Terrasoft.File namespace.
The Terrasoft.File.FileFactoryUtils class provides extension methods for the UserConnection class and factory class that implements the Terrasoft.File.AbstractionsIFileFactory interface. This way, the class provides access to the factory for creating new or getting existing files. Therefore, an instance of UserConnection or SystemUserConnection is required for file management.
An extension method for the UserConnection class that returns an instance of the class that implements the IFileFactory interface.
An extension method for the UserConnection class that returns an instance of the class that implements the IFile interface from a given fileLocator.
An extension method for the UserConnection class that creates an instance of the class that implements the IFile interface from a given fileLocator.
An extension method for the class that implements the IFileFactory interface. Returns an instance of the class that implements the IFile interface for a given fileLocator.
An extension method for the class that implements the IFileFactory interface. Creates an instance of the class that implements the IFile interface for a given fileLocator.
An extension method for the class that implements the IFileFactory interface. Returns an instance of the class that implements the IFileFactory interface configured without the access permissions of the user.