

The Creatio DataService web service is a RESTfull service. RESTful is a quite simple information management interface that doesn't use any additional internal layers, i.e., the data doesn't need to be converted to any third-party format, such as XML. In a simple RESTful service, each record is uniquely identified by a global identifier such as URL. Each URL, in turn, has a strictly specified format. However, this service is not always convenient for transferring large amounts of data.

With the use of the DataService, the data can be automatically configured in various data formats such as XML, JSON, HTML, CSV, and JSV. The data structure is determined by data contracts.

The full list and description of the DataService data contracts is displayed on table.

The Creatio application DataService services
Service Description
InsertQuery Add section record query class.
UpdateQuery Update section record query class.
DeleteQuery Delete section record query class.
SelectQuery Select section record query class.
BatchQuery Package query class.
Filters Filter class.

Restrictions when using DataService 

When using DataService, take into account the following restrictions:

  1. Maximum number of records that you can obtain by request is specified in the MaxEntityRowCount (the default value is 20000). You can change the system setting value in the .\Terrasoft.WebApp\Web.config file.

    Attention. We do not recommend changing the MaxEntityRowCount system setting. This may lead to performance issues. We recommend using the page-oriented display implemented in the "IsPageable" and "RowCount" properties of the SelectQuery data contract.

  2. The number of requests is unlimited.
Create a new record in the section

Example. Add to the Contacts section a button that when clicked invokes a method, using the InsertQuery class that adds a record with the following data:

  • Full name — John Best;
  • Full job title — Developer;
  • Business phone — +12 345 678 00 00.

Example implementation algorithm 

1. Add button to the Contacts section 

For this particular case, you need to create a replacement client module of the Contacts section.


In the created client schema, add the InsertQueryContactButtonCaption localizable string, and set the "Add contact" value to it.


Add a configuration object with the button location settings to the diff array.

diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
    // Metadata to be added to the custom button section.
        // The element is added to the page.
        "operation": "insert",
        // Parent interface element name to which the button is added.
        "parentName": "ActionButtonsContainer",
        // The button is added to the interface element collection  
        // of the parent element (its metaname is specified in parentName).
        "propertyName": "items",
        // Added button metaname.
        "name": "InsertQueryContactButton",
        // Additional element properties.
        "values": {
            // Added element type — button.
            itemType: Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
            // Binding button caption to the localizable schema string.
            caption: { bindTo: "Resources.Strings.InsertQueryContactButtonCaption" },
            // Binding method of processing the button click.
            click: { bindTo: "onInsertQueryContactClick" },
            "layout": {
                "column": 1,
                "row": 6,
                "colSpan": 1

2. Add the processing method for the button click event 

In order for a record with the necessary data to be added when a button created in the section is clicked, add the following method to the methods section of the replacement client schema:

methods: {
    // Method of processing the button click.
    onInsertQueryContactClick: function() {
        // Creating the Terrasoft.InsertQuery class instance.
        var insert = Ext.create("Terrasoft.InsertQuery", {
            // Root schema name.
            rootSchemaName: "Contact"
        // Setting the Terrasoft.ParameterExpression value-parameters.
        // A value-parameter instance is created and added to the column value collection.
        // Creating a value-parameter instance for the [Job title] column.
        insert.setParameterValue("Name", "John Best", Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT);
        // Creating a value-parameter instance for the [Business phone] column.
        insert.setParameterValue("Phone", "+12 345 678 00 00", Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT);
        // Creating a value-parameter instance for the [Job title] column.
        insert.setParameterValue("Job", "11D68189-CED6-DF11-9B2A-001D60E938C6", Terrasoft.DataValueType.GUID);
        // Data update query.
        insert.execute(function(response) {
            // Displaying server answer 
        // Updating list data.

Attention. Unlike the previous example, authorization is not required because the code is executed directly in the Creatio application.

The implementation of the InsertQuery class for the client part of the application kernel is different from the implementation of the InsertQuery in its back end. So, to create the parameters, the setParameterValue method is used, and for the query execution — the execute method. Learn about all the available properties and methods of the InsertQuery class implemented in the kernel client part in the API documentation.

Read records in the section

Example. In the Contacts section, add a button which will open the method that will use DataService to read records in the Contacts section with the following columns:

  • Id;
  • Full name;
  • Number of activities — aggregate column, which displays the number of activities of this contact.

Example implementation algorithm 

1. Add a button in the Contacts section 

Create a replacing client module of the Contacts section.


In the created client schema, add SelectQueryContactButtonCaption localizable string and set its value to Select contacts.


Add a configuration object with the settings determining the button position to the diff array.

//Setup of section button display.
diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
    // Metadata for adding a custom button in a section.
        // Indicates that an elementis added on a page.
        "operation": "insert",
        // Meta name of the parent control element where the button is added.
        "parentName": "ActionButtonsContainer",
        // Indicates that the button is added to the control element collection
        // of parent element (meta-name specified in parentName).
        "propertyName": "items",
        // Meta-name of the added button.
        "name": "SelectQueryContactButton",
        // Additional properties of the element.
        "values": {
            // Type of added element - button.
            itemType: Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
            // Binding button title to a schema localizable string.
            caption: { bindTo: "Resources.Strings.SelectQueryContactButtonCaption" },
            // Binding of the button pressing handler method.
            click: { bindTo: "onSelectQueryContactClick" },
            "layout": {
                "column": 1,
                "row": 6,
                "colSpan": 1


2. Add handler method for the button pressing event 

To enable reading the records when the button is clicked, add the following method to the methods section of the replacing client schema:

methods: {
    // Handler method for button click.
    onSelectQueryContactClick: function() {
        // Creating an instance of the Terrasoft.InsertQuery class.
        var select = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
            // Root schema name.
            rootSchemaName: "Contact"
        // Adding the [Full name] column to query.
        // Adding [Number of activities] aggregate column to a query.
            // Path to column in relation to the root schema.
            // Aggregation type — quantity.
            // Column title.
            // Aggregation function scope - for all elements.
        // Update query to server
        // Getting whole collection of records and displaying it in the browser console.
        select.getEntityCollection(function(result) {
            if (!result.success) {
                // Processing/logging of error.
                this.showInformationDialog("Data query error");
            // Displayed message.
            var message = "";
            // Analyzing resulting collection and generating displayed message.
            result.collection.each(function(item) {
                message += "Full name: " + item.get("Name") +
                ". Number of activities: " + item.get("ActivitiesCount") + "\n";
            // Displaying message in console.
        }, this);

Note. Unlike the previous example, authentication is not needed in this case, because the program code is executed by Creatio directly.

