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Requirements for Marketplace listing resources

Level: beginner

Make sure that the Marketplace listing resources meet the following groups of requirements:

  • Requirements for Overview tab properties
  • Requirements for Pricing and support tab properties

Requirements for Overview tab properties

Requirements for Name property

  • The name of your listing must be unique compared to other Marketplace listings published on Creatio Marketplace. The name must describe the Marketplace listing’s functionality.

  • Word count: up to 5 words.

  • Length: up to 70 characters.

  • Use one of the templates for the name of the Marketplace listing depending on the listing type. View the available templates in the table below.

    View the templates for the name of the Marketplace listing in the table below.





    Component for Creatio platform

    [Component Name] for Creatio

    Capitalize each word of the component name.

    Experceo QR Code Generator for Creatio

    Application on Creatio platform

    For listings that integrate external apps:

    [External App Name] integration/connector for Creatio

    Capitalize each word of the external app name.

    Asterisk connector for Creatio

    For other listings:

    [Application Name] for Creatio

    Capitalize each word of the application name.

    Reload Data Button for Creatio

    Product on Creatio platform

    [Product Name] for Creatio

    Capitalize each word of the product name.

    Keen Portfolios and Projects for Creatio

    Integration via Creatio API

    [External App Name] integration/connector for Creatio

    Capitalize each word of the external app name.

    Google Sheets integration for Creatio

Requirements for Logo property

  • Size: 260x216 pixels or larger proportionally.
  • Format: *.png, *.jpg.
  • Use a high-quality logo without pixelization.
  • Do not use the Creatio logo as the logo or part of the logo.
  • Do not use dark colors for the logo background.
  • Do not round the corners of the logo background.

Recommendations for logo:

  • The logo reaches 2 or more borders of the image.
  • Add the logo of the Marketplace listing developer to the bottom of the logo.
  • Use colors of the Marketplace listing developer in the logo.
  • Do not add text or labels to the logo.
  • Fill out 70% of the logo or more.

Requirements for Summary property

  • The summary must describe the primary functionality and explain the name of the Marketplace listing.
  • Sentence count: up to 2 sentences.
  • Length: up to 250 characters.
  • Do not use explicit evaluative definitions, for example, "the best," "top 1," "unique," "single," "real," "perfect," etc.
  • Do not add image links.
  • The connector summary must contain the description of the connector functionality, not the functionality of the external app integrated with Creatio.
  • The connector summary must contain the name of the external app integrated with Creatio, for example, "Asterisk telephony," "TurboSMS email service."
  • The summary must not contain lexical, syntax, or semantic errors.

Requirements for Description property

  • Use a description that both existing and potential Creatio users can understand.
  • Use the terminology from the Creatio documentation for UI elements. The terminology must be consistent throughout the instruction. Learn more: Glossary.
  • Capitalize names of Marketplace listing objects, for example, section, page, field, etc.
  • Do not describe the base Creatio functionality in the description. The exceptions are Marketplace listings that have to highlight the industry-specific use of the base functionality.
  • Do not use explicit evaluative definitions, for example, "the best," "top 1," "unique," "single," "real," "perfect," etc.
  • Do not add information from other properties to the description.
  • Describe only the implemented Marketplace listing functionality in the description.
  • The connector description must contain the description of connector functionality, not the functionality of the external app integrated with Creatio.
  • Do not advertise other apps, products, or services in the description. You can describe the paid versions of the current Marketplace listing or other listings that expand the current listing.
  • The description must not contain lexical, syntax, or semantic errors.

View the mandatory structure of the listing description in the table below.

Information to describe

Description example

Brief description of the listing

The business value of the Creatio integration with the external app.

The "Advanced Schedule for Creatio" app lets you create various work schedules and limits the Creatio calendar according to the work schedule specified for each employee.

The functionality added to Creatio.

Use cases of the listing (the Use cases item)

Use cases of the Marketplace listing.

The app helps clinics, beauty salons, car services, etc. You can use it to schedule visits to certain specialists (employees) during their working hours. The app also lets you schedule meetings of sales associates created by contact center operators / telemarketing employees quicker and easier.

The functionality of the listing (the Key features item)

Creatio entities, for example, section, page, business process, etc., that the listing modifies.

You can create and set up the employee schedule in the "Work schedule" section flexibly based on the following templates:

  • standard 5-day schedule
  • "N days after M" (for example, 2 after 2, 3 after 2, 6 after 1, etc.)
  • work schedule on specific days of the week
  • work on even/odd days
  • shift schedule (set the start and end time of the shift, the interval between shifts)
  • You can display the schedule in the "Activities" section for multiple employees simultaneously. This is useful for when a task must be assigned to an employee who is not available then.

Usage of changed entities.

Notes and limitations of the listing (the Notes item)

Required environment for the listing.

  • The app is not designed for creating tasks that span multiple days, tasks that have an indefinite time frame, or tasks that have multiple owners.
  • The base logic of the "Activities" section is changed. When selecting the schedule of a particular employee, Creatio displays only those activities that have the employee specified in the "Owner" column. The base logic uses the "Participants" detail uses in these cases.
  • The next app version will let you create custom schedule templates.

The business problems that the listing does not solve.

The limitations of the listing.

Listing development roadmap. Optional.

Examples of Marketplace listing descriptions: Microsoft Word Plugin for Creatio, Business Card Scanner for Creatio, Calculated Metrics for Creatio. You can also view descriptions of the other Marketplace listings on Creatio Marketplace.

