Terrasoft.File.Abstractions namespace.
The Terrasoft.File.Abstractions.IFile interface provides essential file management methods applicable in any file storage. The methods of this interface are used for asynchronous file management. Synchronous file management methods are available in the Terrasoft.File.Abstractions.FileUtils derived class.
The file locator connected to the current instance of the class that implements the IFile interface.
File name.
The size of the current file in bytes.
Date and time the file was created.
Date and time the file was modified.
Checks if the current file exists.
Copies the current file to the new target asynchronously.
Moves the current file to the new target asynchronously.
Deletes the current file asynchrously.
Writes the contents of the current file to the stream asynchronously.
Reads the contents of the current file asynchronously.
Saves the metadata of the current file asynchronously.
Sets value of the name attribute for the current file.
Returns the attribute value or the default value for the current file.