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Version: 8.0

DeleteQuery class

Level: advanced

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The DeleteQuery contract is used to delete sections. The data is transferred to the DataService via HTTP by using the POST request with the following URL:

// URL format of the POST query to DataService to delete data.
http(s)://[Creatio application address]/[Configuration number]/dataservice/[Data fromat]/reply/DeleteQuery

The DeleteQuery data contract has a hierarchical structure with multiple nesting levels. In the Creatio application server part, the DeleteQuery data contract is represented by the DeleteQuery class of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll class library. However, for simplicity, the hierarchical structure of the DeleteQuery data contract is conveniently presented as a JSON format object:

Structure of the DeleteQuery data contract
"RootSchemaName":"[Root schema]",
"OperationType":[Record operation type],
"ColumnValues":[Column values. Not used.],
"Filters":[Query filters]


RootSchemaName string

A string containing the name of the root object schema of the added record.

OperationType QueryOperationType

Operation type is set by the QueryOperationType namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace enumeration value. For the SelectQuery the QueryOperationType.Select value is set.

Available values (QueryOperationType)











ColumnValues ColumnValues

Contains a collection of column values of the added record. Inherited from the BaseQuery parent class. Not used in this type of queries.

Filters Filters

Query filter collection. Its Filters type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Filters class

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The DeleteQuery query class instance must contain a link to the correctly initialized Filters class instance in the Filters property. Otherwise ALL section records will be deleted.