Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.Core.Store Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback

Glossary Item Box


ClassBaseStoreProvider<TStore,TStoreLevel> The base class of the storage provider.
ClassCacheItem Cache element.
ClassCacheStoreProvider Cache provider.
ClassCacheStoreUtilities Provides utility methods for working with the data store and cache.
ClassDataStoreKeyTransformerProxy A proxy class that converts data storage keys by adding a prefix to the key.
ClassDataStoreProvider The data storage provider.
ClassKeyTransformerProxy Base class for proxy classes that convert cache keys.
ClassMemoryCacheStore Cache.
ClassPrefixKeyTransformerProxy A proxy class that converts cache keys by adding a prefix to the key.
ClassStore Provides access to data storages and caches of various levels.


InterfaceIBaseStore Base interface for permanent data storages and caches
InterfaceICacheStore Cache.
InterfaceICacheStoreProxy Interface for cache proxy classes.
InterfaceIDataStore Data storage.
InterfaceIDataStoreProxy Interface for proxy classes of the data storage
InterfaceISessionStore The interface of the session data storage.


EnumerationCacheLevel Data level in the cache.
EnumerationDataLevel Data level in the storage

See Also

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