In the client of the application core, there is not a class like the server core SelectQuery class. To select data from a section, use the Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery class. For more information on this class methods and properties are described in the API documentation.

Filter records in the section

Example. Create a console application that will read the following data from the Contacts section using the DataService service:

  • Id;
  • Full name;
  • Number of activities is an aggregating column that shows the number of activities of this contact.

It is necessary to filter the data so that only those contacts whose number of activities is in the range of 1 to 3, and the Full name column value starting with "H" are read.

Example implementation algorithm 

1. Create and configure a C# console application project that reads records 

To perform this step, you must perform the example of reading records in a third-party application.

The result of the query class implementation instance to read the records with the columns in an abbreviated form:

// Query class instance.
var selectQuery = new SelectQuery ()
    // Root schema name.
    RootSchemaName = "Contact",
    // Adding columns to query.
    Columns = new SelectQueryColumns ()
        // Column collection.
        Items = new Dictionary <string, SelectQueryColumn> ()
            // Column [Full name].
                // Key.
                // Value.
                new SelectQueryColumn ()
                    // An expression that specifies the column type.
                    Expression = new ColumnExpression ()
                        // Expression type - schema column.
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn,
                        // Path to the column.
                        ColumnPath = "Name"
            // Column [Number of activities].
                new SelectQueryColumn ()
                    Expression = new ColumnExpression ()
                        // Expression - subquery.
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SubQuery,
                        // Path to the column relative to the root schema.
                        ColumnPath = "[Activity: Contact] .Id",
                        // Function type - aggregating.
                        FunctionType = FunctionType.Aggregation,
                        // Aggregation type - number.
                        AggregationType = AggregationType.Count

2. Add filter implementation 

In order to filter data, you must create an instance of the Filters collection class instance, fill in the necessary properties, and then pass the link to this instance to the Filters property of the query class instance that you created in the previous step.

Filter collection class implementation example
// Query filters.
var selectFilters = new Filters ()
    // Filter Type - group.
    FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.FilterGroup,
    // Filter collection.
    Items = new Dictionary <string, Filter>
// Filter Implementation.
// Adding filter to query.
selectQuery.Filters = selectFilters;
// Query class instance serialization to read data from the JSON string.
var json = new JavaScriptSerializer () Serialize (selectQuery).;

The Items property must contain the key-value type collection. The key is a string containing the filter name, and the value is an instance of the Filter class that contains a direct implementation of the filter.

To implement a filter that selects only those contacts that have a number of activities within a range of 1 to 3, you must add the following instance to the collection of filters:

Example of the instance to the collection of filters
// Filtration by activity.
    // Key.
    // Value.
    new Filter
        // Filter type - range filter.
        FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.Between,
        // Comparison type - range.
        ComparisonType = FilterComparisonType.Between,
        // An expression to be tested.
        LeftExpression = new BaseExpression ()
            // Expression type - subquery.
            ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SubQuery,
            // Path to the column relative to the root schema.
            ColumnPath = "[Activity: Contact] .Id",
            // Function type - aggregating.
            FunctionType = FunctionType.Aggregation,
            // Aggregation type - number.
            AggregationType = AggregationType.Count
        // Filter range final expression.
        RightGreaterExpression = new BaseExpression ()
            // Expression type - parameter.
            ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
            // Expression parameter.
            Parameter = new Parameter ()
                // Parameter data type - integer.
                DataValueType = DataValueType.Integer,
                // Parameter value.
                Value = 3
        // Filter range initial expression.
        RightLessExpression = new BaseExpression ()
            ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
            Parameter = new Parameter ()
                DataValueType = DataValueType.Integer,
                Value = 1

Add the following instance to the filter collection to filter contact records where the Full name column value begins with "H":

Example of the instance to the filter collection
// Filtering by name.
    // Key.
    // Value.
    new Filter
        // Filter type - comparison filter.
        FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.CompareFilter,
        // Comparison type - starts with an expression.
        ComparisonType = FilterComparisonType.StartWith,
        // Expression to be tested.
        LeftExpression = new BaseExpression ()
            // Expression type - schema column.
            ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn,
            // Path to the column.
            ColumnPath = "Name"
        // Filtration expression.
        RightExpression = new BaseExpression ()
            // Expression type - parameter.
            ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
             // Expression parameter.
            Parameter = new Parameter ()
                // Parameter data type - text.
                DataValueType = DataValueType.Text,
                // Parameter value.
                Value = "CH"
Filter records in the section using a macro

Example. Create a console application that uses DataService to read records from the Contacts section with the following columns:

  • Id;
  • Full name;
  • Birth date.

The data must be filtered, so that only contacts who were born in 1992 are shown.

Example implementation algorithm 

1. Create and set up a C# application project that reads records 

To execute this step, execute the record reading example.

The result of implementing an instance of query class for reading records:

// Instance of query class.
var selectQuery = new SelectQuery()
    // Root schema name.
    RootSchemaName = "Contact",
    // Adding columns to query.
    Columns = new SelectQueryColumns()
        // Collection of columns.
        Items = new Dictionary<string, SelectQueryColumn>()
            //Column [Full name].
                // Key.
                // Value.
                new SelectQueryColumn()
                    // Expression that specifies the column type.
                    Expression = new ColumnExpression()
                        // Type of expression - schema column.
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn,
                        // Pat to column.
                        ColumnPath = "Name"
            // Column [Number of activities].
                new SelectQueryColumn()
                    Expression = new ColumnExpression()
                        // Expression type — subquery.
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SubQuery,
                        // Path to column relative to the oot schema.
                        ColumnPath = "[Activity:Contact].Id",
                        // Function tyoe — aggregation.
                        FunctionType = FunctionType.Aggregation,
                        // Aggregation type — quantity.
                        AggregationType = AggregationType.Count

2. Add a filter implementation with macros 

To filter the data, create an instance of the Filters collection class, fill out the properties with corresponding values, and then pass the instance link to the Filters property of the query class created on the previous step.

