the Terrasoft.Configuration.Consts.AccountTypePharmacy invariable.

Terrasoft.Configuration.Consts = {
AccountTypePharmacy: "d12dc11d-8c74-46b7-9198-5a4385428f9a"

You can use the 'd12dc11d-8c74-46b7-9198-5a4385428f9a’ value instead of the invariable.

Enabled/Disabled business rule (Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Activation)

This business rule enables and disables fields for entering values per condition.

Configuration object properties


Should contain the Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Activation value for this rule.


The column array that triggers the rule.


An event array, defining the time of running business rules. It should contain values included into the Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents enumeration.


Condition array of business rule execution. Usually, these are specific column values.


Column name array that the business rule is applied to.

Whether a field connected with the Stock column is enabled depends on the value in the IsPresence column.

Use case
Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("ActivitySKU", {
ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Activation,
events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Load, Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged],
triggeredByColumns: ["IsPresence"],
conditionalColumns: [
{name: "IsPresence", value: true}
dependentColumnNames: ["Stock"]

Filtration business rule (Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Filtration)

This business rule can be used for filtration of lookup columns by condition, or by another column value.

Configuration object properties


Should contain the Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Filtration value for this rule.


The column array that triggers the rule.


An event array, defining the time of running business rules. It should contain values included into the Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents enumeration.


Filter. The property should contain the Terrasoft.Filter class instance.


The column used for filtering values.

Mutual Filtration business rule (Terrasoft.RuleTypes.MutualFiltration)

This business rule enables mutual filtering of two lookup fields. Works only with columns with the "one-to-many" relationship, e.g., CountryCity. Create a separate business rule for every field cluster. For example, for the CountryRegionCity and the CountryCity clusters, create three business rules:

  • CountryRegion;
  • RegionCity;
  • CountryCity.

Configuration object properties


Should contain the Terrasoft.RuleTypes.MutualFiltration value for this rule.


The column array that triggers the rule.


Object array that configures cluster relationship

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("ContactAddress", {
ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.MutualFiltration,
triggeredByColumns: ["City", "Region", "Country"],
connections: [
parent: "Country",
child: "City"
parent: "Country",
child: "Region"
parent: "Region",
child: "City"

Regular expression business rule (Terrasoft.RuleTypes.RegExp)

Verifies the conformity of the column value with the regular expression.

Configuration object properties


Should contain the Terrasoft.RuleTypes.RegExp value for this rule.


Regular expression whose conformity with all the triggeredByColumns array columns is verified.


The column array that triggers the rule.

Use case
Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Contact", {
ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.RegExp,
regExp : /^([0-9\(\)\/\+ \-]*)$/
triggeredByColumns: ["HomeNumber", "BusinessNumber"]

Custom business rules

When adding a custom business rule via the Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule(name, config) method you can use properties of the config configuration object of the base business rule. In addition, the executeFn property is also provided.

Configuration object properties


Rule type. For the custom rules it should contain the Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Custom value.


Array of columns which initiates trigging of the business rule.


Array of events determining the start time of the business rule. It should contain values from the Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents enumeration. Default value: Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged.

Available values (Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents)


the rule trigs before saving the data


the rule trigs after changing the data (at modification)


the rule trigs when the edit page is opened


A handler function that contains the user logic for executing the business rule.

Properties of the executeFn handler function

Handler function signature
executeFn: function(record, rule, checkColumnName, customData, callbackConfig, event) {    }


a record for which the business rule is executed


an instance of the current business rule


a column name that calls business-rules firing


an object that is shared between all rules. Not used. Left for compatibility with previous versions


a configuration object of the Ext.callback asynchronous callback


an event that triggered the business rul.

After the completion of function operation it is necessary to call either the callbackConfig.success or callbackConfig.failure.

Use cases options
Ext.callback(callbackConfig.success, callbackConfig.scope, [result]);
Ext.callback(callbackConfig.failure, callbackConfig.scope, [exception]);


  • result – the returned boolean value obtained when the function is executed (true/false).
  • exception – the exception of the Terrasoft.Exception type, which occurred in the handler function.


In the source code of the handler function, you can use the following methods of the model passed in the record parameter:


To get the value of a record column. The columnName argument should contain the column name.

set(columnName, value, fireEventConfig)

To set the value of the record column.



the name of the column


the value assigned to the column


a configuration object to set the properties that are passed to the column modification event

changeProperty(columnName, propertyConfig)

For changing column properties except its value. The columnName argument should contain the column name and the propertyConfig object that sets the column properties.

propertyConfig object properties


activity of the column. If true, the control associated with the column will be inactive and disabled for operation


"Read only" flag. If true, the control associated with the column will be available only for reading. If false – the access for reading and writing


column visibility. If true, the control associated with the column will be hidden. If false – the control will be displayed


add filter. If the property is specified, it should have a filter of the Terrasoft.Filter type that will be added to the column filtration. Property is used only for lookup fields


remove the filter. If the property is specified, it should have a name of the filter that will be removed from the column filtration. Property is used only for lookup fields


flag of column validity. If the property is specified, it will change the validity flag of the control associated with the column. If the column is invalid, then this can mean canceling of saving the record, and can also lead to the determining the record as invalid

Example of changing the properties (but not the values) of the Owner column
record.changeProperty("Owner", {
disabled: false,
readOnly: false,
hidden: false,
addFilter: {
property: "IsChief",
value: true
isValid: {
value: false,
message: LocalizableStrings["Owner_should_be_a_chief_only"]