Entity class
The Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Entity
class provides access to an entity that represents a record in the database table.
View the entire list of methods and properties of the Entity
class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET classes reference.
Entity(UserConnection userConnection)
Creates a new Entity
class instance for the set UserConnection
user connection.
Entity(UserConnection userConnection, Guid schemaUId)
Creates a new Entity
class instance for the set UserConnection
user connection and the schema set by the schemaUId
Entity(Entity source)
Creates a class instance that is a clone of the instance passed as an argument.
ChangeType EntityChangeType
The type of entity status change (added, modified, deleted, unchanged).
EntitySchemaManager EntitySchemaManager
An instance of the entity schema manager.
EntitySchemaManagerName string
The name of the entity schema manager.
HasColumnValues bool
Whether an entity has at least one column.
HierarchyColumnValue Guid
The value of the column that binds the parent record, for hierarchical entities.
InstanceUId Guid
The object instance identifier.
IsDeletedFromDB bool
Whether the object is deleted from the database.
IsInColumnValueChanged bool
Whether to handle the ColumnValueChanged
IsInColumnValueChanging bool
Whether to handle the ColumnValueChanging
IsInDefColumnValuesSet bool
Whether to handle the DefColumnValuesSet
IsInDeleted bool
Whether to handle the Deleted
IsInDeleting bool
Whether to handle the Deleting
IsInInserted bool
Whether to handle the Inserted
IsInInserting bool
Whether to handle the Inserting
IsInLoaded bool
Whether to hanlde the Loaded
IsInLoading bool
Whether to handle the Loading
IsInSaved bool
Whether to handle the Saved
IsInSaveError bool
Whether to handle the SaveError
IsInSaving bool
Whether to handle the Saving
IsInUpdated bool
Whether to handle the Updated
IsInUpdating bool
Whether to handle the Updating
IsInValidating bool
Whether to handle the Validating
IsSchemaInitialized bool
Whether the entity schema is initialized.
LicOperationPrefix string
The prefix of the operation to license.
LoadState EntityLoadState
The object load state.
PrimaryColumnValue Guid
The ID of the initial column.
PrimaryDisplayColumnValue string
The value to display in the initial column.
Process Process
The nested process of the entity.
Schema EntitySchema
An instance of the entity schema.
SchemaName string
The entity schema name.
StoringState StoringObjectState
The entity status (modified, added, deleted, unchanged).
UseAdminRights bool
Whether to apply permissions when inserting, updating, deleting, and retrieving data.
UseDefRights bool
Whether to use the default entity permissions.
UseLazyLoad bool
Whether to use the lazy initial loading of entity data.
UserConnection UserConnection
The user connection.
ValidationMessages EntityValidationMessageCollection
The message collection displayed when validating an entity.
ValueListSchemaManager ValueListSchemaManager
An instance of the entity enumerations manager.
ValueListSchemaManagerName string
The name of the entity enumerations manager.
void AddDefRights()
void AddDefRights(Guid primaryColumnValue)
void AddDefRights(IEnumerable<Guid> primaryColumnValues)
Sets the default permissions for the entity.
primaryColumnValue | The ID of the access permission value. |
primaryColumnValues | An array of IDs of the access permission values. |
virtual object Clone()
Creates a clone of the current Entity
Insert CreateInsert(bool skipLookupColumnValues)
Creates a query to add data to the database.
skipLookupColumnValues | Whether to take the lookup columns into account while adding data. By default, |
Update CreateUpdate(bool skipLookupColumnValues)
Creates a query to update data in the database.
skipLookupColumnValues | Whether to add the columns of the lookup type to the database. If set to |
virtual bool Delete()
virtual bool Delete(object keyValue)
Deletes the entity record from the database.
keyValue | The key field value. |
bool DeleteWithCancelProcess()
Deletes the entity record from the database and cancels the started process.
static Entity DeserializeFromJson(UserConnection userConnection, string jsonValue)
Creates an Entity
type entity using the userConnection
user connection and populates the entity field values from the specified jsonValue
JSON string.
jsonValue | A JSON string. |
userConnection | The user connection. |
bool ExistInDB(EntitySchemaColumn conditionColumn, object conditionValue)
bool ExistInDB(string conditionColumnName, object conditionValue)
bool ExistInDB(object keyValue)
bool ExistInDB(Dictionary<string,object> conditions)
Whether the database contains a record that matches the given condition of the conditionValue
query to the conditionColumn
entity schema column or with the specified keyValue
initial key.