An example of filter collection class implementation
// Query filters.
var selectFilters = new Filters()
    // Filter type — group.
    FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.FilterGroup,
    // Filter collection.
    Items = new Dictionary<string, Filter>
        // Filter by year of birth.
            // Key.
            // Value.
            new Filter
                // Filter type — comparison.
                FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.CompareFilter,
                // Comparison type — equal.
                ComparisonType = FilterComparisonType.Equal,
                // Expression to check.
                LeftExpression = new BaseExpression()
                    // Expression type — schema column.
                    ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn,
                    // Path to schema.
                    ColumnPath = "BirthDate"
                // Expression with which the checked value is compared.
                RightExpression = new BaseExpression
                    // Expression type — function.
                    ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Function,
                    // Function type — macro.
                    FunctionType = FunctionType.Macros,
                    // Macro type — year.
                    MacrosType = EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType.Year,
                    // Function argument.
                    FunctionArgument = new BaseExpression
                        // Type of expression that determines the argument — parameter.
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
                        // Parameter initialization.
                        Parameter = new Parameter
                            // Parameter type — integer.
                            DataValueType = DataValueType.Integer,
                            // Parameter value.
                            Value = "1992"
// Adding filters to query.
selectQuery.Filters = selectFilters;
// Serialization of select query class instance in a JSON string.
var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(selectQuery);

The collection contains a single filter with the FilterYear key. Because only those records that have their year of birth equal to 1992 must be selected from the collection, the type of filter is set as a comparison filter. The type of comparison is set as an equality of values. As a verified expression, set the Date of birth column. Specify the macro function as the expression to compare with.

In this case using a macro is optimal because the birth date is stored in the database in YYYY-MM-DD format. The macro automatically determines the year value, so the developer does not need to write additional program code.

Because the EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType.Year macro is parametric, the FunctionArgument property must be initialized and assigned a link to an instance of the BaseExpressionclass. In it, the integer parameter with value "1992" is defined.

Update a record in the section

Example. Create a console application that used DataService to update the "John Smith" record added in the example. Add "" as the value in the Email column of this record.

Example implementation algorithm 

1. Create and set up a C# application project 

Using the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment (version 2017 and up), create a Visual C# console application project and specify project name, for example, DataServiceUpdateExample. Set ".NET Framework 4.7" for the project property Target framework.

In the References section of the project, add dependencies from the following libraries:

  • System.Web.Extensions.dll – class library included in .NET Framework;
  • Terrasoft.Core.dll – library of base Creatio server core classes. It can be found using the following path: [Creatio setup catalog]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Core.dll;
  • Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll — application service class library. It can be found using the following path: [Creatio setup catalog]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll;
  • Terrasoft.Common.dll – library of base Creatio server core classes. It can be found using the following path: [Creatio setup catalog]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Common.dll.

Add the using directives to the application source code file:

Adding the using directives
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract;
using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using Terrasoft.Common;

2. Add fields and constants and field declarations to the source code 

To access DataService features, add the fields and constants to the application source code.

Adding the fields and constants
// Primary URL of Creatio application. Must be repoaced with a custom one.
private const string baseUri = @"";
// Request string to the Login methid of the AuthService.svc service.
private const string authServiceUri = baseUri + @"/ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login";
// Path string for the UpdateQuery.
private const string updateQueryUri = baseUri + @"/0/DataService/json/reply/UpdateQuery";
// Creatio authentication cookie.
private static CookieContainer AuthCookie = new CookieContainer();

Here, three string fields are declared. These fields will be used to form authentication query and read data queries execution paths. Authentication data will be saved in the AuthCookie field.

3. Add method that performs Creatio application authentication 

Authentication is required to enable access to the DataService for the created application.

4. Add implementation of the record add query 

Because the updateQueryUri constant declared earlier contains a path for sending data in the JSON format, sent data must be configured beforehand as a string that contains a JSON object that corresponds to the UpdateQuery data contract. This can be done directly in a string variable, although a much more secure and convenient way of doing this would be to create an instance of the UpdateQuery class, fill out its properties and then serialize it to a string.

Implementation the request for adding a record
// Instance of the request class.
 var updateQuery = new UpdateQuery()
     // Root schema name.
     RootSchemaName = "Contact",
     // New column values.
     ColumnValues = new ColumnValues()
         // Key-value collection.
         Items = new Dictionary<string, ColumnExpression>()
             // [Email] column.
                 // key.
                 // Value — instance of object schema request class.
                 // Configuration of [Email] column.
                 new ColumnExpression()
                     // Type of expression of obkect schema query — parameter.
                     ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
                     // Query expression parameter.
                     Parameter = new Parameter()
                         // Parameter value.
                         Value = "",
                         // Parameter data type — string.
                         DataValueType = DataValueType.Text
     // Query filters.
     Filters = new Filters()
         // Filter type — group.
         FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.FilterGroup,
         // Filter collection.
         Items = new Dictionary<string, Filter>()
              // Filter by name.
                 // Key.
                 // Value.
                 new Filter
                     // Filter type — comparison filter.
                     FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.CompareFilter,
                     // Comparison type — starts with expression.
                     ComparisonType = FilterComparisonType.Equal,
                     // Expression to check.
                     LeftExpression = new BaseExpression()
                         // Expression type - schema column.
                         ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn,
                         // Path to column.
                         ColumnPath = "Name"
                     // Filtering expression.
                     RightExpression = new BaseExpression()
                         // Expression type - parameter.
                         ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
                          // Expression parameter.
                         Parameter = new Parameter()
                             // Parameter data type - text.
                             DataValueType = DataValueType.Text,
                             // Parameter value.
                             Value = "John Smith"
 // Serialization of update query class instance in a JSON string.
 var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(updateQuery);

Here, an instance of the UpdateQuery class is created. In the ColumnValues property, the "" value is set for the Email column. To apply this value to a specific record or group of records, specify a link to a correctly initialized Filters class in the Filters property. In this case, a single filter is added to the filters collection to select only records that have the "John Smith" value in the Full name column.

The next step is to execute DataService POST-query. To do this, create an instance of the <HttpWebRequest class, fill its properties and connect the string with the JSON object created earlier then execute the DataService query and process its result. To do this, add the following source code:

Request implementation
// Converting a JSON object string to a byte array.
byte[] jsonArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
// Creating an insrance of HTTP request.
var updateRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(updateQueryUri) as HttpWebRequest;
// Defining a request method.
updateRequest.Method = "POST";
// Determining type of request content.
updateRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
// Adding authentication cookie received earlier to a request.
updateRequest.CookieContainer = AuthCookie;
// Set length for request content.
updateRequest.ContentLength = jsonArray.Length;

// Putting BPMCSRF token to the request header.
CookieCollection cookieCollection = AuthCookie.GetCookies(new Uri(authServiceUri));
string csrfToken = cookieCollection["BPMCSRF"].Value;
updateRequest.Headers.Add("BPMCSRF", csrfToken);

// Plase a JSON-object to request content.
using (var requestStream = updateRequest.GetRequestStream())
    requestStream.Write(jsonArray, 0, jsonArray.Length);
// Executing HTTP request and getting a response from server.
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)updateRequest.GetResponse())
    // Displaying response in console.
    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
Delete a record in the section

Example. Create a console application that, using the DataService service, will delete the "John Best" contact record added in the example.

