Platform Core .NET Assemblies API
Terrasoft.ActorSystem Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback

Glossary Item Box


ClassActors<TActors> Provides access to instance of the root actors.
ClassBaseActorsRegistrator Represents base class for the actors registrator.
ClassRootActorsAttribute Attribute that indicates that the class represents references to root actors .
ClassRootNotInitializedException Exception thrown during access to not initialized actors root instance.
ClassRootTypeNotSupportedException Exception thrown when Actors<TActors> used to resolve instance for invalid root type.


InterfaceIActorAssemblyProvider Represents provider that defines assemblies where types of actors are declared.
InterfaceIActorReference Represents an actor reference. Acts as a handle to an actor. Used to send messages to an actor, whether an actor is local or remote.
InterfaceIActorRegistrator Represents actor registration mechanism.
InterfaceIActorService Represents service of the actor system.

See Also

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