Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
ProcessEngineImpl Class Members
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Terrasoft.Core.Process Namespace : ProcessEngineImpl Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by ProcessEngineImpl.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorProcessEngineImpl ConstructorInitializes an instance of ProcessEngineImpl type with given user connection.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyDcmSchemaManagerGets the schema manager, that works with Terrasoft.Core.DcmProcess.DcmSchema items.  
Public PropertyEntitySchemaManagerGets the schema manager, that works with Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchema items.  
Public PropertyMaxLoopCountGets maximum number of process item repetitions.  
Public PropertyProcessActivityStatusGets a list of key/value pairs, where key is the state of activity, and the value is the state Id.  
Public PropertyProcessExecutorGets the process executor IProcessExecutor.  
Public PropertyProcessListenersColumnNameGets the name for the "Active processes" column.  
Public PropertyProcessSchemaManagerGets the schema manager, that works with ProcessSchema items.  
Public PropertySysEntityPrcStartEventsGets a list of key/value pairs, where key is the entity schema Id and value is the list of process schema listeners for entity schema.  
Public PropertyUserConnectionGets or sets the user connection.  

Public Methods

Public MethodActualizeProcessSchemaListenersActualizes the list of process signals.  
Public MethodAddProcessListenerOverloaded.   
Public MethodCancelNotEnabledDcmProcessCancel the DCM process which is disabled, but enabled DCM process for the given entity exists.  
Public MethodCompleteExecutingOverloaded.   
Public MethodContinueExecutingContinues executing process elements.  
Public MethodExecuteProcessElement  
Public MethodExecuteProcessElementByUIdExecutes the process element.  
Public MethodExecuteProcessFlowElement  
Public MethodFindProcessByProcessElementUIdFinds the process by UId of the process element.  
Public MethodFindProcessByUIdOverloaded.   
Public MethodFindProcessElementByUId  
Public MethodFindProcessFlowElementByUIdFinds the process flow element by it's unique identifier.  
Public MethodFindProcessPropertiesDataByUIdFinds the process properties data by process unique identifier.  
Public MethodGetIsProcessLinkedToEntityDetermines whether the specified process is connected to entity.  
Public MethodGetProcessByElementUIdGets the process by the process element identifier.  
Public MethodGetProcessByUIdOverloaded.   
Public MethodGetProcessFromDBByUIdReturns process data.  
Public MethodGetProcessListenersOverloaded.   
Public MethodGetProcessSchemaListenersGets list of process signals.  
Public MethodGetSchemaElementReturns schema element by the specified identifier.  
Public MethodInitialize  
Public MethodLinkProcessToEntityConnects the entity to the specified process.  
Public MethodRemoveActivityProcessListenerRemoves the process listener for specified activity.  
Public MethodRemoveCurrentProcess  
Public MethodRemoveProcessListenerRemoves the process listener for specified entity.  
Public MethodRemoveProcessPropertiesData  
Public MethodRemoveSubProcessPropertiesDataByOwnerProcessUId  
Public MethodRunDcmProcessRuns the DCM process.  
Public MethodRunDcmProcessesRuns the DCM processes if it was not ran by signal.  
Public MethodRunProcessByStartTimerEventRuns process by start timer event.  
Public MethodRunProcessesRuns processes by signal event.  
Public MethodSetProcess  
Public MethodSetProcessPropertiesData  
Public MethodSynchronizeProcessNotificationSynchronizes the process element notification for current activity.  
Public MethodThrowMessageThrows the message.  
Public MethodThrowSignalThrows the signal.  
Public MethodTryGetSysProcessData  
Public MethodTryGetSysProcessId  

See Also

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