Example implementation algorithm 

1. Create and configure a C# console application project 

Using the Microsoft Visual Studio (version 2017 and up) development environment, create a Visual C# console application project and name it DataServiceDeleteExample. The Target framework project property must be set to .NET Framework 4.7.

In the References section of the project you need to add dependencies of the following libraries:

  • System.Web.Extensions.dll is a class library included in the .NET Framework
  • Terrasoft.Core.dll is a main class library of the application server kernel. Can be found by the following path: [Directory with the installed application]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Core.dll
  • Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll class library the application services. Can be found by the following path: [Directory with the application installed]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll.
  • Terrasoft.Common.dll is a main class library of the application server kernel. Can be found by the following path: [Directory with the installed application]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Common.dll.

Add using directives to the application source code file:

Adding using directives
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract;
using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using Terrasoft.Common;

2. Add field declarations and constants to the application source code 

To access the DataService features, you must add the fields and constants to the application source code.

Adding the fields and constants
 // Main Creatio URL. Has to be changed to a custom one.
 private const string baseUri = @"";
// Query string to the Login method of the AuthService.svc service.
 private const string authServiceUri = baseUri + @"/ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login";
 // DeleteQuery query path string.
 private const string deleteQueryUri = baseUri + @"/0/DataService/json/reply/DeleteQuery";
 // Creatio cookie authentication.
 private static CookieContainer AuthCookie = new CookieContainer();

Three string constant fields that are used to carry out the authentication requests and requests to read data are declared here. The authentication data will be stored in the AuthCookie field.

3. Add a method that performs authentication in the Creatio application 

You need to authenticate the newly created application to access the DataService web service.

4. Implement a query to add a record 

As the previously declared updateQueryUri constant contains the path for sending data in JSON format, the data sent must be pre-configured in the form of a string containing a description of the JSON object corresponding to the UpdateQuery data contract. This can be done directly in a lowercase variable but it is much easier and safer to create an instance of the UpdateQuery class, fill its properties, and then serialize it to a string.

Implementation the request to adding a record
// Query class instance.
var deleteQuery = new DeleteQuery()
    // Root schema name.
    RootSchemaName = "Contact",
    // Query filters.
    Filters = new Filters()
        // Filter type — group.
        FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.FilterGroup,
        // Filter collection.
        Items = new Dictionary<string, Filter>()
             // Filtration by name.
                // Key.
                // Value.
                new Filter
                    // Filter type — comparison filter.
                    FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.CompareFilter,
                    // Comparison type — starts with an expression.
                    ComparisonType = FilterComparisonType.Equal,
                    // Expression to be checked.
                    LeftExpression = new BaseExpression()
                        // Expression type — schema column.
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn,
                        // Column path.
                        ColumnPath = "Name"
                    // Filtration expression.
                    RightExpression = new BaseExpression()
                        // Expression type — parameter.
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
                         // Expression parameter.
                        Parameter = new Parameter()
                            // Parameter data type — text.
                            DataValueType = DataValueType.Text,
                            // Parameter value.
                            Value = "John Best"
// Class instance serialization of the JSON string adding query.
var json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(updateQuery);

This creates an instance of the DeleteQuery class. The Contact value is set in the RootSchemaName property. To delete a particular record or group of records, you need to set a link to the correctly initialized Filters class instance to the Filters property. In this case, a single filter that selects only records with the John Best value in the Full name column is added to the filter collection.

In the final step you must perform POST query to the DataService service. To do this, create an instance of the HttpWebRequest class, fill in its properties, attach a previously created string with the JSON object to a request, and then execute and process the result of the query to the DataService service. To do this, add the following source code:

Request implementation
// Converting a JSON object string to a byte array.
byte[] jsonArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
// Creating an insrance of HTTP request.
var updateRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(updateQueryUri) as HttpWebRequest;
// Defining a request method.
updateRequest.Method = "POST";
// Determining type of request content.
updateRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
// Adding authentication cookie received earlier to a request.
updateRequest.CookieContainer = AuthCookie;
// Set length for request content.
updateRequest.ContentLength = jsonArray.Length;

// Putting BPMCSRF token to the request header.
CookieCollection cookieCollection = AuthCookie.GetCookies(new Uri(authServiceUri));
string csrfToken = cookieCollection["BPMCSRF"].Value;
updateRequest.Headers.Add("BPMCSRF", csrfToken);

// Plase a JSON-object to request content.
using (var requestStream = updateRequest.GetRequestStream())
    requestStream.Write(jsonArray, 0, jsonArray.Length);
// Executing HTTP request and getting a response from server.
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)updateRequest.GetResponse())
    // Displaying response in console.
    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
Add and update a record in the section

Example. Create a console application that will use DataService to:

  • add a contact record with the value "John Smith" in the Full name column;
  • change the value of the Business phone column to 012 345 67 89 for all contact records that have "John Smith" as the value in the Full name.

Records must be added and modified via a batch query.

Example implementation algorithm 

1. Create and set up a C# application project 

Using the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment (version 2017 and up), create a Visual C# console application project and specify the project name, for example, DataServiceBatchExample. Set ".NET Framework 4.7" for the project property Target framework.

In the References section of the project, add dependencies from the following libraries:

  • System.Web.Extensions.dll – class library included in .NET Framework;
  • Terrasoft.Core.dll – library of base Creatio server core classes. It can be found using the following path: [Creatio setup catalog]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Core.dll;
  • Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll — application service class library. It can be found using the following path: [Creatio setup catalog]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll;
  • Terrasoft.Common.dll – library of base Creatio server core classes. It can be found using the following path: [Creatio setup catalog]\Terrasoft.WebApp\bin\Terrasoft.Common.dll.

Add the using directives to the application source code file.

Adding the using directives
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract;
using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
using System.Web.Script.Serialization;
using Terrasoft.Common;

2. Add fields and constants and field declarations to the source code 

To access DataService features, add the fields and constants to the application source code.

Adding the fields and constants
// Primary URL of Creatio application. Must be replaced with a custom one.
private const string baseUri = @"";
// Request string to the Login methid of the AuthService.svc service.
private const string authServiceUri = baseUri + @"/ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login";
// Path string for the BatchQuery.
private const string batchQueryUri = baseUri + @"/0/DataService/json/reply/BatchQuery";
// Creatio authentication cookie.
private static CookieContainer AuthCookie = new CookieContainer();

Here, three string fields are declared. These fields will be used to form authentication query and read data queries execution paths. Authentication data will be saved in the AuthCookie field.

3. Add method that performs Creatio application authentication 

Authentication is required to enable access of the created application to the DataService.

