Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.Services.Metadata Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback

Glossary Item Box


ClassBasicAuthInfo Describes metadata structure for basic service authentification.
ClassOAuth20AuthInfo Describes metadata structure for OAuth 2.0 service authentification.
ClassServiceAuthInfo Describes metadata structure for service authentification.
ClassServiceCommunication Service communication.
ClassServiceMethod Describes service method.
ClassServiceMethodCollection Collection of ServiceMethod items.
ClassServiceMethodRequest Describes method's request.
ClassServiceMethodResponse Describes method's response.
ClassServiceParameter Describes incoming and outgoing service parameter.
ClassServiceParameterCollection Collection if ServiceParameter values.
ClassServiceParameterValue Describes metadata structure for service parameter.


EnumerationAuthType Describes service authentification type.
EnumerationHttpMethodType Describes HTTP method.
EnumerationServiceContentType Describes method request/response content type.
EnumerationServiceParameterType Describes the type of the parameter.
EnumerationServiceParameterValueSource Sources of the service parameter value.
EnumerationServiceType Type of the web service.

See Also

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