Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
AuthService Class Members
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Terrasoft.WebApp.Loader.ServiceModel Namespace : AuthService Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by AuthService.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorAuthService Constructor  

Public Properties

Public PropertyRequest  

Public Methods

Public MethodDoChangePasswordLogin  
Public MethodGenerateRecoveryPasswordLinkGenerates a link to reset your password and sends it to the user's e-mail.  
Public MethodGetDefaultWorkspacePathReturns workspace path for default workspace.  
Public MethodGetWorkspaces  
Public MethodGetWorkspacesDataReturns a list of developer workspaces with their "numbers". What is needed, particularly for cases When you need to properly build the url to Creatio Web services according to the selected workspace.  
Public MethodLogin  
Public MethodSsoLoginEntrances into the application using sso.  
Public MethodSsoLogoutExits from the single sign on.  

See Also

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