4. Implement query adding request 

Because the batchQueryUri constant declared previously earlier contains a path for sending data in the JSON format, sent data must be configured beforehand as a string that contains a JSON object description. Use data contract classes to create separate queries then serialize them in a string.

For a query to add a contact record with the name "John Smith", add the following program code:

Implementation the request for adding a record
// Insert query.
var insertQuery = new InsertQuery()
    RootSchemaName = "Contact",
    ColumnValues = new ColumnValues()
        Items = new Dictionary<string, ColumnExpression>()
                new ColumnExpression()
                    ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
                    Parameter = new Parameter
                        Value = "John Smith",
                        DataValueType = DataValueType.Text

To change the value of the Business phone column to 012 345 67 89 for all contact records that have "John Smith" value in the Full name column, add the code.

Implementation the request for updating a record
 // Update query.
var updateQuery = new UpdateQuery()
    RootSchemaName = "Contact",
    ColumnValues = new ColumnValues()
        Items = new Dictionary<string, ColumnExpression>()
                new ColumnExpression()
                    ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
                    Parameter = new Parameter()
                        Value = "0123456789",
                        DataValueType = DataValueType.Text
    Filters = new Filters()
        FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.FilterGroup,
        Items = new Dictionary<string, Filter>()
                new Filter
                    FilterType = Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.FilterType.CompareFilter,
                    ComparisonType = FilterComparisonType.Equal,
                    LeftExpression = new BaseExpression()
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.SchemaColumn,
                        ColumnPath = "Name"
                    RightExpression = new BaseExpression()
                        ExpressionType = EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter,
                        Parameter = new Parameter()
                            DataValueType = DataValueType.Text,
                            Value = "John Smith"

After serializing the created instances of the query class, add information about the qualified name of the corresponding data contract to the strings with JSON objects. Compose the string with batch query.

Batch query
// Serialization of update query class instance in a JSON string.
var jsonInsert = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(insertQuery);
// Inserting query type in a JSON string.
jsonInsert = jsonInsert.Insert(1, @"""__type"": ""Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.InsertQuery"",");
// Serialization of instance of the update query class in a JSON string.
var jsonUpdate = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(updateQuery);
// Inserting query type in a JSON string.
jsonUpdate = jsonUpdate.Insert(1, @"""__type"": ""Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.UpdateQuery"",");
// Creating batch query.
var json = @"{""items"": [" + jsonInsert + "," + jsonUpdate + "]}";

The next step is to execute the POST DataService query. To do this, create an instance of the HttpWebRequest class, fill its properties and connect the string with JSON object, created earlier, then execute the DataService query and process its result. To do this, add the source code.

Request implementation
// Converting a JSON object string in a byte array.
byte[] jsonArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json);
// Creating an instance of HTTP request.
var batchRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(deleteQueryUri) as HttpWebRequest;
// Defining request method.
batchRequest.Method = "POST";
// Determining request content.
batchRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
// Adding authentication cookie received earlier to a query.
batchRequest.CookieContainer = AuthCookie;
// Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest.
batchRequest.ContentLength = jsonArray.Length;

// Adding CSRF token to the request header.
CookieCollection cookieCollection = AuthCookie.GetCookies(new Uri(authServiceUri));
string csrfToken = cookieCollection["BPMCSRF"].Value;
batchRequest.Headers.Add("BPMCSRF", csrfToken);

// Adding JSON object to the query contents.
using (var requestStream = batchRequest.GetRequestStream())
    requestStream.Write(jsonArray, 0, jsonArray.Length);
// Executing HTTP request and getting reply from server.
using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)batchRequest.GetResponse())
    // Displaying response in console.
    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()))
// Application execution delay.
InsertQuery class

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The InsertQuery data contract is used to add records to sections. The data is transferred to the DataService via HTTP by using the POST request with the URL.

// URL format of the POST query to add data to DataService.
http(s)://[Creatio application address]/[Configuration number]/dataservice/[Data fromat]/reply/InsertQuery
// URL example for the POST query to add data to DataService.

The InsertQuery data contract has a hierarchical structure with multiple nesting levels. In the Creatio application server part, the InsertQuery data contract is represented by the InsertQuery class of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll class library. However, for simplicity, the hierarchical structure of the InsertQuery data contract is conveniently presented as a JSON format object:

Structure of the InsertQuery data contract
    "RootSchemaName":"[Root object schema name]",
    "OperationType":[Record operation type],
            "Added column name":{
                "ExpressionType":[Expression type],
                    "DataValueType":[Data type],
                    "Value":"[Column value]"



A string containing the name of the root object schema of the added record.


Operation type is set by the QueryOperationType namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace enumeration value. For the InsertQuery the QueryOperationType.Insert value is set.

Possible values (QueryOperationType)
Select 0
Insert 1
Update 2
Delete 3
Batch 4

Contains a collection of column values of the added record. Its ColumnValues type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.<

The ColumnValues class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The ColumnValues class has a single Items property that is defined as a collection of the Dictionary<string, ColumnExpression> keys and values. The key is a string with the added column title, and the value is the object with the ColumnExpression type defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. The basic properties of the ColumnExpression class used when adding records, are given in table.



The expression type that defines the value that will be contained in the added column. Set by the EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType enumeration of the Terrasoft.Core.Entities namespace defined in the Terrasoft.Core class library. For the InsertQuery the EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter value is set.

Possible values (EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType)
SchemaColumn 0 Schema column.
Function 1 Function.
Parameter 2 Parameter.
SubQuery 3 Subquery.
ArithmeticOperation 4 Arithmetic operation.

Defines the value that will be contained in the added column. Its Parameter type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

The Parameter class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The Parameter class has multiple properties, two of which are used to add records.



The data value type that defines the value that will be contained in the added column. Set by the DataValueType enumeration value of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Possible values (DataValueType)
Guid 0
Text 1
Integer 4
Float 5
Money 6
DateTime 7
Date 8
Time 9
Lookup 10
Enum 11
Boolean 12
Blob 13
Image 14
ImageLookup 16
Mapping 18

The object that contains the added column value.

SelectQuery class

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The SelectQuery data contract is used for reading section records. The query data is transferred to DataService via HTTP, with the help of POST by the URL.

// URL format of the POST query to read data from DataService.
http(s)://[Creatio application address]/[Configuration number]/dataservice/[Data fromat]/reply/SelectQuery
// URL example of the POST query to read data from DataService.

