Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.Core.Process.Tracing Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback

Glossary Item Box


ClassDBProcessTraceWriteMessage Represents trace write message.
ClassDBProcessTraceWriter Represents data base process trace writer.
ClassJsonProcessTraceFormater Formats process parameters trace to json format.
ClassProcessParametersTracer Process parameters tracer that subscribes to process activity events and passes tracing data to trace writer.
ClassProcessTraceData Process tracing data format.


InterfaceIProcessTraceFormater Represents formater that transforms process parameters and its values into required format.
InterfaceIProcessTraceWriter Represents process trace writer that will receive tracing data from process tracer and writes it to required storage.


EnumerationProcessTracingEvent Represents moment in process activity execution when trace was created.

See Also

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