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Version: 8.0

Bind data to the package

Level: intermediate

Developers often need to provide certain data together with the developed functionality when transferring changes between environments.

Automatic data binding

When you create a section using the Section Wizard, Creatio binds data required for registration and correct operation of the section to the package automatically.

Also, when you create an app using Application Hub, Creatio binds data required for app transferring to the package automatically. Since Creatio version 8.0.1, Creatio adds package dependencies automatically when binding data in the current package. Dependencies are added for bindings performed in the Configuration section and Advanced settings tab in the No-Code Designer. When data is bound, you can select any objects and their columns. This mechanism is based on the app’s package hierarchy rather than the dependencies of the current package. After the binding is done, Creatio adds the packages that contain the objects used in the binding to the current package as dependencies automatically.

Manual data binding

Bind the following element to the package manually:

  • lookup contents
  • section contents
  • system settings
  • dashboards
  • Word reports and FastReports reports. FastReport functionality is deprecated since Creatio 8.0.3.

The order of object data binding depends on the object relationship. If one of the objects depends on the other, bind an object that does not depend on the new objects first.

General procedure to bind data to a package manually:

  1. Create a Data schema type. Instructions: Implement a data binding.

  2. Fill out the Object schema property. The number of Data type schemas required depends on the UI element whose data is being bound to the package. I. e., create a single Data type schema based on a single object.

    Element to bind

    Property value

    Binding description

    Required number of the Data type schemas

    Lookup contents

    Select a lookup object

    Binding the contents of a lookup implies binding data of the custom object to the package based on which the lookup was built.


    Section contents

    Select a section object

    Binding the contents of a section implies binding its demo records to the corresponding package. When you bind the contents of a custom section, Creatio binds data of the custom object based on which the section was built.


    System settings


    Binding a system setting to a package implies binding the system setting code and value.
    [SysSettings] database table stores codes of Creatio system settings.
    [SysSettingsValue] database table stores values of Creatio system settings.





    Binding a dashboard to a package implies binding the dashboard added to the section record page.
    [SysDashboard] database table stores the connections of dashboards to Creatio sections.


    Word reports


    Binding a Word report to a package implies binding the printable and tabular part of the report.
    [SysModuleReport] database table stores configured printables.
    [SysModuleReportTable] database table stores tabular parts of Word reports.





    Binding a FastReport report to a package implies binding the template, data source, and printable of the report.
    [FastReportTemplate] database table stores FastReport templates.
    [SysModuleReportTable] database table stores FastReport data sources.
    [SysModuleReport] database table stores configured FastReport printables.




  3. Select data to bind to the package.


    Tab description

    Columns setting

    Select the columns that contain object data

    Bound data

    Select the records to bind to the package. Use the filter by object name to search for the corresponding data.

  4. Save the changes.

See also