The SelectQuery data contract has a complex hierarchical structure with a number of nesting levels. In the Creatio server core, it is represented by a SelectQuery class of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll library of classes. The hierarchical data structure of the SelectQuery data contract can be conveniently viewed in JSON format:

Structure of the SelectQuery data contract
    "RootSchemaName":"[Object root schema name]",
    "OperationType":[Type of record operation],
                "OrderDirection":[Sorting order],
                "OrderPosition":[Column position],
                    "ExpressionType":[Expression type],
                    "ColumnPath":"[Path to column]",
                    "FunctionType":[Function type],
                    "MacrosType":[Macro type],
                    "FunctionArgument":[Function argument],
                    "DatePartType":[Type of date part],
                    "AggregationType":[Aggregation type],
                    "AggregationEvalType":[Aggregation scope],
                    "SubFilters":[Buit-in filters]
    "AllColumns":[Indicates that all columns are selected],
        "CacheLevel":[Caching level],
        "CacheGroup":[Caching group],
        "CacheItemName":[Record key in repository]
    "IsPageable":[Indicates page-by-page],
    "IsDistinct":[Indicates uniqueness],
    "RowCount":[Number of selected records],
    "ConditionalValues":[Conditions for building a pageable query],
    "IsHierarchical":[Indicates hierarchical data selection],
    "HierarchicalMaxDepth":[Maximum nesting level of the hierarchical query],
    "HierarchicalColumnName":[Column name used to create hierarchical query],
    "HierarchicalColumnValue":[Initial value of hierarchical column],


RootSchemaName string

String that contains root schema name of the added record object.

OperationType QueryOperationType

Type of write operation. Specified as a QueryOperationType enumeration value of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. The QueryOperationType.Select value is set for SelectQuery.

Possible values (QueryOperationType)
Select 0
Insert 1
Update 2
Delete 3
Batch 4
Columns SelectQueryColumns

Contains a collection of the record columns being read. It has the SelectQueryColumns type defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. It must be configured if the AllColumns checkbox is set to false and a set of specific root schema columns, which does not include the Id column, is required.

AllColumns bool

Indicates if all columns are selected. If the value is set to true, all columns of the root schema will be selected by the query.

ServerESQCache Parameters

Parameters of EntitySchemaQuery caching on server. The ServerESQCacheParameters type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

IsPageable bool

Indicates whether the data is selected page-by-page.<

IsDistinct bool

Indicates whether duplicates must be eliminated in the resulting data set.

RowCount int

Number of selected strings. By default, the value is -1, i.e. all strings are selected.

ConditionalValues ColumnValues

Conditions of creating a page-by-page query. The ColumnValues type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

IsHierarchical bool

Indicates whether the data is selected hierarchically.

HierarchicalMaxDepth int

Maximum nesting level of a hierarchical query.

hierarchicalColumnName string

Name of the column used for creating a hierarchical query.

hierarchicalColumnValue string

Initial value of hierarchical column from which the hierarchy will be built.

Filters Filters

Collection of query filters. The Filters type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

ColumnValues ColumnValues

Contains collection of column values for the added record. The ColumnValues type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

The SelectQueryColumns class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The SelectQueryColumns class has a single Items property, defined as a collection of keys and values Dictionary<string, SelectQueryColumn>. The key is the string with the name of the added column. The value is an instance of the SelectQueryColumn class, defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. The properties of the SelectQueryColumn are available in the table.


OrderDirection OrderDirection

Sorting order. Specified with a value from the OrderDirection enumeration of the Terrasoft.Common name space defined in the Terrasoft.Common class library.

OrderPosition int

Sets position number in the collection of the query columns, by which the sorting is done.

Caption string

Column title.

Expression ColumnExpression

Property that defines expression of the type of selected column.

The ColumnExpression class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The ColumnExpression class defines expression that sets the type of the schema column. The class is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel library. The properties of an instance of this class are filled in depending on the ExpressionType property, which sets the expression type. The full list of the ColumnExpression class properties is available in table.


ExpressionType EntitySchemaQuery ExpressionType

Type of expression that determines the value that the added column will contain. Specified with a value from the ntitySchemaQueryExpressionType enumeration of the Terrasoft.Core.Entities namespace defined in the Terrasoft.Core class library. The EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter value is set for InsertQuery.

Possible values (EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType)
SchemaColumn 0 Schema column.
Function 1 Function.
Parameter 2 Parameter.
SubQuery 3 Subquery.
ArithmeticOperation 4 Arithmetic operation.
ColumnPath string

Path to the column in relation to the root schema. Rules for building paths are available in the Build path to columns article.

Parameter Parameter

Determines the value that the added column will contain. The Parameter type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

FunctionType FunctionType

Function type. Specified with a value from the FunctionType enumeration, which is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Possible values (FunctionType)
None 0 Not defined.
Macros 1 Macro.
Aggregation 2 Aggregate function.
DatePart 3 Part of date value.
Length 4 Length.
MacrosType EntitySchemaQuery MacrosType

Macro type. Specified with a value of the EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType enumeration, which is defined in the Terrasoft.Core.Entities namespace.

FunctionArgument BaseExpression

Function argument. Accepts a value if the function is defined with a parameter. The BaseExpression class is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace, is an ancestor for the ColumnExpresion class and has the same set of properties.

DatePartType DatePart

Part of date value Specified with a value from the DatePart enumeration, which is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Possible values (DatePart)
None 0 Not defined.
Day 1 Day.
Week 2 Week.
Month 3 Month
Year 4 Year.
Weekday 5 Week day.
Hour 6 Hour.
HourMinute 7 Minute.
AggregationType AggregationType

Aggregate function type. Specified with a value from the AggregationType enumeration defined in the Terrasoft.Common namespace defined in the Terrasoft.Common class library.

AggregationEvalType AggregationEvalType

Aggregate function scope. Specified with a value from the AggregationEvalType enumeration defined in the Terrasoft.Common namespace defined in the Terrasoft.Common class library.

SubFilters Filters

Collection of subquery filters. The Filters type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

The Parameter class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The Parameter class is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. Its properties are available in table.


DataValueType DataValueType

Type of data for the value that the added column will contain. Specified as a DataValueType enumeration value of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Possible values (DataValueType)
Guid 0
Text 1
Integer 4
Float 5
Money 6
DateTime 7
Date 8
Time 9
Lookup 10
Enum 11
Boolean 12
Blob 13
Image 14
ImageLookup 16
Mapping 18
Value object

The object that contains the value of the added column.

ArrayValue string[]

Array of the added column values. Used when serializing arrays and BLOBs.

ShouldSkipConvertion bool

Indicates the need to skip the process of providing the type for the Value property.

The ServerESQCacheParameters class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The ServerESQCacheParameters class is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. Its properties are available in table.


