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Version: 8.0

Develop custom functions using TypeScript

Level: advanced

You can use languages that can be compiled to JavaScript when developing the file contents of the custom functionality. For example, TypeScript. Learn more about TypeScript in documentation.


When a user saves the account record, validate the value of the Also known as field and display the message with the validation results. The field must contain only letters. Code the validation logic in TypeScript.

1. Install TypeScript

One way to install TypeScript is to use the NPM package manager for Node.js.

To install TypeScript:

  1. Make sure your OS has the Node.js runtime environment.

    Download the installer.

  2. Run the following command at the Windows console:

    TypeScript installation command
    npm install -g typescript

2. Switch to the file system development mode

To set up Creatio for file system development:

  1. Enable the file system development mode.

    Set the value of the fileDesignMode element's enabled attribute to true in the Web.config file in Creatio root directory.

  2. Disable the retrieval of static file content from the file system.

    Set the UseStaticFileContent flag to false in the Web.config file in Creatio root directory.

    <filedesignmode enabled="true"/>
    <add key="UseStaticFileContent" value="false"/>

  3. Compile Creatio.

    Run the Compile all action in the Configuration section.

  4. Grant IIS access to the configuration directory.

    To ensure Creatio works with the configuration project correctly, grant the OS user on whose behalf you run the IIS application pool full access to the [Path to Creatio]\Terrasoft.WebApp\Terrasoft.Configuration directory. Usually, this is a built-in IIS_IUSRS user.

Learn more about the file system development mode: External IDEs. Visual Studio.

3. Establish the structure of the file content storage

To establish the structure of the file content storage:

  1. Create the Files directory in the custom package downloaded to the file system.

  2. Create the src subdirectory in the Files directory.

  3. Create the js subdirectory in the src directory.

  4. Create the descriptor.json file in the Files directory.

    "bootstraps": [

  5. Create the bootstrap.js file in the Files\src\js directory.

    (function() {
    paths: {
    LettersOnlyValidator: Terrasoft.getFileContentUrl(

4. Code the validation in TypeScript

To code the validation in TypeScript:

  1. Create the Validation.ts file in the Files\src\js directory and declare the StringValidator interface in the file.

    interface StringValidator {
    isAcceptable(s: string): boolean;
    export = StringValidator;

  2. Create the LettersOnlyValidator.ts file in the Files\src\js directory. Declare the LettersOnlyValidator class that implements the StringValidator interface in the file.

    // Import the module that implements the StringValidator interface.
    import StringValidator = require("Validation");

    // The new class must belong to the Terrasoft namespace (module).
    module Terrasoft {
    // Declare the value validation class.
    export class LettersOnlyValidator implements StringValidator {
    // The regular expression that only accepts letters.
    lettersRegexp: any = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
    // The validating method.
    isAcceptable(s: string) {
    return !Ext.isEmpty(s) && this.lettersRegexp.test(s);
    // Create and export a class instance for require.
    export = new Terrasoft.LettersOnlyValidator();

5. Compile the TypeScript source code to JavaScript source code

To compile the TypeScript source code to JavaScript source code:

  1. Add the tsconfig.json configuration file to the Files\src\js directory to set up the compilation.

    "target": "es5",
    "module": "amd",
    "sourceMap": true

  2. Go to the Files\src\js directory via the Windows console and run the tsc command.

    As a result, Windows will create the JavaScript version of the Validation.ts and LettersOnlyValidator.ts files, as well as the *.map files that streamline debugging in the browser, in the Files\src\js directory.

    The contents of the automatically generated LettersOnlyValidator.js file to be used in Creatio.

    define(["require", "exports"], function(require, exports) {
    "use strict";
    var Terrasoft;
    (function(Terrasoft) {
    var LettersOnlyValidator = /** @class */ (
    (function() {
    function LettersOnlyValidator() {
    this.lettersRegexp = /^[A-Za-z]+$/;
    LettersOnlyValidator.prototype.isAcceptable = function(s) {
    return !Ext.isEmpty(s) && this.lettersRegexp.test(s);
    return LettersOnlyValidator;
    Terrasoft.LettersOnlyValidator = LettersOnlyValidator;
    })(Terrasoft || (Terrasoft = {}));
    return new Terrasoft.LettersOnlyValidator();

6. Generate the auxiliary files

To generate the _FileContentBootstraps.js and FileContentDescriptors.js auxiliary files:

  1. Go to the Configuration section.
  2. Run the Update packages from file system action to upload packages from the file system.
  1. Run the Compile all action to apply the changes to the bootstrap.js file.

7. Verify the example implementation results

To enable the validation:

  1. Go to the Configuration section.
  2. Run the Update packages from file system action to upload packages from the file system.
  1. Create the replacing view model schema for the account page.
  1. Run the Download packages to the file system action to download packages to the file system.

  2. Modify the ..\sdkTypeScript\Schemas\AccountPageV2\AccountPageV2.js file in the file system.

    // Declare the module and its dependencies.
    define("AccountPageV2", ["LettersOnlyValidator"], function(LettersOnlyValidator) {
    return {
    entitySchemaName: "Account",
    methods: {
    // The validation method.
    validateMethod: function() {
    // Determine if the value of the AlternativeName column is valid.
    var res = LettersOnlyValidator.isAcceptable(this.get("AlternativeName"));
    // Display the results to the user.
    Terrasoft.showInformation("Is 'Also known as' field valid: " + res);
    // Redefine the parent schema method called when saving the record.
    save: function() {
    // Call the validation method.
    // Call the base functionality.
    diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/ [] /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

  3. Save the file with the schema source code and refresh the account page.

Creatio will validate the field and display the message with the validation results when you save the record.

The field value is invalid
The field value is invalid
The field value is valid
The field value is valid


Package with example implementation