conditionColumn | The column for which to specify the selection condition. |
conditionColumnName | The name of the column for which to specify the selection condition. |
conditionValue | The value of the condition column for the selected data. |
conditions | A set of conditions to filter the object record selection. |
keyValue | The key field value. |
bool FetchFromDB(EntitySchemaColumn conditionColumn, object conditionValue, bool useDisplayValues)
bool FetchFromDB(string conditionColumnName, object conditionValue, bool useDisplayValues)
bool FetchFromDB(object keyValue, bool useDisplayValues)
bool FetchFromDB(Dictionary<string,object> conditions, bool useDisplayValues)
bool FetchFromDB(EntitySchemaColumn conditionColumn, object conditionValue, IEnumerable<EntitySchemaColumn> columnsToFetch, bool useDisplayValues)
bool FetchFromDB(string conditionColumnName, object conditionValue, IEnumerable<string>columnNamesToFetch, bool useDisplayValues)
Loads the object from the database by the specified condition.
conditionColumn | The column for which to specify the selection condition. |
conditionColumnName | The name of the column for which to specify the selection condition. |
conditionValue | The value of the condition column for the selected data. |
columnsToFetch | The list of columns to select. |
columnNamesToFetch | The list of column names to select. |
conditions | A set of conditions to filter the object record selection. |
keyValue | The key field value. |
useDisplayValues | Indicates that the query returns the initial displayed values. If set to |
bool FetchPrimaryColumnFromDB(object keyValue)
Loads the object with the initial column from the database by the set keyValue
keyValue | The key field value. |
bool FetchPrimaryInfoFromDB(EntitySchemaColumn conditionColumn, object conditionValue)
bool FetchPrimaryInfoFromDB(string conditionColumnName, object conditionValue)
Loads a database object with initial columns, including the initial displayed column, by the set condition.
conditionColumn | The column for which to specify the selection condition. |
conditionColumnName | The name of the column for which to specify the selection condition. |
conditionValue | The value of the condition column for the selected data. |
byte[] GetBytesValue(string valueName)
Returns the value of the specified entity column as a byte array.
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
IEnumerable<EntityColumnValue> GetChangedColumnValues()
Returns the name collection of the object properties that were modified.
string GetColumnDisplayValue(EntitySchemaColumn column)
Returns the value for the display of the object property that matches the specified entity schema column.
column | A specific entity schema column. |
object GetColumnOldValue(string valueName)
object GetColumnOldValue(EntitySchemaColumn column)
Returns the previous value of the specified entity property.
column | A specific entity schema column. |
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
virtual object GetColumnValue(string valueName)
virtual object GetColumnValue(EntitySchemaColumn column)
Returns the value of the entity column with the specified name that matches the passed entity schema column.
column | A specific entity schema column. |
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
IEnumerable<string> GetColumnValueNames()
Returns the collection of entity column names.
virtual bool GetIsColumnValueLoaded(string valueName)
bool GetIsColumnValueLoaded(EntitySchemaColumn column)
Returns the flag that determines whether the specified entity property is loaded.
column | A specific entity schema column. |
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
virtual MemoryStream GetStreamValue(string valueName)
Returns the value of the passed entity schema column converted into the System.IO.MemoryStream
type instance.
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
TResult GetTypedColumnValue<tresult>(EntitySchemaColumn column)
Returns the typed value of the entity property that matches the specified column of the entity schema.
column | A specific entity schema column. |
TResult GetTypedOldColumnValue<tresult>(string valueName)
TResult GetTypedOldColumnValue<tresult>(EntitySchemaColumn column)
Returns the typed previous value of the entity property that matches the specified column of the entity schema.
column | A specific entity schema column. |
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
virtual bool InsertToDB(bool skipLookupColumnValues, bool validateRequired)
Adds a record of the current entity to the database.
skipLookupColumnValues | Whether to add the columns of the lookup type to the database. If set to |
validateRequired | Whether to validate the required values. By default, |
bool IsColumnValueLoaded(string valueName)
bool IsColumnValueLoaded(EntitySchemaColumn column)
Whether the value of the entity property with the specified name is loaded.
column | A specific entity schema column. |
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
virtual bool Load(DataRow dataRow)
virtual bool Load(DataRow dataRow, Dictionary<string,string> columnMap)
virtual bool Load(IDataReader dataReader)
virtual bool Load(IDataReader dataReader, IDictionary<string,string> columnMap)
virtual bool Load(object dataSource)
virtual bool Load(object dataSource, IDictionary<string,string> columnMap)
Populates the entity with the passed data.
columnMap | The entity properties to populate with data. |
dataRow | A |
dataReader | A |
dataSource | A |
void LoadColumnValue(string columnValueName, IDataReader dataReader, int fieldIndex, int binaryPackageSize)
void LoadColumnValue(string columnValueName, IDataReader dataReader, int fieldIndex)
void LoadColumnValue(string columnValueName, object value)
void LoadColumnValue(EntitySchemaColumn column, object value)
Loads the value from the passed instance for the property with the specified name.
binaryPackageSize | The size of the loaded value. |
column | The entity schema column. |
columnValueName | The entity property name. |
dataReader | A |
fieldIndex | The index of the field loaded from |
value | The loaded value of the property. |
static Entity Read(UserConnection userConnection, DataReader dataReader)
Returns the current property value of the Entity
type from the input stream.