CacheLevel int

Data allocation level in the EntitySchemaQuery cache.

CacheGroup string

Caching group.

CacheItemName string

Repository record key.

The Filters class is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. For details on the properties of this class and its use, please see the Filters class article.

Filters class

During the execution of DataService operations, it is often necessary to filter data. For example, when reading section records, you need to fetch only those records that meet certain criteria. Creatio provides the Filters class to form these criteria.

The Filters class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The Filters class is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll class library. For simplicity, the hierarchical structure of the Filters data filter is conveniently presented as a JSON format object:

Structure of the Filters data filter
    "RootSchemaName":["Root schema name"],
    "FilterType":[Filter type],
    "ComparisonType":[Comparison type],
    "LogicalOperation":[Logical operation],
    "IsNull":[Completeness checkbox],
    "IsEnabled":[Activation checkbox],
    "IsNot":[Negation operator checkbox],
    "SubFilters":[Subquery filters],
    "Items":[Filter group collection],
    "LeftExpression":[Expression to be checked],
    "RightExpression":[Filtration expression],
    "RightExpressions":[Filtration expressions array],
    "RightLessExpression":[Initial filtration range expression],
    "RightGreaterExpression":[Final filtration range expression],
    "TrimDateTimeParameterToDate":[Cutting time for date/time parameters checkbox],
    "Key":["Filter key in the filter collection"],
    "IsAggregative":[Aggregating filter checkbox],
    "LeftExpressionCaption":["Expression title to be checked"],
    "ReferenceSchemaName":["Reference schema name"]


RootSchemaName string

A string containing the name of the root object schema of the added record.

FilterType FilterType

Filter type. Set by the FilterType enumeration value of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Possible values (FilterType)
None 0 Filter type not defined.
CompareFilter 1 Comparison filter. Used to compare expression results.
IsNullFilter 2 The filter that defines whether an expression is empty.
Between 3 The filter that defines whether an expression is one of the expressions.
InFilter 4 The filter that defines whether an expression equals one of the expressions.
Exists 5 Existence filter.
FilterGroup 6 Filter group. Filter groups can be nested in one another, i.e., the collection itself can be an element of another collection.
ComparisonType FilterComparisonType

Comparison operation type. Set by the FilterComparisonType enumeration value of the Terrasoft.Core.Entities namespace.

LogicalOperation LogicalOperationStrict

Logical operation. This type does not allow the None value specified in the LogicalOperationStrict enumeration of the Terrasoft.Common namespace.

IsNull bool

Expression completion checkbox.

IsEnabled bool

Checkbox that defines whether the filter is active and will be taken into account when building a request.

IsNot bool

Specifies whether to use the negation logical operator.

SubFilters Filters

Subrequest filters. Cannot contain filters with other subrequests.

Items Dictionary<string, Filter>

Collection containing a filter group.

LeftExpression BaseExpression

The expression in the left part of the comparison, i.e. the expression to be tested. The BaseExpression class is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

RightExpression BaseExpression

The filter expression that will be compared to the expression contained in the LeftExpression property.

RightExpressions BaseExpression[ ]

The expression array that will be compared to the expression contained in the LeftExpression property.

RightLessExpression BaseExpression

Initial filtration range expression.

RightGreaterExpression BaseExpression

Final filtration range expression.

TrimDateTime ParameterToDate bool

Checkbox indicating whether to cut time from the date-time parameters.

Key string

Filter key in the collection of Items filters.

IsAggregative bool

Aggregating filter checkbox.

LeftExpressionCaption string

Left comparison part title.

ReferenceSchemaName string

The object schema name referenced by the left part of the filter if the column type is lookup.

The BaseExpression class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The BaseExpression class is the base expression class. It is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel library. The properties of this class instance are populated depending on the ExpressionType property that specifies the expression type. A complete list of the BaseExpression class properties is given in table.


ExpressionType EntitySchemaQuery ExpressionType

The expression type that defines the value that will be contained in the added column. Set by the EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType enumeration of the Terrasoft.Core.Entities namespace defined in the Terrasoft.Core class library. For the InsertQuery the EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter value is set.

Possible values (EntitySchemaQuery ExpressionType)
SchemaColumn 0 Schema column.
Function 1 Function.
Parameter 2 Parameter.
SubQuery 3 Subquery.
ArithmeticOperation 4 Arithmetic operation.
ColumnPath string

The path to a column relative to the root schema. The rules for building the paths can be found in the "The use of EntitySchemaQuery for creation of queries in database" article.

Parameter Parameter

Defines the value that will be contained in the added column. Its Parameter type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

FunctionType FunctionType

Function type. Set by the value from the FunctionType enumeration defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Possible values (FunctionType)
None 0 Not defined.
Macros 1 Macro.
Aggregation 2 Aggregating function.
DatePart 3 Date part.
Length 4 Length.
MacrosType EntitySchemaQuery MacrosType

Macro type. Set by the value from the EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType enumeration defined in the Terrasoft.Core.Entities namespace.

FunctionArgument BaseExpression

Function argument. Takes the value if the function is defined with a parameter. The BaseExpression class is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace and is the ancestor of the ColumnExpresion class and has the same set of properties.

DatePartType DatePart

Date part. Set by the value from the DatePart enumeration defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Possible values (DatePart)
None 0 Not defined.
Day 1 Day.
Week 2 Week.
Month 3 Month.
Year 4 Year.
Weekday 5 Day of the week.
Hour 6 Hour.
HourMinute 7 Minute.
AggregationType AggregationType

Aggregating function type. Sets the value of AggregationType enumeration defined in the namespace Terrasoft.Common defined in the class library Terrasoft.Common.

AggregationEvalType AggregationEvalType

Aggregating function Set by the value from the AggregationEvalType enumeration defined in the Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace defined in the Terrasoft.Core class library.

SubFilters Filters

Subquery filter collection. Its Filters type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType enumeration

When creating queries to DataService, both parameterized (ie requiring an argument) and non-parameterized macros can be used. Macro types that must be used in the macro expressions are defined in the EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType enumeration in the Terrasoft.Core.Entities namespace. Enumeration values of macro types and their descriptions are available in table.

