FileMetadata class


Terrasoft.File.Abstractions.Metadata namespace.

The Terrasoft.File.Abstractions.Metadata.FileMetadata abstract class provides the properties of file metadata and methods for metadata management,


Name string

File name.

Length long

The file size in bytes.

CreatedOn DateTime

Date and time the file was created.

ModifiedOn DateTime

Date and time the file was modified.

FileContentStorageId Guid

The identifier of the file storage.

StoringState FileStoringState

The state of the file (“New,” “Modified,” “Unmodified,” “Deleted”).


abstract void SetAttribute<TValue>(string name, TValue value)

Set the additional name file attribute to the specified value.

abstract TValue GetAttribute<TValue>(string name, TValue defaultValue)

Returns the specified value or the defaultValue of the additional name attribute .

void SetStoringState(FileStoringState newState)

Sets the file state to FileStoringState.Modified if the previous file state is not FileStoringState.New.