Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
UpdateProvider Class Members
See Also  Methods  Send Feedback
Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Services Namespace : UpdateProvider Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by UpdateProvider.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorUpdateProvider Constructor  

Public Methods

Public MethodAddReferenceToCollection  
Public MethodClearChanges  
Public MethodCreateResource  
Public MethodDeleteResource  
Public MethodGetResource  
Public MethodGetValue  
Public MethodRemoveReferenceFromCollection  
Public MethodResetResource  
Public MethodResolveResourceReturns an instance of the resource represented by the specified resource object  
Public MethodSaveChanges  
Public MethodScheduleInvokable  
Public MethodSetConcurrencyValues  
Public MethodSetReference  
Public MethodSetValue  

See Also

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