Requirements for Screenshots and video property

  • Number: 2 or more.
  • Format: *.png, *.gif, *.jpg.
  • Use a high-quality picture without pixelization.
  • Take the screenshots on the latest English Creatio version.
  • Hide the Creatio version number from the screenshots. To do this, use the Show configuration version (ShowConfigurationVersion code) system setting.
  • Use the default color palette of the Creatio section panel on the screenshots.
  • Use the default Creatio logo on the screenshots.
  • Creatio screenshots must have a user profile photo. You can use your own photo or a photo from the photo library. Download the archive.
  • Focus on showcasing the Marketplace listing functionality on the screenshots. Do not display base functionality that is irrelevant to the Marketplace listing functionality.
  • Display only the base sections and Marketplace listing sections on the screenshots.
  • Display the entire working area of the browser window without the elements of the operating system on the screenshots.
  • Take the screenshots on the same screen. Maximize the browser window and use the 100% zoom level.
  • The screenshots must include the Creatio UI in its entirety. Do not crop the Creatio UI, for example, the section panel.
  • The screenshots must not contain arrows, additional labels, and mouse pointer.
  • The screenshots must not contain external apps unrelated to Creatio.
  • Display the demo data relevant for the target audience and distribution region of the Marketplace listing on the screenshots. For example, names, cities, phone numbers, etc.
  • Do not use presentation slides, charts, illustrations, or text documents as screenshots.
  • The connector screenshots must display the connector operation in Creatio, not the external app.
  • You can add up to 2 screenshots of the external app.

View the example screenshots in the table below.

  • default color palette
  • default Creatio logo
  • no external apps
  • taken on the latest released English Creatio version
  • Creatio UI is not cropped
  • no additional indicators
  • demo data looks organic

  • custom color palette
  • external app (the Reload data button listing) is present
  • Creatio version number is visible
  • Creatio UI is cropped
  • additional indicators are present
  • no demo data

Requirements for Pricing and support tab properties

Requirements for Marketplace listing pricing depend on the payment model.

Requirements for pricing of paid listings

  • Name a license based on the following template:

    [Name of Marketplace listing] [Version (if exists)] + [Cloud / On-Site]

    For example, Asterisk connector for Creatio user Cloud, Salesloft connector for Creatio On-Site.

  • The name of the license can contain Latin characters, digits, and hyphens. Other characters are not permitted. The license name cannot start with a digit.

  • Set the price of the Marketplace listing based on the subscription type, similarly to the price of base Creatio products. The users pay per the limited listing usage period, 3 years in the standard model. Users must pay for a subscription to extend it after the period ends.

  • Select a licensed model that enables users to subscribe to the Marketplace listing for either a single user or unlimited number of users.

  • Specify a fixed price for paid listings. You can add multiple versions of the Marketplace listing, for example, base, extended, etc. Specify the price for each version of the Marketplace listing.

  • Explicitly state the requirement to purchase another Marketplace listing or multiple license types of the current Marketplace listing.

  • Explicitly state the requirement to purchase external apps or services, for example, for connectors. Specify the link to the corresponding price list or contact data to receive the price list.

  • For connectors, explicitly state whether the purchase of external apps is required or their price is included in the connector price.

  • If you update the price and/or sale conditions after the vendor / Sales Partner / Marketplace partner presented the offer to a customer, the listing can be distributed with the conditions and prices of the original offer within 1 month since the update without agreement of other participants. Learn more: Marketplace partner program.

Requirements for pricing of free listings

Select a free promotion model of the Marketplace listing if you are a vendor of your own solutions and are going to integrate them with Creatio. The purpose of the free payment model is to attract prospects. Such listings let you increase brand awareness and the number of customers. Publish the connector on the Creatio Marketplace to attract new customers and profit from your solution.

Requirements for changing the pricing model

You can change the pricing model of your Marketplace listing from free to paid.

Follow these requirements to change the pricing model of your Marketplace listing from free to paid:

  • Release a paid Marketplace listing in one of the following ways:

    • Release the paid version of the Marketplace listing as a new listing. In this case, Creatio Marketplace will have a free listing that contains the functionality of the previous version and a paid listing that contains additional functionality.
    • Release a paid version of the published Marketplace listing. In this case, Creatio Marketplace will archive the free version and users will no longer be able to install it. Only the paid listing version will be available on the Creatio Marketplace.
  • Enable users who already have the free version of the Marketplace listing to continue using it for free.

  • Add new custom objects to the licensed object list. If you do not change the functionality of the Marketplace listing for the paid version, add a licensed operation. In this case, users who have the free listing version will be able to use the free version.

  • Support the free and paid versions of the Marketplace listing according to the current support terms.

Requirements for Support conditions property

The technical support provided for the users depends on the payment model.

Requirements for technical support of paid listings:

  • Provide support for the "Basic" and "Business" packages. Support for the "Premium" package is optional. Learn more: official Creatio website.
  • Calculate the price for the technical support of the Marketplace listing similarly to the price for the technical support of base Creatio products.
  • We recommend phrasing the support terms as follows: "Support is provided by the developer within the "Basic" and "Business" packages. Detailed information about the support packages and the support terms can be found on the Creatio website.".
  • If needed, you can extend the technical support terms using the description that does not contradict the terms of Creatio support packages.

Requirements for technical support of free listings:

  • Provide support via e-mail.
  • If needed, you can specify the technical support terms.
  • Technical support is required for free connectors that connect Creatio to a paid external app.
  • We recommend phrasing the support terms as follows: "To keep this listing free of charge support is provided only by email."

Requirements for Link to Terms & Conditions property

The listing must include the terms and conditions.

See also

Steps to publish the Marketplace app using Creatio Marketplace Console



Creatio Marketplace

Photo library

Marketplace partner program

Marketplace updates