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Version: 8.1All Creatio products


Add the Summaries component to the page and connect it to the supported component such as List to display the summary information based on data in the object columns. Some sections already have the component set up. Click the component to manage summaries (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Summaries component
Fig. 1 Summaries component

The component connected to the List component generates up to 9 quick summaries based on visible list columns. You can add more summaries manually if needed. The configured summaries will be displayed in the component (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Summaries area
Fig. 2 Summaries area

The component can calculate the following:

  • Total number of records. For example, you can calculate the number of contacts.

  • Minimum or maximum value in a column (available for numeric columns, date/time columns). For example, in the Accounts section, you can find out the last date that a new company was added.

  • Sum or the average value in a column (for numeric columns only). For example, in the Activities section, you can display the average activity duration.

If the section records are filtered (for example, a folder is selected, or one or more filters are applied), the component calculates summaries only for the filtered records. For example, if you want to calculate the number of customers that have needs discovered, select the corresponding folder and display summaries (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Display summaries for filtered records
Fig. 3 Display summaries for filtered records

Calculate the number of records

To calculate the number of records:

  1. Open the section page that contains the Summaries component.

  2. Click the component → Display number of records.

As a result, Creatio will display the total number of records in the summary area.

Calculate the results by the column value

You can set up summaries by column values, for example, average expected budget of an event. To do this:

  1. Open the Events section.

  2. Click the Summaries component → Expected budget, base currencyAverage.

    Fig. 4 Setting up summaries by column values of an object
    Fig. 4 Setting up summaries by column values of an object

As a result, Creatio will display the average expected budget in the Summaries component of the Events section.

To view summaries for specific records, apply a filter, or select a folder. For example, you can specify the owner, activity category, and the required period.

Set up custom summaries

Out of the box, the component displays the columns of the object. You can also set up custom summaries by columns of related objects. For example, display the number of campaign participants related to events. To do this:

  1. Open the Events section.
  2. Click the Summaries component → Add new summary. This opens a window.
  3. Click Related objectsCampaignParticipansSelect. This opens a window.
  4. Enter Average campaign participants in the Title field.
  5. Select Average in the Function field.
  6. Click Save.
Fig. 5 Setting up custom summaries
Fig. 5 Setting up custom summaries

Remove summaries

To remove summaries from the page, click the summary → Delete. (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Remove summaries
Fig. 6 Remove summaries

See also



Creatio interface overview