Possible values (EntitySchemaQueryMacrosType)
CurrentHalfYear 16 Current half-year (January-June or July-December).
CurrentHour 21 Current hour.
CurrentMonth 10 Current month.
CurrentQuarter 13 Current quarter.
CurrentUser 1 Current user.
CurrentUserContact 2 Contact record of the current user.
CurrentWeek 7 Current week.
CurrentYear 19 Current year.
DayOfMonth 28 Day of month. Requires parameterization.
DayOfWeek 29 Week day. Requires parameterization.
Hour 30 Hour. Requires parameterization.
HourMinute 31 Time. Requires parameterization.
Month 32 Month. Requires parameterization.
NextHalfYear 17 Next half-year (January-June or July-December).
NextHour 22 Next hour.
NextMonth 11 Next month.
NextNDays 24 Next N days. Requires parameterization.
NextNHours 26 Next N hours. Requires parameterization.
NextQuarter 14 Next quarter.
NextWeek 8 Next week.
NextYear 23 Next year.
None 0 Type of macro not defined.
PreviousHalfYear 15 Previous half-year (January-June or July-December).
PreviousHour 20 Previous hour.
PreviousMonth 9 Previous month.
PreviousNDays 25 Previous N days. Requires parameterization.
PreviousNHours 27 Previous N hours. Requires parameterization.
PreviousQuarter 12 Previous quarter.
PreviousWeek 6 Previous week.
PreviousYear 18 Previous year.
Today 4 Today.
Tomorrow 5 Tomorrow.
Year 33 Year. Requires parameterization.
Yesterday 3 Yesterday.
UpdateQuery class

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The UpdateQuery data contract is used for updating section records. The query data is transferred to DataService via HTTP, with the help of POST by the URL.

// URL format of the POST query to DataService to update data.
http(s)://[Creatio application address]/[Configuration number]/dataservice/[Data fromat]/reply/UpdateQuery
// URL example of the POST query to DataService to update data.

The UpdateQuery data contract has a hierarchical structure with a number of nesting levels. In the Creatio server core, it is represented by a UpdateQuery class of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll library of classes. For the hierarchical data structure of the UpdateQuery data contract can be conveniently viewed in JSON format:

Structure of the UpdateQuery data contract
    "RootSchemaName":"[Root schema]",
    "OperationType":[Type of operation with record],
    "IsForceUpdate":[Force update],
            "Name of the added column":{
                "ExpressionType":[Expression type],
                    "DataValueType":[Data type],
                    "Value":"[Column value]"
    "Filters":[Request filters]


RootSchemaName string

String that contains root schema name of added record object.

OperationType QueryOperationType

Type of write operation. Specified as a QueryOperationType enumeration value of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. The QueryOperationType.Select value is set for SelectQuery.

Possible values (QueryOperationType)
Select 0
Insert 1
Update 2
Delete 3
Batch 4
IsForceUpdate bool

Indicates force update. If the value is true, the entity will be saved on the server even if column values have been modified. Default value: false.

ColumnValues ColumnValues

Contains collection of column values for the added record. The ColumnValues type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Filters Filters

Collection of query filters. The <Filters type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

The ColumnValues class

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The ColumnValues class has a single Items property, defined as a collection of keys and values Dictionary<string, ColumnExpression>. The key is the string with the name of the added column. The value is an object of the ColumnExpression type, defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace. General properties of the ColumnExpression class used when adding records are available in table.


ExpressionType EntitySchemaQuery ExpressionType

Type of expression that determines the value that the added column will contain. Specified with a value from the EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType enumeration of the Terrasoft.Core.Entities namespace defined in the Terrasoft.Core class library. The EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType.Parameter value is set for InsertQuery.

Possible values (EntitySchemaQueryExpressionType)
SchemaColumn 0 Schema column.
Function 1 Function.
Parameter 2 Parameter.
SubQuery 3 Subquery.
ArithmeticOperation 4 Arithmetic operation.
Parameter Parameter

Determines the value that the added column will contain. The Parameter type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

The Parameter class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The Parameter class has a number of properties, only two of which are used for adding records.


DataValueType DataValueType

Type of data for the value that the added column will contain. Specified as a DataValueType enumeration value of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

Possible values (DataValueType)
Guid 0
Text 1
Integer 4
Float 5
Money 6
DateTime 7
Date 8
Time 9
Lookup 10
Enum 11
Boolean 12
Blob 13
Image 14
ImageLookup 16
Mapping 18
Value object

The object that contains the value of the added column. Has the Object type.

The Filters class

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

An instance of the UpdateQuery class must contain a link to a correctly initialized instance of the Filters class in the Filters property. Otherwise, new column values from the ColumnValues property will be set for ALL section records.

DeleteQuery class

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The DeleteQuery contract is used to delete sections. The data is transferred to the DataService via HTTP by using the POST request with the following URL:

// URL format of the POST query to DataService to delete data.
http(s)://[Creatio application address]/[Configuration number]/dataservice/[Data fromat]/reply/DeleteQuery
// URL example of the POST query to DataService to delete data.

The DeleteQuery data contract has a hierarchical structure with multiple nesting levels. In the Creatio application server part, the DeleteQuery data contract is represented by the DeleteQuery class of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace of the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.dll class library. However, for simplicity, the hierarchical structure of the DeleteQuery data contract is conveniently presented as a JSON format object:

Structure of the DeleteQuery data contract
    "RootSchemaName":"[Root schema]",
    "OperationType":[Record operation type],
    "ColumnValues":[Column values. Not used.],
    "Filters":[Query filters]


RootSchemaName string

A string containing the name of the root object schema of the added record.

OperationType QueryOperationType

Operation type is set by the QueryOperationType namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace enumeration value. For the SelectQuery the QueryOperationType.Select value is set.

Possible values (QueryOperationType)
Select 0
Insert 1
Update 2
Delete 3
Batch 4
ColumnValues ColumnValues

Contains a collection of column values of the added record. Inherited from the BaseQuery parent class. Not used in this type of queries.

Filters Filters

Query filter collection. Its Filters type is defined in the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract namespace.

The Filters class 

The Namespace Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.DataContract.

The DeleteQuery query class instance must contain a link to the correctly initialized Filters class instance in the Filters property. Otherwise ALL section records will be deleted.

BatchQuery class

Batch queries are used to minimize requests to DataServise, which improves application performance. Packet query is a collection that contains a custom set of DataService requests. The query data is transferred to DataService via HTTP, with the help of POST by the URL.

// URL format of the batch POST query to DataService.
http(s)://[Creatio application address]/[Configuration number]/dataservice/[Data fromat]/reply/BatchQuery
// URL example of the batch POST query to DataService.

The data that comprises a batch query can be passed in different formats. One of the more convenient formats is JSON.

The structure of a batch query in JSON format
    "items": [
            "__type": "[Full qualified name of the query type]",
            //One-time query contents.
        // Other one-time queries.

To generate the contents of one-time queries that comprise a batch query, use the following data constants: InsertQuery, SelectQuery, UpdateQuery and DeleteQuery.