dataReader | A |
userConnection | The user connection. |
void ReadData(DataReader reader)
void ReadData(DataReader reader, EntitySchema schema)
Reads data from the entity schema and saves the data to the specified object of the System.Data.IDataReader
reader | A |
schema | The entity schema. |
void ResetColumnValues();
Cancels the changes for all entity properties.
void ResetOldColumnValues();
Reverts all entity properties to previous values.
bool Save(bool validateRequired)
Saves the entity to the database.
validateRequired | Whether to validate the required values. By default, |
static string SerializeToJson(Entity entity)
Converts the entity
object into a JSON
entity | The |
virtual void SetBytesValue(string valueName, byte[] streamBytes)
Sets the specified entity property to the passed value of the System.Byte
streamBytes | A value of the |
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
bool SetColumnBothValues(EntitySchemaColumn column, object value, string displayValue)
bool SetColumnBothValues(string columnValueName, object value, string displayColumnValueName, string displayValue)
Sets the entity property that matches the specified schema column to passed value
and displayValue
column | The entity schema column. |
displayValue | The loaded value for display. |
displayColumnValueName | The name of the column that contains the value for display. |
value | The loaded value of the column. |
bool SetColumnValue(string valueName, object value)
bool SetColumnValue(EntitySchemaColumn column, object value)
Sets the specified schema column to the passed value
column | The entity schema column. |
value | The loaded value of the column. |
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
void SeddefColumnValue(string columnValueName, object defValue)
void SeddefColumnValue(string columnValueName)
Sets the property with the specified name to the default value.
columnValueName | The name of the entity column. |
defValue | The default value. |
void SeddefColumnValues();
Sets default values for all entity properties.
bool SetStreamValue(string valueName, Stream value)
Sets the specified entity property to the passed value of the System.IO.Stream
value | The loaded value of the column. |
valueName | The name of the entity column. |
virtual bool UpdateInDB(bool validateRequired)
Updates the entity record in the database.
validateRequired | Whether to validate the required values. By default, |
bool Validate()
Verifies if the required fields are populated.
static void Write(DataWriter dataWriter, Entity entity, string propertyName)
static void Write(DataWriter dataWriter, Entity entity, string propertyName, bool couldConvertForXml)
Writes the value of the Entity
type to the output stream with the specified name.
couldConvertForXml | Allow converting for XML serialization. |
dataWriter | An instance of the |
entity | A value for a record of the |
propertyName | The entity name. |
void Write(DataWriter dataWriter, string propertyName)
Writes the data to the output stream with the specified name.
dataWriter | An instance of the |
propertyName | The property name. |
void WriteData(DataWriter writer)
void WriteData(DataWriter writer, EntitySchema schema)
Writes to the output stream for the specified or current entity schema.
schema | The entity schema. |
writer | An instance of the |
event EventHandler<EntityColumnAfterEventArgs> ColumnValueChanged
Event handler used after modifying the entity column value.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityColumnAfterEventArgs
The EntityColumnAfterEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityColumnBeforeEventArgs> ColumnValueChanging
Event handler used before modifying the entity column value.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityColumnBeforeEventArgs
The EntityColumnBeforeEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EventArgs> DefColumnValuesSet
Event handler used after setting default entity field values.
event EventHandler<EntityAfterEventArgs> Deleted
Event handler used after deleting an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityAfterEventArgs
The EntityAfterEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityBeforeEventArgs> Deleting
Event handler used before deleting an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityBeforeEventArgs
The EntityBeforeEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityAfterEventArgs> Inserted
Event handler used after inserting an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityAfterEventArgs
The EntityAfterEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityBeforeEventArgs> Inserting
Event handler used before inserting an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityBeforeEventArgs
The EntityBeforeEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityAfterLoadEventArgs> Loaded
Event handler used after loading an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityAfterLoadEventArgs
The EntityAfterLoadEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityBeforeLoadEventArgs> Loading
Event handler used before loading an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityBeforeLoadEventArgs
The EntityBeforeLoadEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityAfterEventArgs> Saved
Event handler used after saving an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityAfterEventArgs
The EntityAfterEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntitySaveErrorEventArgs> SaveError
Event handler used if an error occurs while saving an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntitySaveErrorEventArgs
The EntitySaveErrorEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityBeforeEventArgs> Saving
Event handler used before saving an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityBeforeEventArgs
The EntityBeforeEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityAfterEventArgs> Updated
Event handler used after updating an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityAfterEventArgs
The EntityAfterEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityBeforeEventArgs>Updating
Event handler used before updating an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityBeforeEventArgs
The EntityBeforeEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event:
event EventHandler<EntityValidationEventArgs> Validating
Event handler used when validating an entity.
The event handler receives an argument of the EntityValidationEventArgs
The EntityValidationEventArgs
properties that provide information relevant to the event: